the christmas jumper

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Harry and Draco had been invited to Pansy's Christmas party that she was holding as a little reunion for all the 8th years that came back to Hogwarts. There was only around 30 who came back and everyone became quite close. It had been a year since they had all graduated, Harry was now an auror and Draco was still in training to become a healer, and Pansy had decided it was time for everyone to meet back up again. On the invitation, there was a dress code. Harry sighed when he saw the words 'dress code', he knew that probably meant he would have to wear a suit and he really didn't want to do that. But to Harry's surprise, the dress code just read 'Festive'. It was the day of the party and Draco and Harry were having a... discussion about whether Draco should wear a christmas jumper.

"Draco, the invitation says festive. That means Christmas jumper, everyone will be wearing one."

"I'll be wearing Christmas socks, isn't that festive enough?" Draco asked, putting emphasis on 'festive'.

"No, Draco it isn't. I've asked Ron and 'Mione and they're wearing Christmas jumpers. I'm wearing a Christmas jumper."

"I don't do Christmas jumpers."

"It's not about whether you do Christmas jumpers or not, it about embracing the festive spirit." Harry's voice was slowly becoming louder now.

"Harry, I have embrace the festive spirit, I just don't show it in the amount that you do."

"It's not that bad wearing a christmas jumper. It's not going to kill you!" Harry said, exasperated.

"If you can find me a christmas jumper I like, I will wear it to the party but good fucking luck."

"You know what, fine. I'm gonna go into town and I'm going to find you a christmas jumper that you will love, even if it kills me because that is how nice of a boyfriend I am, Draco." Harry walked out of their flat and slammed the door.

Draco sat down on the sofa and out his hand to his head. What was so bad about not wanting to wear a Christmas jumper? There's too much colour on them, they're so bright and it's like they demand attention. Draco got interrupted from his thoughts when the door opened quietly.

"Can I have some change for the bus please?" Harry asked, quietly.

Draco sighed and put some change into Harry's hand.

"Thank you." Harry leant forward and gave Draco a quick kiss on the cheek. The two found it impossible to stay mad at each other.

It took Harry around half an hour to get into town on the bus. In this time, he was thinking about the type of Christmas jumper he wanted to get Draco. It needed to be predominantly black, otherwise it was out of the question. Harry wouldn't return without a Christmas jumper because Draco would win and he didn't want that. As he stepped off the bus, Harry checked his watch and did some quick mental maths. He had two hours to find Draco a Christmas jumper. If Harry was buying a jumper for anyone else, two hours would be too much time, but when shopping for Draco, two hours wasn't enough time. Harry made a list of all the shops he should visit: Jack Wills, Superdry, John Lewis, H&M and Abercrombie and Fitch.

Harry had been to all the shops and couldn't find anything. Al, the jumpers were too colourful and too bright. All the black ones had some sort of pattern on that Draco wouldn't like. Harry only had 15 minutes left before he had to leave and was beginning to give up hope when it suddenly hit him. He hadn't been to M&S. Harry ran out of H&M and to M&S, luckily, they weren't too far away from each other. Harry ran up the stairs to the men's section and looked around frantically. He just wanted something, anything, but it was all the same as the previous shops. Too bright. Too colourful. There was nothing. Harry was just about to turn around and leave when something caught his eye. Stashed right in the corner, was a rack full of black jumpers. Harry walked towards them and pulled one out. There in front of him, was the perfect Christmas jumper. It was all black and it had a small, brown leather Christmas tree where a breast pocket would usually be. This jumper literally screamed Draco. Harry did a little happy dance in his head before buying the jumper and going back home.

Harry walked into his and Draco's flat with the bag behind his back.

"You were right Dray, I couldn't find you anything."

"Oh well-." Draco was cut off.

"Psych! Found you one and you're gonna love it." Harry smirked and passed over the bag to Draco.

Draco pulled the jumper out and studied it. He looked a little bit annoyed.

"You know what's annoying? I actually really like this and I'm going to wear in tonight."

"Hahaha. Yes!"

Harry and Draco both wore their Christmas jumpers to Pansy's party and Draco received a lot of compliments about his and every time he got a compliment, Harry just smirked and winked at him.

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