The Meeting

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                        Izuku is now 14 years old, and this is his last year in 'Aldera Junior High', he was sitting in his chair, scribbling in his notebook. Since he was a kid, he always wrote about the heroes he knew, and took notes about them. This, however, wasn't only bound to heroes, he wrote about his parents' quirks, his friends', his friends' parents', and even quirks of villians and criminals, as well as people he saw on the streets. Ofcourse, he wrote about his aliens too. He made sketches about them, and ways to improve their powers, as well as combinations between them. Before I forget, Izuku also unlocked more aliens as time progressed, the older he got, the more powerful his aliens got, and the more aliens he unlocked, for more fusions to be made. He was finally able to increase his time limit to half an hour without any problems, and a full hour is his current limit before passing out.

                         The teacher was talking about something involving their future careers...before he threw the papers in the air, saying that he already knows that everyone wants to be a hero. "HEY TEACH!" Oh, right, he should've known Bakugo would stand up and boast about his quirk, "Don't lump me with these losers, the would be sidekicks at best with their weak quirks! HAHAHAHA-" his laughter was cut short when the other students started yelling at him, "What the f*** do you want me to say? All I'm saying is the truth! You wanna fight me b******?! Huh! HUH!" this made them quite down, "You can at least say it nicely, or don't you know how to?" commented Izuku, still writing in his notebook, 'Hero Analysis For The Future; Volume 21', making Katsuki look at him. The teacher tried ti diffuse the fight before it started so he said the following: "Ah yes, Bakugo, you are applying to UA, are you not?" the class broke out in talking, again, about UA having an acceptance rate of 0.2 but how it was possible for him to enroll, due to his powerful quirk, "AHAHAHAHAHAH! That's right! I'm going to be the only to go to UA from this school!" aaaaaaaand he continued his ranting... "Sorry to burst your bubble, but I'm going too!" said Izuku, gaining the class' attention, especially Bakugo, "Midoriya is definitely going to pass!" "Yeah, he's very smart and nice!" "Don't forget his quirk! Cannonbolt won't have trouble with any of the fighting he's gotta do!" and theclass broke into murmurs, for the third time. By the way, and for your knowledge, Izuku only showed them his first transformation, Cannonbolt, that can be compared to a bear. Everyone thinks that his transformation is stronger than Bakugo's quirk due to his armor being 'Explosion-proof'...along with 'many other things-proof.'

              After class, Izuku was heading to the gate, when Katsuki stood before him, "You know, heroes have tales about them when they were kids and their school days, and I want mine to be special, so I'll be the only one to graduate from this s*** dumpster and go to UA. Also, I know you're smart, Deku, so just drop out." he said with a cruel smirk on his face, "Wow, even when now you look villianous. Honestly, if anyone looks at your days at school, they're gonna question two things: 1) Your sanity, and 2) How did a person who acts more evil and villianous than a villian became a hero. So, you are going to bully everyone so that you fulfill your selfish petty desire of graduating alone? How childish! Out of this school, you're not a king, nor a god, just a kid with a powerful quirk like many others. Iknow you're smart too, Kacchan, so remember two things, the first is a line from the old comic books before the age of quirks, "With Power, Comes Great Responsibility" and the other one is, "There's Always Someone Stronger", and to prove that, I have a secret I'm going to share with you," Izuku got closer, and whispered intoKatsuki's ear,"I have more than 10 aliens capable of making you kiss the ground with a flick of the finger." And with that, Izuku continued walking, leaving Bakugo to think over what he said, especially the last part...


         We now read that Izuku is passing infront of a tunnel under a bridge, he was thinking to himself about the UA entrance exam, before he heard a sound come out of the sewer hole. He stared at it for a while, before a huge object came out! It looked like a man that got hugged by the sewers-Scratch that, it was a sewer sludge slimy green creature with 2 eyes and a mouth, just a mutation quirk, or was it a transformation quirk? Maybe there's an emitter quirk that controls sewage? Or is it hydrokinesis that applies on dirty water too? Maybe- "Oooh, you look like a good meat shield, young and a good strong body! I bet you have a great quirk too!" said the villian before launching at Izuku, who didn't have the time to dodge due to his muttering, and started taking over his body.

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