A\N >_> wut

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:O holy.... I don't even know what 2 say...
I feel like that surprised Patrick meme rn or like the surprised pikachu......I know the reads r probs because this is and Eddsworld fanfic and that's the only reason but like.... y tho? You guys r so nice. Also since u guys seem to like Tord is back again...so much I'll be putting out the second one tomorrow. Srry it's been a while, I had 3 Christmases so...I got kinda held up... anyways enough bickering. Thank thank thank thank youuuuuuuuuuu. 🥰
I wish I was actually good at writing, then u guys would actually like reading this book lol. Ok ok buh-byeeeeeeee!!! 👋🏻

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