the christmas ball

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Draco's heart was pounding. This could be his chance. He could ask him to the ball.

Professor McGonagall had decided to hold a Christmas Ball for the whole school. After the war, the students weren't as happy as they used to be, everyone seemed a bit uneasy and on edge. McGonagall knew she had to do something to raise the spirits of everyone before Christmas. She remembered how everyone enjoyed the Yule Ball before the Tri-Wizard Tournament and decided that a ball would be the perfect thing. It was announced at breakfast that the ball would be held in the Great Hall on the Saturday before school finished. It was only a week away.

A wave of chatter spread across the Great Hall. Everyone seemed excited, the 8th years in particular. Though none of them like balls that much, they all knew this is exactly what they needed. As the 8th years filtered back to their shared common room, everyone was talking about who they were going to ask. Hermione and Ron were obviously going together and Neville had already asked Hannah Abbott who said yes. Neville had the biggest grin on his face for the whole day.

"So, Harry. Who are you going to ask?" Hermione asked.

"No-one." Harry replied.

"Fine, who do you want to go with then?" Ron asked.

Harry knew exactly who he wanted to go with but... he couldn't. It was never going to happen. He couldn't tell Ron and Hermione either, they were his best friends but what would they think if Harry told them who he wanted to go with.

"Hello? Earth to Harry." Ron waved his hand in front of Harry's face.

"Huh?" Harry broke out of his daze.

"Who do you want to go with?" Ron repeated.

"No-one really. I'll just third wheel you guys and everyone else." Harry replied.

Before Hermione and Ron had the chance to say anything, Harry had walked off to the library.

It was two days before the ball and neither Harry or Draco had been themselves. They both knew exactly what was up but refused to give in to their friends relentless curiosity. Both Harry and Draco were becoming quite irritated now but they both knew Pansy, Blaise and Ron and Hermione only had their best interests at heart.

Both boys were destroying themselves with their own thoughts.

He wouldn't...

He couldn't...

He hates me...

I can't have him....

He can't be mine...

We can never be together...

Draco knew he had to something about this. His thoughts were consuming him. His burning desire to ask him had been washed out by his thoughts but the blaze was growing stronger and Draco had to do something about it.

"Uh, Harry. Can I talk to you for a moment?" Draco asked as he jogged to catch up with the trio after DADA.

Harry turned and faced Draco, confused. "Sure." Harry turned to Ron and Hermione. "I'll catch up with you guys."

Harry followed Draco into an empty classroom.

"I know the answer to this will be a no but I need to ask anyway. I cannot stop thinking about you. You consume my thoughts everyday and I can't stand it anymore. I just want to be with you, I want to hold you, I want to talk to you, I want you to be mine." Draco's eyes were glistening with tears. "And I look at you everyday and I see your pain, Harry. I just want to make it a little bit better for you and it kills me that I can't. It kills me that I can't talk to you. It kills me that I can't be with you because I love you Harry. I love you." Draco passed to wipe away a tear. "So, Harry Potter, will you go to the ball with me?"

Harry stood there, tears rolling down his face. The boy he loved loved him back. He didn't realise he had been silent for almost a minute now.

"I knew it would be a no." The pain on Draco's face killed Harry. Draco turned to walk away when he felt something grab his arm.

"I love you too." Harry whispered before pulling Draco into a kiss. Both boys pulled away, breathless. "So, yes. I'll go to the ball with you Draco Malfoy.

Draco pulled Harry into a hug. The two boys had decided not to tell anyone that they were going together. Both boys were elated that the other felt the same way. It was like a huge weight had been lifted off both their shoulders and they both felt truly happy for a long time in a while.

Harry found Ron and Hermione in the library.

"What was that about?" Ron asked.

"Oh, he just needed some help understanding something in DADA." Harry replied.

"Oh, okay."

(The evening of the ball)

It was the night of the ball and excitement hung in the air. A bottle of fire whiskey had been passed around the 8th year common room to help calm everyone down. The fire whiskey did nothing for Harry or Draco however. Both boys were dressed in their finest dress robes and each boy had put a huge amount of effort into their appearance, wanting to look the best for each other. Harry and tried to tame his curls but had given up. Draco's hair was the definition of perfection.

The clock chimed 8 and the ball had officially started. All the 8th years made their way to the Great Hall. Draco arrived before Harry and decided to wait outside.

"You coming in Draco?" Pansy asked.

"I'll be in in a minute. You two go and enjoy yourselves before I come and third wheel." Draco smirked.

"Shut up." Blaise said before grabbing Pansy's hand and walking into the Hall.

Draco was waiting for around 30 seconds before he saw Harry. His breath was taken away, Harry looked stunning. He was dressed in jet black dress robes and his curl looked adorable. Harry reached the bottom of the stairs.

"You ready?" Ron asked.

"I just need a minute. You two go ahead." Harry said.

"Okay." Hermione said.

Harry waited for everyone to filter into the hall before approaching Draco. He looked amazing. Black dress robes with a green sheen, complimenting the boys eyes perfectly.

"Hey." Harry said softly as he walked up to Draco.


"Are you ready to go in?" Harry asked.

"Yeah." Draco held out his hand for Harry to take.

Harry took Draco's hand and the two boys walked into the Hall. Everyone turned their heads and were staring at the two boys. Harry's face was burning and he shifted on his feet. Draco gave Harry's hand a reassuring squeeze. All of a sudden, they heard someone clapping. Draco looked over and saw that it was Pansy. Slowly everyone started joining in and Harry and Draco walked into the centre of the dance floor. The music began and the boys started swaying slowly.

The Hall was beautifully decorated. The ceiling was bewitched to make it seem as if snow was falling from the sky which was lit up by thousands of stars and lanterns. Icicles hung from the ceiling, around the walls and three Christmas trees stood proudly at the end of the Hall. The floor was a beautiful white colour, with an effect to make it look like ice. A raised stage stood in the corner where a band was playing a slow song. Everything about it was stunning.

"Everything is so beautiful." Harry whispered.

"Nothing is as beautiful as you." Draco whispered back, earning a blush from Harry. "Be my boyfriend?"

Harry stared up into the storm grey eyes. "Of course."

Draco stared down into the forest green eyes before leaning down to capture Harry's lips in his.

"Best ball ever." Harry giggled when the two boys pulled away.

"Agreed." Draco smiled

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