the dance

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Harry and Draco were snuggled up close to each other on the sofa in the 8th year common room. The two had gotten together at the start of the year and it was their first Christmas as a couple. They were the only two people in 8th year that had stayed at Hogwarts over the Christmas holidays. It was quite nice being the only two there, they could do whatever they wanted and they really enjoyed it. Today, though, they had no idea what to do, they were both so bored. The two had been firing ideas about what they should do at each other for the last fifteen minutes.

"We could bake some cookies?" Harry suggested.

"Remember what happened the last time we tried to bake something together."

"Ah, yes. I forgot about that."

"How could you forget about that? We almost burned down the school." Draco didn't look so fondly upon that memory.

Draco sat fiddling with Harry's hair for a couple of minutes before an idea hit him.

"We could go for a walk around the lake. We haven't been outside for like three days now." Draco said.

"That's actually a good idea. Let's do that then." Harry jumped up from the sofa and put his coat on.

"Put your scarf, hat and gloves on as well please." Draco said.


"Because Harry, it's winter and we're in Scotland. It's like minus ten degrees outside." Draco replied, as if it was obvious which it was to be fair.

"Fine." Harry threw on his Gryffindor scarf, hat and gloves whilst Draco put in his Slytherin ones.

It was a rule now that the 8th years were allowed to go out when they wanted as long as they didn't have a class but they had to ask McGonagall first. Harry and Draco walked to McGonagall's office and knocked. There was no answer so they knocked again. Draco slowly pushed open the door but she wasn't in there. Draco and Harry next checked in the Hospital Wing because Madame Pomfery and McGonagall were good friends and could often be found together. Harry knocked on Madame Pomfery's office door.

"Yes, boys?" Madame Pomfery said.

"Is Professor McGonagall here?" Draco asked.

Madame Pomfery nodded before opening the door wider to reveal Professor McGonagall.

"What can I do for you Mr. Potter and Mr.Malfoy?" McGonagall asked.

"We were just wondering if we could go out for a walk around the lake." Draco said.

"Of course you can but be back in time for dinner."

"We will, thank you Professor McGonagall." Harry said.

The two walked through the castle and out through the front doors. The lake wasn't to far to walk to from the castle. Everything was magical. The snow crunched under their feet and glistened under the cold sun. The lake was frozen, trapping bubbles coming from the merpeople that swam deep. The trees had snow covering its evergreen leaves and the bushes, all though bare, looked magical covered with snow and ice. The mountains surrounding the lake looked like they had been dusted with icing sugar, each snow flake placed perfectly. The beauty was to surreal to describe.

The two walked in silence, their hands entwined, both admiring the pure beauty that lay before them. They came upon a clearing in the path an hour into their walk that opened up into a circular field that led down to the lake. The two stood by the edge of the lake, both staring at the castle in the distance. That castle was their home. That castle was their childhood. That castle changed everything.

A snowflake falling gently caught Harry's eye. He looked up to see thousands of snowflakes twirling down from the sky. Harry smiled softly.

"Dray, it's snowing." Harry whispered.

Draco held his hand out and a snowflake fell gracefully onto his hand. Draco smiled at it before lifting his hand up and blowing it to the ground.

"It's so beautiful." Draco whispered. Draco turned to face Harry. "I love you."

"I love you too."

Draco pulled Harry into a hug. Draco gently flicked his wand and some beautiful classical music began to play softly through the air.

"Dance with me." Draco held his hand out.

Harry smiled at Draco before taking his hand. Draco pulled Harry close to him and began to sway softly to the music. Harry mirrored Draco's actions. Draco led Harry around the circular field, twirling him occasionally, earring and huge smile from Harry. The two stared into each other's eyes, the forest and storm, a perfect combination. Their eyes told different stories, both tragic but both full of hope. The snow fell softly onto the boys hair. The snow barely visible in Draco's platinum locks but very prominent in Harry's messy, raven hair. The music slowly drew to a stop and Harry and Draco stood in each other's arms, their clouds of breath merging to form one.

Draco slowly leant forward and caught Harry in a passionate kiss. Their lips locked together perfectly. The kiss was everything, full of love, full of magic. The two boys pulled apart breathless and Harry leant into Draco. Harry was quite a bit shorter than Draco and Draco loved it. He could give Harry forehead kisses whenever he wanted. Harry also loved it, he loved the forehead kissed form Draco, he loved the fact that he could snuggle into Draco but his favourite was when the two boys hugged as Harry could feel Draco's heart slowly beating.

The two boys stood like that for a while as they watched the sun set quickly over the mountain. Draco cast a tempus and saw they had an hour and a half to get back for dinner. They knew they had to get back in time otherwise McGonagall would send out the entire wizarding world to look for them. That was not an exaggeration. The two boys entwined their hands together. Harry brought Draco's arm over his shoulder and looked up at the boy and smiled. Draco pressed a gentle kiss to Harry's forehead before walking back, their footprints engraved into the snow only to be covered by fresh snow, getting rid of any trace the two boys were there.

As the two reached the end of the path, Draco looked up and saw a bunch of mistletoe hanging above them.

"Look up." Draco said, softly.

"Mistletoe." Harry whispered and smiled at Draco.

Harry stood up on his tip toes and captured Draco's lips in a kiss full of love.

"Merry Christmas, Draco." Harry whispered.

"Merry Christmas, baby." Draco whispered back.

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