The Entrance Exam II

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           "ARRRREEEEEEEEEEE YYYOUUUUUUUUU REEADDDDDDDYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY??????????!!!!!!!!!!!" screamed Present Mic, before the gates openned. Being taught by two heroes gives him many advantages, maily advice on being a hero, like how heroes don't wait to jump into action, and thus, he quickly and successfully transformed through the omnitrix into XLR-8, the fastest alien in his arsenal for now.

 Being taught by two heroes gives him many advantages, maily advice on being a hero, like how heroes don't wait to jump into action, and thus, he quickly and successfully transformed through the omnitrix into XLR-8, the fastest alien in his arsena...

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He sped through the fake city, searching for his enemies, disregarding the people behind him. "WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? THERE ARE NO COUNTDOWNS IN REAL LIFE, FOLLOW THAT KID!" ordered Present Mic.

The pink haired and skinned girl from before was the first to snap out of it and went through the city gates, sliding on what seems to be a slippery liquid, followed by the bird-headed person, and the rest of the examinees.
Izuku, in the meantime, was kicking robots left and right, spinning around some of them and causing mini tornadoes to arise. He used his hands-more like claws, to cut off their arms and weapons.
The test was going smoothly, and although XLR-8 wasn't counting his points, he was sure he'd pass. There were no problems whatsoever, that was until the 0-Pointer appeared, and honestly, XLR-8 was a little overwhelmed by it. Surely he has some aliens combos that could defeat it, even aliens that would win all on their own! But he would still sustain a lot of damage, and it's not good for him to stay in his alien form. He was about to retreat, before he saw falling debris about hit a couple of examinees, so he rushed to get them to safety.
This went on for a minute or two, with Izuku saving people, and taking them as far away as possible from the robot.
Izuku turned around to the sound of the kid with the purple bubbly hair, he was stuck between fallen rocks and cement, and XLR-8 wasn't strong enough to remove them. He pressed the omnitrix on his chest, and transformed into a colossal humanoid creature with a large fin on its head, which is black at the front and red at the bottom. It has blade-like growths on hits shoulders and spikes on his waist.

 It has blade-like growths on hits shoulders and spikes on his waist

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"WAY BIG!" said the giant. Don't comment on the names, he was still a kid when he named them! Anyways, if you're wondering why he didn't transform into something like 'Four-arms', that was because then, he'd have to free the kid, and then directly block the machine's foot that was descending on them, and he couldn't do that with just two hands since the other two would be busy freeing the victim.
Way Big was a head bigger than the 0-Pointer, so he had to transform in a crouched position, a hand over the kid, and another holding the mechanical foot. Way Big pushed the monster back, before pushing the sediments apart, enough for him to take the k

id and shelter him in his closed hand. The second biggest thing stood properly, and punched Way Big, or tried to, since it was blocked by Way Big's open palm. He drew the machine closer, before kicking it with his large foot, making it stumble backwards. Way Big put the kid on his shoulder and said in a deep vibrating voice, "Don't fall, this is gonna take some time..."
The short teen nodded, and took off to balls from his hair, or were they his hair? No matter! He stuck them to Way Big's shoulder while holding them. Way Big nodded in satisfaction, and directed his attention to the incoming chunks of broken walls thrown at him by the 0-Pointer. He caught two projectiles, while destroying the rest with a punch. The robot proceeded to advance in his direction, so Way Big threw the chunks at it, causing it to reel back, before he ran to it, and punched its face. The robot looked damaged, but not that much...Just what is it made of?! Way Big reeled back his fist, and punched forwards again, however, before the punch connected, he charged One For All, and left motion and gravity do their job, causing the fist to crash into the monsterous machine, and making its head explode. The cost, however, was the damaged Way Big's arm recieved, as if bombs have exploded on the inside of it, as well as its outside. Izuku then put the kid down, before transforming back to normal...and passing out. The examinees were watching in amazement for two reasons: 1) Way Big's giant size, and 2) The destructive force his punch left behind. In the heat of the moment, Izuku forgot to regulate OFA's flow, causing 100% of it to be used through the attack, not only effectively destroying the 0-Pointer, but also everything behind it, even going through the 0-Pointer of another site and destroying it, saving a young girl with brown chestnut hair.


      "UUUUUUUUggggghhhhhh...What happened?" asked a half-awake Izuku. "You hurt youself...again!" replied an annoyed Recover Girl. "Oh... Wait, what about the boy with purplr hair?! Is he okay?!"
"You destroy your arms entirely, destroy the 0-Pointer, and you then pass out. And the first thing you ask is about the person who DIDN'T get HURT?!" scolded Recovery Girl.
"...Yeah, sorry. Thank you for everything, I gotta go, my parents should be worried. Bye bye!"


    "So, how'd it go champ?" asked a smiling Hisashi.
"It was fun! Got hurt a little bit, but I'll pass, that's for sure."
"YOU GOT HURT?! WHERE?" Inko asked while checking on her son.
"Recovery Girl was there, so I'm fine now, no need to worry mom!" Inko finally stopped.
" any girls?" Hisashi grinned mischieviously,
"DAD!" yelled a blushing Izuku.
"Whaaaaaaaaaat? Just an innocent question." he said while chuckling.
"I'm tired, so I'm going to bed, good night!"


     "Do you have your books?"
"Your handkerchief?"
"Your pencils and tools?"
"Mom, YES! I gotta go, or I will miss the train!"
"Fine, it's just...I'm so proud of you Izuku." she said with tears in her eyes, Hisashi hugged her and nodded, "Go show'em who's boss, son!"
"...I will!" he said with conviction.

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