Meet Class 1-B

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   Aizawa left the class, while the students were still talking amongst each other. Once the bell rang, they headed to the door, only to find a crowd of students blocking off the exit.
"Woah, what is this?" asked Kirishima. Bakugo bumped into his shoulder, and replied:
"Scouting?" that was Mina.
"Yes," Izuku, who had a serious face on, replied, "after all, we just came back after we were attacked by villains, so they might think that we're getting a big head. Also, we're class 1-A, the main hero course where the best heroes used to be in, like All Might, Endeavour and Best Jeanist." Todoroki flinched at hearing Endeavour's name, Izuku took note of that. 

Katsuki moved to the door, and yelled at the audience: "MOVE, EXTRAS!" the people made way for him to pass, although they were glaring at him. Not all of them, though, only those who weren't afraid from his face or the atmosphere around him.
A boy with wild purle hair and tired eyes came to the front of the crowd, facing 1-A after Bakugo left.
"Are all students in this class like him? What great heroes you'll make."

Izuku stood infront of the boy, and answered cheerfully with a smile:
"Thank you! I'm sorry about him, he has always been like that. I'm Izuku Midoriya, the class representative nice to meet you!" he put his hand out, waiting for the boy to shake it.
The boy appeared to be surprised, if his eyes widening was an indicator, but shook Izuku's hand after hesitating for a second or so.
"Hitoshi Shinso."

"Well then, Hitoshi, see you at the sports festival."

Just as he was about to walk away, a student, covered with what seemed like a type of metal, came out of the crowd.
He started yelling:

"I'm Tetsutestsu from class 1-B! We're in the hero course too, so don't get full of yourselves! We're gonna crush you at the sports festival!"

Izuku came to him, and reintroduced himself:

"I'm Izuku Midoriya, class 1-A's rep. Nice to meet another student from the hero course." he said while smiling warmly. He took out his hand for a handshake, which Tetsu slowly shook, also surprised by the politeness....
'Why does everyone see us as...Kacchan, I guess.'

"Huh, I thought after the attack, you would be more like all high and mighty. Guess I was wrong. Or maybe it is just you..." he stopped talking when he noticed Midoriya applying more pressure on his hand, causing him to wince slightly. Izuku had strength, and he was using it.

"About the...attack. Why do you expect us to act Holier-than-thou? After all, all that happened was us being attacked by villains. Of course, we wouldn't think we're better than others because we were in danger and we might've got injured, traumatized or, I dunno, maybe killed, would we?" Izuku said all of that, with an intense intimidating dark air/atmosphere/aura around him, making some of the others back away in fear, while those who didn't move were sweating, including his classmates.

"A-Ah, w-well..." Tetsu avoided eye contact, and tried coming up with an excuse. Before things could escalate further, a girl with orange hair, tied in a pnoy tail, came pushing through the crowd, dragging another boy with blond hair who looked to be passed out.

"Tetsutetsu, are you causing trouble as well? I was lucky to have caught Monuma talking to a blond kid before he reached 1-A, so he was taken care of. I hope you didn't-" she finally noticed the fierce atmosphere, and Izuku's grip on Tetsu.
She hurriedly stood beside Tetsu and pushed his head down in the form of an apology, and said,

"I'm sorry for any trouble he had caused. You see, Class 1-A and 1-B always had hate to each other. Monuma," she motioned to the boy she was dragging," really despises your class because he couldn't enter. Despite that, I hope we can be friends and have each others' backs!"

Izuku looked at her eyes, which were full with determination, and released his grip on Tetsu's arm. He smiled and answered, "So do I."

He bowed and introduced himself for the third time in less than 15 minutes:

"I am Izuku Midoriya, Hero Course, Representative of Class 1-A."

She did the same, and bowed:

"I am Itsuka Kendo, Hero Course, Representative of Class 1-B. Nice to meet you!"

"The feeling's mutual."

  After that, the crowd dispersed, and class 1-A's students could finally exit the door safely.

"Bro, that was so manly!" commented Kirishima.
"Yeah, that was really awesome!" cheered Ashido.
"You returned their anger with kindness. You are a bright light, Izuku Midoriya." Izuku sweatdropped at Tokoyami's sentence.

"A-Ah, it was nothing. A-Anyways, shouldn't we head home? Aizawa-sensei told me that we'll have today, and the next 2 weeks off in order to prepare for the sports festival."

The others nodded in agreement, before they packed their stuff and left.

Izuku found Iida and Uraraka waiting for him at the school gates,
"Ah, g-guys. Y-You don't need to wait for me. There's something I have to do, so go on without m-me."

Ochaco wanted to question him about what he had to do, but Iida nodded and pulled her away, dragging her with him to the train station.

After they were out of sight, Izuku turned around to see Katsuki, leaning on the wall facing him.

"What do you want, Kacchan?"

"Don't think I didn't notice, Deku."

"Didn't notice what?"

"Your watch," he pointed at the Omnitrix, "there's something different about it."

Izuku looked at it, before looking at Bakugo again.

"What exactly?"

"I don't know, but I saw the Nomu hitting it at the USJ. From there, it started fixing itself. I noticed it is turned off, like, there's no light. Usually it is either shining green or glowing red. Alos, back when you were sleeping after being checked on, I heard it say something."

"Say what?"

"It said: 'Initiating Download. 30 DNAs Will Be Replaced After Loading Is Complete...' and then it shut down."

"Wait, what? So I'm getting 30 new aliens?! AWESOME! Wait, wait, wait....It said replace! Are you sure it said replace?!"
Katsuki nodded. He saw Izuku making a scared worried face,
"But wouldn't this mean that the new aliens will replace the aliens I have right now? So instead of having 50 aliens, I'll have 20 aliens replace the ones I already have, and ten new ones will be added. Are the 2 weeks going to be enought to learn about these aliens and get used to using them?!"
Izuku kept on ranting and ranting, until Katsuki said something that made him shut up. He said:

"I'll help you."

...Izuku froze. He slowly moved his head to look at Bakugo's face, wanting to see if he was serious or not.

"I am serious, nerd! Even though you've been using one alien against me, I still know how you think and act. Also, not all of your aliens can win against me. You kow that, and that's why you chose the one with the highest durability to fight me. Those new aliens of yours, I'm going to fight them. It will help you get used to them, and it will be training for me." his face split into an evil grin.

"Umm..." Izuku looked blankly at him, "are you sure it isn't because you want to attack me? I mean, I'll still win, either way, but you'll have a reason to fight me, for once."

"...We're gonna see who'll win, nerd."

And with that, the two of them walked home together, for the first time in 10 years, as friends...kind of. At least that's what it'll look like for other people who don't know them.

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