the jumper

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Over the summer, Draco had come to stay at The Burrow because the Ministry deemed it to be the safest place for Draco to go. Draco confessed later on that he wouldn't have gone back to the manor anyway, it held too many painful memories. On the first day Draco arrived, they both agreed to put aside their differences and their past and try to become friends. Harry and Draco had to share a room and more than often, neither of them could sleep so they stayed up all night talking. The two became close, really close. Harry realised he loved Draco and had done for a long time but he was too scared to act on his feelings. He had broken up with Ginny shortly after the war because he wasn't sure he loved her anymore. One evening, around halfway through the holidays, Draco took Harry for a walk and asked him to be his boyfriend. Harry was overjoyed and of course said yes. Since then, the two had practically been inseparable. It was clear to everyone that they loved each other with all they had. When they came back to Hogwarts, everyone was a bit shocked at first but now they were seen as the 'It' couple. Draco had also become quite close to the rest of the Weasley Family, he apologised for what he had said in the past and Molly scooped him up into a giant hug and forgave him.

It was christmas time in their final year at Hogwarts. Hermione had managed to convince Harry, Ron and Draco to come back to complete their final year and they were all thankful that they came back. Christmas at Hogwarts was as beautiful as ever. The tree in the great hall seemed even more magnificent than the previous years. Stars, baubles, snowflakes, tinsel and lights were delicately placed on the tree to make it look perfect and an angel sat at the very top of the tree. The ceiling of the great hall was charmed to make it look as if it was snowing and decorations were spread all around Hogwarts. Christmas was a truly magical holiday at Hogwarts.

Not many students came back to complete their final year, there was around 40 students. Draco, Pansy and Blaise were the only Slytherins to come back. McGonagall decided to have one common room for all the 8th years. She appreciated that it would be hard for all of them coming back to Hogwarts as they all fought in the war so she had a kitchen put into the common room if the students wanted to eat their. Every student also had their own room with a double bed, a wardrobe, a desk and an armchair. The room was charmed to customise the colour of the walls to whatever student wanted the room to look like.

Harry and Draco shared a room as did Ron and Hermione. Pansy and Blaise stayed in their own rooms but everyone knew that they liked each other but their pride got in the way of them telling their true feelings for each other. The six of them had decorated the common room together and it looked amazing. Harry and Pansy decorated the tree, Hermione and Draco figured out how to charm the ceiling so it looked like the Great Hall's and Ron and Blaise went around putting decorations pretty much everywhere.

Only the six of them stayed over the christmas holidays, everyone else went home. The six loved it, they could basically do whatever they wanted. One night, they all got really drunk, even Hermione and they had a game of truth or dare. Let's just say it got very sexual.

It was Christmas Eve and everyone was getting ready for bed. There was a big pile of presents under the tree all wrapped in red and green paper. There was a sense of magic in the air, the fire was slowly dying and the fairy lights dimly lit the room. Snow was gently falling outside, the ceiling of the room mirroring outside.

"Goodnight." Hermione yawned. She gave everyone a hug before walking to hers and Ron's bedroom. It was a mini tradition between the six of them to give a hug to everyone before they went to bed.

"I'm gonna go aswell." Ron gave everyone a quick hug. "Don't be surprised of I wake you in the morning."

"I swear if you wake me up anytime before half seven, I will hex you." Draco said.

"Sure, Malfoy." Ron laughed.

"Don't try me Weasley." Draco said, threateningly.

"Alright, alright." Ron put his hands in the air. "Night everyone."

Harry and Draco were next to go to their room, they each hugged Pansy and Blaise before walking to their bedroom, Draco's arm over Harry's shoulder. Harry jumped into the bed and curled up in the covers. The bed sank a little as Draco got in and Harry waited for the familiar warmth of Draco's body next to his.

"Night baby, Merry Christmas." Draco pressed a gentle kiss to Harry's lips.

"Night Dray, Merry Christmas. I love you."

"I love you too."

The next morning, Harry and Draco were awoken by a banging on their door.

"Fuck me." Draco yawned. "What time is it?"

"Gladly." Harry muttered.

Draco gave Harry a gentle push as he checked the time. "It's 7:29 Ron! I am this close to coming out there and hexing you're if you don't stop!"

"Aw, it's Christmas Draco. You wouldn't hex me on Christmas, would you?"

"You got lucky." Draco shouted. "Now go away, we'll be down in five."

Draco nuzzled his face into Harry's neck.

"Merry Christmas, baby." Draco said, his voice slightly muffled.

"Merry Christmas, Dray." Harry turned over and gave Draco a kiss. "Come on, we best get up."

Harry rolled out of bed and put on his slippers and wrapped a blanket around himself. Draco got out of bed, surprisingly without any complaints, and put his slippers and dressing gown on. Draco grabbed Harry's hand as they walked out of the room and downstairs.

"Merry Christmas guys." Harry smiled as he gave everyone a hug.

Draco, Harry and Hermione say in the sofa while Ron, Pansy and Blaise sat on the floor. They spent most of the morning listening to christmas songs and opening presents for each other and their family. Harry and Ron were wearing their Weasley Jumpers. Ron's was blue with a black R and Harry's was red with a yellow H. Ron had one present by his side all morning but no-one asked about it. Finally, when everyone had finished opening all their present and exchanging hugs and kisses, Ron brought the present onto his lap.

"Okay, so I believe this is the last present. There is a reason I have been saving it until last. So, Draco." Ron passes the present over to Draco.

"It's for me?" Draco asked, a little shocked.

"Yep." Ron replied. "Now, open it."

Draco opened it slowly. When he had finished taking the wrapping paper off, his eyes filled with tears as he reasoned what the green woollen fabric was that lay in his lap. He picked it up and there was his own Weasley Jumper. It was a forest green with a grey D on the front of it. Everyone had fallen silent, they were all smiling.

"This is for me?" Draco whispered.

"You're part of the family now, mate. We can see how much you love Harry and that you two are gonna be together forever. Also, you became my brother and everyone's brother over the summer. We all love you." Ron said softly.

"Thank you." Draco put on the jumper and admired it. "Thank you so much."

Draco stood up and pulled Ron into a hug.

"Welcome to the Weasley Family." Ron said, as he hugged Draco back.

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