the red cups

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(A/N: I don't really like this but yeahh :))
Draco and Harry had gotten together during their 8th year at Hogwarts. They were tired of hiding their feelings for each other and both admitted their feelings at the same time. Ron thought it was absolutely hilarious. When finished their 8th year at Hogwarts, they decided to move in together. They had a flat just on the outside of London, not to far from where Ron and Hermione lived. Harry worked as an auror and Draco was a healer at St. Mungos. Draco still hadn't quite got the hang of how muggle things worked. He hated the microwave and dishwasher and he was terrified of the toaster (though Draco referred to it as the tooster which Harry found so cute). Draco also didn't really like going to muggle shops as he still didn't understand quite how muggle money worked but he was learning.

One of Harry's favourite coffee shops was Starbucks. Yes, it was overpriced, yes, it was always busy, yes, it was so basic but he loved it. Harry had taken Draco into a Starbucks once but it didn't go very well. It was discovered that day that Draco hated coffee. And when I say hated, I mean hated.

Harry really wanted to go to Starbucks as they had just brought back the red cups and the drinks were amazing but Draco was being extra clingy and wouldn't let Harry leave their room. Harry was about to lose his temper, he wasn't a morning person but he found it nearly impossible to get mad at Draco.

"Please just let me go Draco." Harry pleaded.

"Why?" Draco whined.

"I really need a coffee."

"You don't need a coffee, you want a coffee." Draco said.

"No, I need a coffee." Harry said, putting emphasis on the 'need'. "Right, I'm getting up."

Harry pulled himself from Draco's grip and got out of bed and started to get changed.

"Harry!" Draco whinged.

"Merlin, if you're so desperate for my company just come with me because I'm going anyway!" Harry sighed, exasperated.

"Don't like coffee." Draco muttered.

"I'm sorry. I'll get you another drink."

"Like what?"

"Have you ever had hot chocolate before?" Harry asked.

"No, what is it?"

"It's basically liquid chocolate. Starbucks do this really nice one at Christmas, salted caramel brownie hit chocolate." Harry explained.

"Okay, and what if I don't like it?"

"Then I'll buy you some chocolates or something." Harry said, throwing a sweater on.

"Okay." Draco perked up at this and got out of bed.

It took about half an hour for Draco to get ready and Harry became increasingly irritated.

"Draco, hurry up!" Harry shouted. "I will leave if you're not down in 10 seconds!"

"Alright, alright!" Draco shouted as he came down the stairs.

Harry already had his coat, hat and gloves on and waited for Draco to get his on. As soon as Draco had got them on, Harry dragged him out the door. A new Starbucks had opened just a five minute walk from where Harry and Draco lived. Draco grabbed Harry's hand and moved it so Harry's arm was over Draco. Harry tried to hide his smile so Draco wouldn't have the satisfaction.

"Don't try to hide that smile." Draco said.

"What? I'm not hiding anything." Harry laughed. "Why are you so clingy today?"

"Am I not allowed to love my beautiful boyfriend?"

Harry just laughed and pulled Draco closer to him. He saw Draco's smile grow a little. Two minutes later, they arrived at the coffee shop. It was relatively empty as they had just missed the morning rush. They had decorations up and most importantly, the red cups.

"Harry, what are the cups different than last time?" Draco whispered.

"They have special cups for Christmas, it's kinda their thing." Harry whispered back. "Do you wanna sit in or takeaway?"

Harry went up to the counter and ordered a hot chocolate for Draco and a gingerbread latte for himself. Harry also got two mince pies. He waited a couple of minutes for the drinks and went to sit down with Draco.

"Harry, it's 10. Why have you got mince pies?"

"Cause I like mince pies. And so do you."

"We haven't even had breakfast yet."

"Never to early for a mice pie." Harry took a big bite from his mice pie.


Draco took his cup from the tray. He studied it briefly before bringing it up to his lips. He took a small sip before taking a bigger one. When Draco put the cup down, he had a line of cream along his upper lip. Harry laughed softly and wiped it away with a napkin.

"Harry, why haven't you introduced this to me before?" Draco asked.

"I never really thought about it to be honest." Harry shrugged his shoulders.

Harry took a big sip from his latte and felt immediately more awake. Harry swore that stuff did miracles. Draco and Harry sat and drank their drinks and talked about some really random things. About an hour later, they were ready to leave.

"Harry?" Draco asked as they were walking out of the shop.


"Can you still get me the chocolates please?" Draco asked in his most innocent voice.

Harry looked at Draco with an amused look on his face. "Of course I can."

"Thank you." Draco pressed a kiss to Harry's cheek.

Harry just chuckled and grabbed Draco's hand as they started to walk towards the town so Harry could buy Draco his precious chocolate.

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