the adverts

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(This is kinda short but oh well :) )

"I actually can't wait." Harry said, excitedly.

"Me neither. Christmas will have officially started after it come out." Hermione said.

"I know. I still don't think it could top some of the earlier ones but you never know."

"The earlier ones were good." Hermione said.

Draco and Ron were looking between with confused looks on their faces.

"What are you two on about?" Ron asked.

"The John Lewis Christmas advert." Harry replied.

"The what?" Draco asked.

"The John Lewis Christmas advert that is coming out tomorrow." Harry said. Ron and Draco were still confused. "Please tell me you've heard of the John Lewis Christmas ads."

"Uh, can't say I have." Draco said. Ron nodded in agreement.

"Ronald. We are going home right now so you can watch every single one."

Hermione and Ron said quick goodbyes to Harry and Draco before leaving. Harry stood up and got his laptop from his and Draco's bedroom.

"So what exactly is a John Lewis Christmas advert?" Draco asked.

"They are the best Christmas adverts ever to grace the earth. Basically, every year since 2007, a company called John Lewis releases a Christmas advert. They are different each year and they are so amazing." Harry explained.

Harry searched up YouTube on his laptop and got up a compilation of all the John Lewis Christmas ads since 2007.

"The ones up until 2011 are a little boring. They're okay but not the best but after 2011, they really start to pull on your heartstrings. If you don't cry at at least one of these adverts, I will deem you as having no heart."


Harry pressed play on the compilation and watched up to the 2012 advert. During the 2011 advert, a smile had made its way onto Draco's face.

"That was cute." Draco said. "Carry on, I want to watch the rest of them."

Harry pressed play and by the end of the next advert, Draco's eyes were already glistening.

"That was the most adorable thing." Draco whispered.

"Wait until the next one." Harry smiled.

Harry played The Bear and The Hare. A tear rolled down Harry's face as he watched it, this was definitely one of his personal favourites. Harry looked over a Draco and saw him smiling contently whilst tears rolled down his face.

"That was so good. Merlin. Why didn't you introduce these to me earlier?" Draco wiped the tears falling from his face.

"I didn't think you'd like them this much."

"I love them. What that little hare did for the bear was so cute. Press play."

Harry obeyed and continued playing the adverts. By the end of the 2015 advert, The Man on the Moon, Draco was practically sobbing.

"I swear I've never cried this much in my life before." Draco said.

"I know." Harry wiped away the tears that were falling down his face.

"Do these have like magic in them or something? Like, I didn't think it was possible for me to cry this much."

"I didn't think you could cry this much."

Harry continued playing the adverts. Draco smiled at the rest of them, the occasional tear falling.

"You were right when you said the earlier ones were better." Draco said, when the compilation ended.

"Yeah. Do see why me and 'Mione were so excited for the new one to come out?"

"Yeah, I do."

Harry and Draco went to bed not long after. Both Draco and Harry woke up very excited the next day. After they had both eaten breakfast and opened their advent calendars, Harry opened up his computer and got YouTube up. The new advert was first in Harry's recommended. He clicked on it immediately and the two watched the new advert, Excitable Edgar.

Both Harry and Draco had big smiles on their faces by the end of the advert.

"It was so cute at the end." Draco gushed.

"I know. That was so adorable."

"Thank you for introducing these to me." Draco said.

"Your very welcome."

Harry and Hermione got together later that day to talk about the advert and how much they loved it. Christmas had officially begun.

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