the christmas pudding

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If there was one thing Draco learned from his mother, it was how to make a Christmas pudding. A really gorgeous Christmas pudding. Draco decided to make one this year as he and Harry had Hermione, Ron, Luna, Ginny, Neville, Pansy and Blaise over for Christmas dinner. Whilst Harry was doing some basic preparation on the food that was going to be cooked tomorrow, Draco went to make a start on the Christmas pudding before realising they didn't have any ingredients he needed.

"Harry, can I have some muggle money please?" Draco asked.


"I need to get the ingredients for the Christmas pudding."

"I'm not going to give you money because you still don't fully understand it but I'll give you my card. When you go to pay, just place the card in front of the card reader, okay?" Harry held his card out to Draco.

"Okay." Draco took the card and walked to the Aldi that was only 5 minutes walk from their house.

Draco created a list of all the things he needed and went around the shop. He was a little bit nervous when he went to pay because he still didn't understand muggle money. The person working at the till said how much the total cost was and Draco hesitantly present the card to the reader. To his relief, it worked. Draco put all the food in a bag and walked home.

"Hey Harry!" Draco called out.

"Hey Dray. Did everything work okay?" Harry asked as Draco walked into the kitchen.

"Yep, I got everything." Draco replied.


Draco gave Harry his card back before making a start on the Christmas pudding. It didn't take too long to put together, it was the cooking that took forever. Draco had to steam it for eight hours today and then for one hour tomorrow. When Draco was making it, he dropped a tiny teddy bear trinket that he had bought in the mixture. It was a tradition when Draco was younger, he just had to make sure he remembered to tell people about it.

"Harry, can you tie this string whilst I hold the tin foil down please?" Draco asked.


When they had finished doing that, Draco set the Christmas pudding to steam. He lounged around for the rest of the day, filling the pot up with water when needed. By the time the pudding had finished steaming, Draco was ready to go to bed. He hadn't started making it until mid afternoon so it was quite late by the time it was cooked. Draco got ready for bed and jumped in next to Harry who had gone up around half an hour earlier.

"Night Harry. I love you." Draco pressed a kiss to Harry's lips.

"Night Dray, I love you too."

Draco switched off his lamp and the two went to sleep.

The two woke up in the morning and spent half an hour just cuddling before going downstairs to open presents from each other and family. Draco got Harry some of his favourite chocolates and a framed version of his favourite picture of him and Draco. Harry got Draco a personalised tin of quality streets with just the green wrapped chocolates, because naturally, they were Draco's favourite. Harry also got Draco a black band ring with a tiny but stunning black opal embedded into it.

At around 11 o'clock, Draco and Harry got changed and started to prepare for their guests. Draco started to steam the pudding for its final hour whilst Harry put everything else that could fit into the oven. It wasn't long until their fried s started to arrive. They all exchanged gifts with each other. Harry received a grey Weasley jumper with a blue H in the middle. He put it on to match Ron, who was wearing his.

Everyone was having a good time. They were laughing and talking and managed to fit in a quick game a charades before dinner. Harry's cooking skills were excellent. Everything was cooked to perfection and everything tasted delicious.

"Mm, Harry, this is amazing, I can't wait for dessert." Ron said.

"Thanks mate, but Draco made dessert. He made a Christmas pudding."

"Draco, please tell me you used your mother's recipe." Pansy said.

"Of course I did." Draco said.

"This is officially the best Christmas dinner I've ever had." Pansy smiled.

"Aw, thanks Pans." Harry said.

After they had all finished the dinner, they all sat down in the living room to watch the Queen's speech. Everyone applauded at the end. They sat around talking for a while before going back to the dining room for dessert. Draco brought out the mice pie and placed it on the table. It looked marvellous, it was a perfect dark brown colour with red berries placed delicately on top. Draco had also got some brandy butter, ice cream and custard to eat with it. Draco cut a piece for everyone and handed to bowls out. Everyone took what they wanted with their pudding and began to eat it.

Compliments came from everyone except Harry before they carried on eating.

"Mm, Draco. I have missed this." Pansy said.

Everyone was so engrossed in their own conversations and eating their pudding that they didn't notice that something was wrong with Harry. Neville lifted his head and a look of alarm spread across his face.

"Harry, are you okay?!" Neville asked.

Everyone else lifted up their head to look at Harry. He thumped his hand against that table before grabbing his neck. He was starting to turn blue.

"Shit! He's choking! Does anyone know the Heimlich Maneuver?" Ginny said.

"Fuck! I do! I do!" Draco stood up quickly whilst everyone else looked on.

Draco grabbed Harry from his seat and started performing the Heimlich Maneuver. After around 20 seconds, the object lodged in Harry's throat came lose and came flying out of Harry's mouth. Harry collapsed into Draco's arms, coughing. Draco sat him down and got him a glass of water.

"Are you okay baby?" Draco asked, rubbing Harry's back.

Harry nodded his head whilst sipping water. "What the fuck was that?"

"I have no idea..." Draco trailed off when he saw what had caused Harry to choke lying on the floor.

"Draco?" Harry asked, confused as to why to man had gone quiet.

"Basically, when I was making the pudding, I might have dropped a tiny trinket in the mixture and forgot to tell everyone that I had put it in." Draco said.

Pansy and Ginny burst out into laughter. Five seconds later, so was Harry. And then so was everyone else.

"That's so funny. You forgot to tell us." Pansy laughed.

"Oh Merlin. Draco you're such and idiot." Blaise laughed.

"Sorry about that Harry." Draco smiled.

"Don't worry about it." Harry chuckled.

"Fucking hilarious." Pansy laughed. "Best Christmas ever!"

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