the mince pies

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"Draco, please can we make mince pies?" Harry asked.

"Are you sure that's a good idea? We nearly burnt the house down last time we tried to bake something." Draco shuddered at the memory

"I'm sure it'll be fine. Mince pies can't be that hard to make. All we need to do is buy that pre-made pastry stuff and some mincemeat."

"I don't know..."

"Please, Dray, it'll be really fun."

"Alright." Draco said, reluctantly.

"Yes!" Harry gave Draco a hug. "Let's go get the stuff."

Draco drove to the supermarket and he and Harry grabbed some pre-made pastry and two jars of mincemeat. Harry paid for everything and they drove back home. Harry grabbed a tin and switched on the oven. He got some milk out of the fridge and some sugar out if a cupboard. He placed them down next to where Draco was rolling out the pastry.

"We need a cookie cutter." Draco said, when he'd finished rolling out the pastry.

"How big?"

"Uhhh, the biggest."

Harry searched around in a few drawers before finding the cookie cutters. He took the biggest circular on and handed it to Draco. Draco went to cut a circle out right in the middle of the pastry.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. What are you doing?" Harry grabbed a hold of Draco's arm.

"Cutting out the pastry." Draco replied, a little confused.

"Starting in the middle?"

"Uh, yeah."

Harry guided Draco's hand to the corner of the pastry. "You start in the corner. You'll waste so much pastry otherwise."

"And you learnt this where?" Draco asked, still a little confused.

"When I used to cook for the Dursley's." Draco saw Harry's face drop a little.

"Well, you don't have to follow the Dursley's rules here." Draco placed the cookie cutter down in the middle of the pastry. He looked up to see a look of horror on Harry's face.

"I cannot believe you just did that. You have just wasted so much room on the pastry."

"Whatever." Draco shrugged and carried on cutting out the pastry.

Every time Draco cut out a circle, he passed it to Harry who placed it onto one of the holes in a cupcake tin. When all the spaces had been filled with pastry, Draco grabbed a small star cutter and cut out 12 stars to place on top of the mince pies. Harry and Draco filled the mince pies with the mincemeat and then placed the little stars on top.

"We need to brush milk over the top of them and then put sugar on them." Harry said. Draco went to find the baking brush. "Shit!"

Draco spun his head. "What?"

"May or may not might've missed the cup when I was pouring the milk."

Draco raised his eyebrows and shook his head before returning to his search for the baking brush. By the time he had found it, Harry had managed to clean up all the milk and successfully get it into the cup without spilling any. Draco gently brushed milk over the top of each mince pie whilst Harry sprinkled sugar over them. When they had finished, Draco put the mince pies in the oven.

"How long do they need cooking for?" Draco asked.

"15 minutes."

The timer on the oven still confused Draco but he got there eventually.

"Do you wanna watch Shrek whilst they're cooking?" Harry asked.


Draco and Harry sat down in the living room and started watching Shrek. The two were so absorbed in the movie that they didn't realise that a long while had passed and the mince pies should've been cooked by now.

"Hey, Harry. Do you smell burning?" Draco asked, sniffing the air.

"Yes, actually. Quite strongly."

Draco and Harry sat there for a moment trying to figure out the source of the smell before it hit Draco. "Fuck! The mince pies!"

Draco ran into the kitchen and looked in the oven. "HARRY! HARRY! THEY'RE ON FIRE! HARRY! MERLIN! THEY'RE ON FIRE!"

Harry came sprinting into the kitchen, put some oven gloves on and carefully took the burning mince pies out of the oven. He placed the tin in the sink and turned the tap on. The flames died out pretty much straight away but them smell of burnt pastry lingered in the air.

"How?! How did this happen?" Harry asked in disbelief.

"I have no idea. I set the timer and everything."

Harry went over to the oven to assess the damage before noticing the timer was still running.

"Dray, how long did you set the timer for?"

"15 minutes."

"Hmm, no, you set it for 150 minutes."

"Oh. Whoops." Draco stifled a laugh.

"Honestly. We can't bake for shit." Harry chuckled lightly. "I'm actually really craving a mince pie right now though."

"Let's just go and buy some. I give up with baking. This is the second time we've nearly burnt the house down."

"At least we don't have to replace the oven this time."

Both Harry and Draco shuddered slightly at the memory.

The two went out and brought enough mince pies to last them the whole year because they knew they wouldn't be trying to bake anything ever again.

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