the tradition

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"Are you serious Pans?" Draco was very annoyed.

"Yeah. I tried to tell my parents that I didn't want to leave on the day we broke up."

"Well you should've tried harder." Draco snapped.

"I tried as hard as I could, I promise you but my parents were having none of it." Pansy sighed.

"I'm sorry, it's just, what am I supposed to do?"

"Why don't you find someone instead of me?" Pansy suggested.

"You're the only girl who can keep up with me." Draco replied.

"Well, that's my only suggestion." Pansy said.

Draco sighed, what was he going to do?

Slytherin has a christmas tradition. And that tradition started when Draco Malfoy and Pansy Parkinson came to Hogwarts. Only the Slytherins knew about their tradition and Draco and Pansy made all the Slytherins swear secrecy and they make all the new first years swear secrecy. If word got out about what went on in the Slytherin dorms on the day the christmas holidays started every year, Draco wouldn't know what to do. Pansy probably wouldn't care but Draco would, Draco would care massively.

There was only 10 days until it was supposed to happen and Draco still had no clue what to do. He couldn't ask another girl because that would just be wrong and no-one was as good as Pansy. He couldn't ask another boy... or could he?
An idea suddenly came to Draco. Maybe the tradition could be saved, this could either go fantastically or horrendously.

Draco ran up to the Gryffindor common room as fast as he could and said the password the the Fat Lady. Draco and Harry had been dating for around a year now so Harry kept Draco updated on the Gryffindor password and Draco kept Harry updated on the Slytherin password. Draco climbed through the hole and bumped into Hermione.

"Draco, what are you doing here?" She asked, surprised.

"I need to speak to Harry, it's important."

"Oh, well I think he's in his room doing some homework." Hermione said. "Is everything alright?"

"Yeah, everything's fine and thank you." Draco said as he began to walk towards the stairs. As soon as Hermione had disappeared out of sight, Draco started to run up the stairs.

He reached Harry's door and opened it without knocking. Harry looked up, startled.

"I could've been naked." Harry said.

"I wouldn't have minded that." Draco said, before locking the door.

"Why are you locking the door?" Harry asked, a little confused as to what was happening.

"I need to talk to you." Draco replied.

"Is that a cover up for 'I want to have sex'?" Harry asked, smirking.

"No, I actually need to talk to you."

"Okay." Harry placed his parchment on the floor to make room for Draco on his bed.

Draco sat down and looked at the floor before speaking. "So, Slytherin have this christmas tradition that involves me and Pansy."


"Before I say anything else, I need you to promise that you won't tell anyone what I tell you."

"I promise." Harry was still confused as to what was happening.

"Every year, since Pansy and I came to Hogwarts, we've done this thing. It's turned into a tradition now but Pansy's going away so we can't do it so I need you to do it with me instead." Draco said, a little embarrassed.

"Okay, and what exactly is this thing you do?" Harry asked.

"Perform a dance to a christmas song." Draco muttered.

Harry sat in silence for a few moments. "Are you serious?"


Harry sat in silence again before bursting out into laughter. He didn't stop for a good 5 minutes.

"What's so funny?" Draco said, annoyed.

"It's just that-," Harry struggled to talk due to the fact he was still laughing. "This is a tradition and has been for 7 years you've been here?"


Harry burst into a fresh set of laughter. Draco sat watching him for 5 minutes with a very unamused look on his face before he got up and decided to leave. He would just have to perform a solo, it wouldn't be the same but at least it'd be something. He was just about to open the door before a voice stopped him.

"Wait, wait. I'll help but only because I love you." Harry sighed.

"Yes!" Draco picked Harry up and span him in a circle. "Thank you, thank you, thank you."

"Alright, calm down." Harry laughed. "When are we starting?"

"Now." Draco flicked his wand and a christmas song started playing. Harry recognised the song, Mistletoe by Justin Beiber. Pretty much everyone in Hogwarts was obsessed with this song.

"Right, so you are gonna start like this and then move your arm across your body whilst straightening and bending your knee." Draco demonstrated the start of the dance.

Harry tried and tried but he just couldn't get it, he wasn't the most graceful person in the world. Draco was becoming more and more frustrated, he'd made the choreography simpler than what it would've been if he was doing it with Pansy but of course on the last year they had the chance to do it, Pansy has to go away to France. Draco decided to move onto a different part of the dance, he thought this was the most simple movement in the whole dance. The step-ball-change. Harry just couldn't get it for the life of him. He was stumbling all over the place and Draco was becoming more frustrated by the second. Finally, Draco had had enough.

"It's so simple Harry! I literally cannot understand how you are not getting this, you just need to step to the side! Pansy would have this whole dance nailed down in five bloody minutes but I've been here with you for 3 hours trying to teach you how to to a step-ball-change! I do not understand how you can't do it! Merlin, this is the most frustrating thing I have ever had to do!" Draco ranted. He placed his middle and pointer finger in both hands onto his temples.

Harry didn't say anything, he just picked up his wand and flicked it. The music changed from upbeat to soft and romantic. I'll Be Home For Christmas by Micheal Búble. Harry walked up to Draco and stuck his hand out.

"Harry, what are you doing?" Draco sighed as he took Harry's hand.

Harry linked his and Draco's hand together while Draco placed his other hand on Harry's waist. Harry slowly began to sway to the music. Draco joined in and slowly took a couple of steps around the room. Harry span Draco round, making Draco smile. Harry closed the gap between them and looked up into Draco's eyes.

"I'm sorry." Harry whispered. He leant up and kissed Draco gently. Harry was about to pull away but Draco pulled him closer.

"You're an idiot." Draco whispered, his eyed full of love as he looked down at the shorter boy.

"I love you too." Harry chuckled gently as he leant up to give Draco another kiss.

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