the advent calendar

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(A/N: I kinda rushed the end of it and kinda hate it but yeah :) )
"Hey, Dray?" Harry asked the boy he was cuddled up next to.


"What advent calendar are you going to get this year?"

"What's that?" Draco asked.

Harry sat bolt upright and started at Draco is disbelief and shock. "You don't know what an advent calendar is?"

"No, is it something I should know about?"

"Yes! Of course you should know about it. I can't believe you don't know about it. I thought wizards had them but apparently not."

"What actually is an advent calendar?"

"An advent calendar is basically a calendar that either goes on for 12, 24 or 25 days. The ones that go on for 12 days are shit. It has doors that you open from the first of December to either the twelfth, 24th or 25th. Behind each door, you get a different gift. You can get different advent calendars that have different things, so some have lego, some have chocolate, some have make-up and beauty things, some have pictures and there's a lot more." Harry explained.

"That sounds awesome, can I have one?" Draco asked, excitedly.

"Of course. We'll go out to the shops in a bit and we'll find one."

Harry and Draco lounged around for a little while before getting ready to go out. It was like minus five degrees outside so both men threw on as many layers as possible. They walked very slowly to the bus stop as there was a lot of ice on the floor and neither of them planned on losing their dignity that day. Harry had checked the timetable for the bus and had timed their leaving perfectly so that by the time they got there, they only had to wait one minute for the bus. Harry paid for the bus and they both sat down in a pair of worn seats near the back.

"What calendar are you thinking of getting then?" Harry asked, placing his hand in Draco's.

"What's that really nice chocolate you bring home sometimes?"

"Hotel Chocolat or Lindt?"

"Hotel Chocolat. I want to get one of their advent calendars." Draco said.

"Very nice. I was thinking of getting a Lint one. Or a beer one."

"Harry, for the love of Merlin, please don't get a beer one."

"Why?" Harry asked.

"You drink enough alcohol as it is, you don't need anymore."

"Fine, I'll get a Lindt one then."

Draco placed a kiss on Harry's cheek. The two spent the rest of the bus journey talking about how Harry really wanted a kitten. After about 20 minutes, they reached their stop and got off the bus. Thankfully, the bus stop was right outside a big shopping centre. Harry and Draco walked in and were greeted by a blast of warm air, which both men were thankful for.

"Harry, look!" Draco gasped.


"They're having a sale." Draco pointed to the 70% off sign in the window of his favourite muggle suit shop. "Please can we go in?"

"Don't you have enough suits already?"

"Well, I was going on my all black suit and I noticed that the blazer was slightly worn and wasn't looking as sharp as it should."

Harry gave a Draco a look that said 'no'.

"Please, I'll be less that half an hour." Draco begged.

"Fine." Harry sighed as he reluctantly gave in. He let Draco drag him into the shop.

Draco was, surprisingly, true to his word when he said he'll be less that half an hour. He went straight to pick up a new black shirt, tie and trousers and then he quickly tried a couple of blazers on before deciding on one. Draco paid for the suit with a smile on his face and they left the shop.

"Right, let's get to the advent calendars." Harry said.

Harry took Draco to Hotel Chocolat and Draco picked out an advent calendar. Whilst Draco was choosing a calendar, Harry chose a 6 pack of little chocolates labelled 'Raspberry Smoothie'. They were little chocolate cylinders with a raspberry filling. They were the best things ever to grace the earth in Harry's opinion. Harry went and paid for the calendar and the little chocolates. On the way to the Lindt store, Harry and Draco shared the chocolates. At the Lindt store, Harry picked out a calendar.

"Do you want anything?" Harry asked.

"Could I have a bar of the chocolate orange please?"

"Of course you can." Harry picked up a bar of chocolate orange and a bar of classic chocolate for himself.

Harry paid for the chocolate and calendar and the two made their way back to the bus stop. It took them about 45 minutes to get back home.

Once the two were back in their flat, Harry put the calendars next to each other in the kitchen and sat down on the sofa next to Draco.

"Harry, I want to open a door now."

"Well, you can't. You have to wait until tomorrow. It's the rules."

"That's so boring." Draco complained.

"I know but rules are rules."

Harry and Draco spent the rest of the evening watching Netflix. Draco went to bed very excited for the next morning. When Harry woke up the next morning, he was very surprised to find Draco not lying next to him. He wandered into the kitchen to find Draco opening his calendar.

"Look, Harry. It's a truffle!" Draco said, excitedly.

Harry smiled gently at Draco before opening his own calendar. Harry got a little square of chocolate wrapped in a snowman wrapper.

For the rest of the holidays, Draco was always out of bed before Harry and Harry didn't have to deal with the normal grumpy Draco in the morning, which Harry was very thankful for.

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