USJ Part 4

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The class watched as Jiro, Kaminari,and Yoayorozu arrived, joined by a mummy carrying what seemes to be something wrapped in bandages and tapes.


"WHAT IS THAT?!" yelled Sero, pointing at Snare-Oh.
"Huh? Oh, that's Midoriya. Pretty cool, right?" replied Denki.

After a brief explanation of their encounter with Gonzale, the class redirected thei attention to All Might and Nomu, ignoring Hanta sulking in a corner, muttering something about a copycat mummy.

"So, what's the situation?" asked Izuku, who turned back to normal.
"Surprisingly, All Might and that...thing are evenly matched!" informed Fumikage.
"Maybe we should help them?" muttered Kirishima.
"Of course not! We would only get in his way! He's a hero, the Symbol Of Peace! What can we do? All we should do is watch!" commented the shortest among them.


"This is taking too much time. The other heroes would be coming soon. Nomu! HURRY UP!" ordered the crazy villain, Tomura Shigaraki.

The Nomu roared, before doubling  its efforts, getting in a few punches. The increase in offense, however, weakened its defence, allowing All Might to make his hits connect with Nomu, too.

Tomura moved closer to Kurogiri, and whispered:"Get ready."
The mist man nodded, and then directed is attention to the battle.

All Might was pushing the Nomu back, even though it was just a few inches back from its spot.
The Nomu, however, retaliated by attacking the hero in a spot he hadn't expected: His stomach, his injury to be exact.

All Might threw up blood, but didnt back down and continued fighting the Nomu. After being able to dodge both fists from the beast, he performed a german suplex, trapping the Nomu in place upside down, but the Nomu grabbed his arms in a fierce grip, holding him in place.
That was when Kurogiri chose to act, and opened a portal below All Might,

"Wh-What?" muttereed the startled hero.
"I usually don't like having guts and organs floating in my portals, but for you, All Might, I'll make an exception." said Kurogiri, and you could feel him grinning just from his words.

Shigaraki chose to take the light, and explained:
"You see, our plan was for Nomu to weaken you and trap you, and then make you enter Kurogiri's portal, before shutting it and cutting you in half. Ironically, it was you who trapped Nomu, but the outcome remains the same. Now, meet your end, All Might! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA-" he stopped laughing when he saw ice covering Nomu.

"Ugh!" that was from Kurogiri, who was pounced by Bakugo, holding his hand close to what looks like metal where the warp-user's neck is supposed to be.
"Don't move. I noticed that when I rushed at you before, there was something shiny on your neck. This is your weakpoint, isn't it?" this, of course, was accompanied (did i spell this right?) by a malicious grin from the living walking bomb.

In the mean time, All Might was marvelling at Todoroki's control over his quirk, 'Not even a spec of ice on me, but he entirely covered that thing , except its head. Enji, what have you been teaching him?!'

"...No...NO FAIR! HOW DARE YOU?! WE HAD HIM, I COULD'VE KILLED HIM! YOU JUST HAD TO INTERFERE, DIDN'T YOU?! AAARGH!" Tomura jumped at All Might, trying to use his quirk on him, only to have to dodge a green laser ray.
He looked to where it came from to face a creature with multiple eyes, and a certain symbol on the belt it was wearing.
"Y-You, who are you? Wait, that thing there, you're that kid from earlier, aren't you?"

Shoto just looked sdideways, still facing the Nomu, to look at Izuku, "Midoriya?"
The alien nodded, "Guys, meet Eye Guy!"

Shoto just looked sdideways, still facing the Nomu, to look at Izuku, "Midoriya?"The alien nodded, "Guys, meet Eye Guy!"

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"The name is..fitting." commented Todoroki.

"I know, right? He's a really cool alien! I can see everything around me! EVERYTHING! He can also shoot lasers! Isn't that awesome!" he said while showing off his body and shooting some lasers from his eyes.
"No one cares, Deku. Now get this over with." snarled Katsuki.
"Right, right, sorry. Now, where was?" he asked himself,
"You didn't even start something-" Katsuki was cut off by Izuku,
"Aha, right! I'm here to stop you! You stand no chance, so i advise you to hand yourself over peacefully, or this can get ugly."

"Oh, it can get really ugly, for YOU!" yelled Tomura as he dashed to Eye Guy with surprising speed.

On reflex, Eye Guy shot lasers from all of his eyes in all directions, hitting Shigaraki, and some of the other villains that woke up.

Bakugo shot one of his explosions at the laser that headed his way, nullifying it.

Todoriki made a wall of ice to stop the blast from reaching him.

Another laser hit one of Nomu's hands that were covered in ice, and still holding All Might arms, causing it to burns after breaking through the ice. The Nomu screatched, and let go, allowing All Might to escape by grabbing onto the beast and pulling himself out of the portal, before kicking it back with tremendous force.

"Great job, Young Todoroki, Young Bakugo, and Young Midoriya. Although I was caught by surprise, it won't happen again, so please stand back and let me deal with them." requested All Might.

Bakugo didn't budge.

Todoroki didn't step back.

Midoriya didn't back away.

All Might took a deep breath, before exhaling.
"Please, it's dangerous. This is for a hero to solve, not students." he put his famous smile on, trying to convince them to leave, but they ignored him, as each one of them focused on a foe.

"Sensei, you're a teacher, we are students. You're a hero, we are heroes-in-training. What we're here for is to become heroes ourselves," said Izuku.
"So, how can you tell us to flee, and leave it to someone else," said Shoto.
"When there are villains to beat and lives to save, right infront of us?" said Katsuki.

All Might felt a sense of pride when he saw te determination in their eyes.

"Fine, but if it gets too dangeroues, you have to escape. Understood?"
The other three nodded.

"Hey, we're still here!" said Tomura like a child being ignored.
"Indeed, it is rude to ignore others." added Kurogiri.

"Oh, right." said Eye Guy, as he forgot about them.
"Hey, Deku, do you shoot some of your brain cells along with that laser? You're becoming more stupid by the second!"
Izuku transformed back to normal and replied: "No, Kacchan, it's the alien that has less brain cells than the normal human."
"So, who takes who?" asked Shoto, pointing at Shigaraki the Nomu, and Kurogiri who summoned a warp gate below him to escape from bakugo's grip, all standing side by side.

"I'll take the bulky one. Can you take care of the other two?" asked All Might.

"I'll take the Misty Guy." said Katsuki.

"Very well, looks like you and I get the childish one." said Shoto while looking at Izuku who nodded, ignoring the "HEY!" from said childish one.

"Let's go...Plus Ultra!" that's All Might.

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