the ice skates

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(Short but sweet :) )
"Harry!" Draco shouted.

"What do you fucking want? I was sleeping!" Harry yelled.

"Get up! We're going ice skating!"

"I'm not getting up to go fucking ice skating Draco!"

"Harry James Potter, it is one pm so get your ass out of bed before I drag it out!" Draco yelled.

"Fucking fine!"

Harry reluctantly got out of bed, got changed and walked downstairs. He saw Draco opened his mouth to say something but Harry held up his hand.

"Don't speak to me." Harry walked off to the kitchen and made himself a cup of coffee. After he had taken a sip, Draco attempted to talk to him again.

"Right, now that you've had some coffee, there's an outdoor ice rink that's opened in the market square in town and we are going in half an hour so get your shit together." Draco said.

"Yay!" Harry's voice was dripping with sarcasm.

Harry pretended like he didn't care that they were going ice skating but internally, he was screaming. Harry had never been ice skating before so he had no idea what to do. He was going to make a complete fool of himself. Draco had probably been trained in professional figure skating, actually, he had. Harry remembered Draco telling him about that. Harry held up his 'I don't care' act until they were driving to the ice rink.

"I've never been ice skating before." Harry blurted out.

"Really?" Draco asked, a little shocked.

"Really, I have no idea how to ice skate."

"Oh, don't worry. I'll teach you."

Harry was still very uncertain when they arrived at the ice rink. Draco paid and got skates for both of them. The two sat down to put them on. Draco tried to show Harry how to tie them but Draco just ended up tying them for him. Harry grabbed onto Draco's hand as tightly as he could as they stepped onto the ice.

"I would like some blood circulation in my hand by the end of this." Draco said.

"Oh, yeah. Sorry." Harry loosed his grip on Draco's hand.

Draco pulled Harry around the ice a couple of times before letting go of Harry's hands and letting him glide by himself.

"Draco, no, no. Come back, come back." These were Harry's last words before he slipped over and landed right in his arse. Draco was absolutely pissing himself with laughter as he helped Harry up.

"That was hilarious." Draco laughed.

"Evidently." Harry raises his eyebrows. "You know, I really don't understand why they attach knives to shoes."

"Come on." Draco grabbed Harry's hands. "I'll pull you until you get the hang of it."

Draco pulled Harry around the ice until Harry could kind of skate by himself. This is when Draco started to show off. He did a couple of spins and jumps, earning a couple of claps from the public. Harry took notice of a guy who was staring at Draco. Draco looked over in the guys direction and the guy winked at him and started showing off. Harry did not like this at all. Not one bit.

"Draco, come here." Harry called out.

Draco skated over to Harry. "Yes, baby."

Harry didn't say anything and pulled Draco into a long kiss. Draco pulled away at the end of the kiss a little breathless.

"What was that for?" Draco asked.

"To show that little bitch over there that you're mine and not his." Harry looked smugly over in the guys direction.

"I only have eyes for you, baby." Draco pulled Harry close to him and into a spin.

"That was quite fun." Harry laughed.

"Starting to like ice skating now?"

"Just a little bit." Harry replied, smiling.

Harry and Draco spent the next couple of idea skating around. Well, Draco was skating around. Harry was... a hot mess but it didn't matter because they were having fun and that's all Harry and Draco wanted for each other, especially during Christmas.

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