the christmas miracle

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Three months.

Three months of Draco crying himself to sleep.

Three months of pain.

Three months of tears.

Three months of hell.

Three months since Harry went on that auror mission.

Three months of Harry not coming back awake.

Three months of Harry not being here.

Three months ago, Harry was told to be careful. He was told that it was very dangerous. He was told that it was going to be very difficult.

Harry had been in this coma for three months. He was on a mission, a very dangerous one. Probably the most dangerous since Voldemort. He was so close, Draco and been told, so close to finishing it. So close to coming home. But he didn't quite make it, he got hit with an unknown curse. That unknown curse sent him into a coma. A coma that he was very unlikely to wake up from. The healers had tried everything, they were trying new techniques, they were using everything they had but nothing, fucking nothing was working. Harry was being held on life support, each day he was getting weaker, slipping further away from life. And Draco could do nothing about it. Fucking nothing. It was killing him.

It had only been recently, around the start of advent, that Draco stepped back into his and Harry's house. Even more recently that he started sleeping there again. Draco had been living at Pansy and Blaise house. He was scared of being alone, he needed everyone. Everyone was upset, why wouldn't they be, but Draco... Draco was broken. He couldn't sleep. He couldn't eat. He couldn't force a smile. He was only alive because his mother and Molly somehow convinced him to eat every night.

Draco worked as a healer but had been allowed time off work. He couldn't think. He couldn't focus. He couldn't do anything. He never imagined that he would have to treat Harry for something as bad as this. There had always been a possibility, Draco knew that, but never in a million years did he expect it to happen.

Christmas for Draco was a time to be happy, a time to be free, a time to forget about your worries. It was his and Harry's favourite holiday. They would always decorate their house and tree together. They would always bake mince pies together. They would always hang a bunch of mistletoe in their house and share a kiss underneath. This Christmas... this Christmas was difficult. Draco couldn't bring himself to decorate, hang lights, get a tree, bake mine pies or go for walks in the snow.

Draco did buy all his presents for Harry, though. He got everything and wrapped it and placed them in the corner of their living room, where the tree would normally be. Every time Draco looked at that pile of presents, tears fell silently down his face. Would Harry ever be back to open them?

Everyday Draco went to visit Harry in the hospital. Everyday in the build up to Christmas, Draco would bring Harry's advent calendar chocolate and place it next to the one he'd received the day before on his bedside table. Sometimes Draco brought two, he sometimes stayed over night at the hospital, never falling asleep purposely.

It was two days before Christmas Day and Draco got what Harry had been asking for ever since they moved in. A kitten. A tiny, fluffy, grey kitten with white socks. Draco had picked out the smallest he could find, he picked out a little boy. Draco knew the name Harry would want to call him. He also knew the name that Harry would've wanted if he was a female. If the kitten was a girl, it's name would've been Pip, but because the kitten was a boy, it was given the name Boo. Draco knew it was the perfect name. Boo had a habit of hiding and then jumping out. It was quite cute. Boo was the only thing that was making a tiny smile break out on Draco's face. Everyone was so glad to see this. Draco needed Boo and Boo needed Draco.

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