Blood kink (bottom Tord)

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If Tord still lived with Edd, Matt, and Tom.)
(No one's POV)
Tom sat on the couch, Smirnoff in hand, wanting to forget today as per usual.


'There it is' Tom smirked closing his eyes.

"WHAT?!" He bellowed.

"YOU KNOW WHAT! Where. Is. It?" A Norwegian accent flooded his ears.

"Where is-"

"'whERE IS WhAT'," Tord did a voice interrupting Tom, "you know what..."


"My hen- hey~ Edd!" Tord stopped, hearing Edd groggily hop down the stairs. (Are there stairs in the Eddsworld home? Well there are now...)

"What are you guys fighting about this time?" He asked going to the fridge.

"Pfft, fighting? Us? Ha!" Tord rolled his eyes.

"I burned his hentai." Tom snickered, now standing.

"Mmm, fun." Edd said and left, stopping to pet Ringo for a moment.

Tord stared at Tom with a death glare.

"You. Did. What." He demanded, stepping closer with each word, though Tom was not intimidated, as he smiled, took a sip of vodka and did a finger gun.

"Give me a reason not to cut you right now." Tord said, holding a knife to Tom's throat.

"Well-" Tom was cut off by a sharp pain in his forearm.

"Whoops, to slow asshole." Tord said lifting the knife back up to his face.
Tom grunted and grabbed Tord's knife then threw it into the wall behind him.
Tord jumped slightly. Tom stepped closer, making Tord step back until he was pinned against the wall.

Tord's eyes darted around looking for something to help, until they landed on a crimson red color. Tom's arm was profusely bleeding. Tord felt a swell of arousel build in his chest.

"Tom, ok, you win, let me leave." Tord pleaded, wanting out of this situation. Forgetting why it started.

"Why? You're such a coward." Tom put his bleeding arm's hand around Tord's neck, threatening to squeeze.

"Tom- stop!" Tord reached down for the small pistol in his sweatshirt pocket. He finally got his hand there, only to find it was gone.

"Lookin for this?" Tom swayed the gun in his face. Tom suddenly squeezed Tord's neck. Hard.

"Don't fucking threaten me, or I swear I will kill you." Tom deepened his voice, loosing his calm tone in a matter of seconds.

Tord bit his lip, struggling against Tom's hand, legs flailing. He drooled slightly as his eyes rolled back.
Tom smirked, thinking that was enough and loosened his grip.

"H-harder." Tord sputtered out.

Tom went quiet. He stood, frozen, and eyes wide. He just let go, and walked to his room without a word. Tord was shaking. He fell to his knees and sighed, trying to pull himself back together.

"Damn Jehovah's Witness..." he murmured and left to his own room.

-(minutes later)-

Edd had gone to the store as Matt, Tom, and Tord sat in each of their own rooms. Tord stood to get one of his hentai magazines when he remembered....Tom.

"Wait. A. Minute." He said, barring his teeth more with each word. He ran out of his room and barged into Tom's.

"Thomas....we are not fucking done." Tord's eye twitched.

"I'm not-"

"Don't you dare...where the fuck is it." Tord stepped closer.

Tom stood from his bed, "Get the fuck outta my room."

"Jeg vil skubbe ett tusen blyanter ned halsen din." Tord demanded, going closer to Tom.

"Listen, I don't know what the fuck you just said, but I don't know where your hentai is commie." Tom explained trying to push Tord out. Tord's eyes traveled to where he cut him to see dried blood.

Before Tord could even think about what he was going to say he quickly said, "You should bandage that."

"What?" Tom raised an eyebrow.

"Your- should take care of it." Tord pointed to the cut.

"It's not that bad, and I'm not a wimp like you." Tom rolled his 'eyes'.

"Just put a bandage on it and I'll leave you alone." Tord tried to compromise.

"Just- I don't even know if we have any bandages." Tom lied, once again trying to get Tord out of his room.

"I'll be right back." Tord quickly left for his room, shortly returning with a roll of bandages.

"Give me your arm." Tord made a grabbing motion, staring at Tom's arm not daring to make eye contact.

Tom reluctantly lifted his arm, "I can do this myself." And tried to grab the bandages.

"Go sit down." Tord moved the bandages away from him.

Tom obliged. He felt weak listening to Tord, but continued anyway.

Tord sat down next to Tom and began wrapping the bandages around his arm.

"Ow." Tom breathed in sharply.

"Sorry." Tord said on impulse. He focused on Tom's arm, not daring to look anywhere else.

"Why are you doing this?" Tom asked.

"Can I not be nice?" Tord wrapped the last of the bandages.

"It's weird."

"Your weird."

"Wow, nice one."

"Thanks." Tord stood to leave, and was about to close his door.

"Oh yeah, you have to buy me more hentai now." He smirked and closed the door.

"Lame!" He heard Tom shout from the other side.
Man I really wanna do smut but I can't find a good way to move into it without rushing the story...and to be frank with you, I've never actually written an actual smut story (that I'm happy with). So that's fun. Also, are you enjoying these one shots? It's cool if you are or you aren't. Just tell me in the comments if you have an idea or think I can improve the story in some way. :) aw man I just re read this and it's pure shit...sorry.

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