Hero Names

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Izuku was emptily staring at the small white board in between his hands.
'A hero name....'

He discreetly looked at the others in the classroom. Some looked to be pondering what to write while others were already scribbling a name on the whiteboard.

'What should mine be? Hmm....Nothing related to All Moght as that would sound weird since he's my teacher and we might end up fighting side to side someday. Deku?.....Nah, Kacchan would just mock me for choosing such a name. Hmm....It has to be something related to my quirk, but not something that makes my quirk very obvious (Like Eraserhead and his Erasure quirk). Hmm...... Oh, someone finished.'

Izuku looked at Katsuki who walked to the teacher's desk. The class gave him their attention as he presented his hero alias. When Izuku read it, he had to stiffle a snicker. Kaminari wasn't as reserved as he laughed balantly.

On the board was written-

"King Explosion Murderer?" wondered Ochaco.

"You can't be serious! This more like a villain's name." commented Sero.

Midnight agreed with the class and shot down the suggestion.

"HUH? WHY?! WHAT'S WRONG WITH IT?!" yelled Bakugo, showing his teeth as he growled with his eyes becoming fully white, pupil not showing.

"Are you seriously asking that?" sounded Izuku.

"Shut up, Deku!"

"Ahahahahaha, I can't! I can't believe this! Ahahahahahaha!" Kaminari was now rolling on the floor.

'Is it that funny that he really is ignorant on why the name isn't accepted?' wondered Midoriya.

"Okay okay, enough!" ordered Midnight.

She then turned to Bakugo and pointed at his desk.
"Go back and think of a better name."

Katsuki growled once more before huffing and going back to his seat.


Next up was Aoyama with his hero name being 'I can not stop twinkling'.
The class sweatdropped.
Midnight didn't seem bothered much by the name.

"Okay, but it's too long. Remove the I and shorten the 'Can not' to 'Can't', got it?"

"It's stunning, madmoizelle."

"She actually likes it?!" murmured some of the students.
"Also, you're not really french, are you? It's just an act." added Sato.


Shoji chose his name to be 'Tentacle Hero: Tentacole'

The class agreed with his choice.


Toru chose 'Stealth Hero: Invisible Girl'

'An american-based hero name.' thought Izuku.


Ashido ran up to Midnight's desk.

"My hero name is Alien Queen!"

Suddenly Midnight had a horrified expression on her face.
"H-Hold on! Like that alien from that horror movie with the acidic blood?! I don't think so!"

Ashido sighed sadly.
"Oh ma~n."

'That wasn't okay?!' was what ran throught the students' heads.

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