the piano

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Harry woke up in the middle of the night due to a nightmare. He knew he wouldn't be able to get back to sleep so he decided to go for a walk around the castle. He did this quite often, he nearly got caught by a few teachers his first time so from then on, he wore his invisibility cloak. Harry tried to be as quiet as possible as he crept out of his dorm and out of the Gryffindor common room.

Harry faintly heard a piano gently playing in the distance. He had heard it before but it had always stopped before he managed to discover who played so well. Harry couldn't describe the feeling he had when he heard the piano, it was like he lost control of everything. The keys were played so delicately and with such passion, it was truly magical. Harry walked the way he thought the magical sound was coming from. As he walked, the piano slowly got louder and the tune became recognisable. O Holy Night. It was played so gently, so beautifully. Harry found the room that the piano was located and gently pushed open the door. Harry crept into the room so he didn't disturb the player. He looked up and to his surprise, sat at the piano in the middle of the room was Draco Malfoy. The boy he had been secretly dating for the last couple of months.

Harry became lost in the magic that was being created. Only when the song had ended, Harry made a sound. He clapped gently, causing Draco to jump and turn around. Harry pushed his invisibility cloak off so Draco could see him.

"Hey." Harry said softly.


Harry walked over to piano and sat next to Draco in the stool. "That was beautiful."

"Thank you. Mother had me in lessons as soon as I could sit up by myself." Draco chuckled lightly. "It's Christmas Eve, what are you doing up?"

"Nightmares. Nothing new. I could as the same of you." Harry replied.

"I play at night because it's the most peaceful. No sound but the piano."

Harry looked at Draco. He looked beautiful in the moonlight.

"What?" Draco asked.

"Nothing. You just look beautiful. You should have your hair like that more often." Harry gently pushed a strand out the way if Draco's eyes. "Teach me."

"Teach you?" Draco asked, confused.

"Teach me how to play something."


"Yeah, teach me how to play the easiest Christmas song." Harry said.

"Okay, Silent Night is pretty simple." Draco said.

Draco played Silent Night so Harry could hear what it was supposed to sound like.

"You're amazing." Harry whispered, in complete awe.

"16 years of practice pays off I suppose." Draco chuckled. "Right, so let's focus on the right hand melody first and then we'll focus on adding in the left hand."

Draco went on to show Harry all the notes. At first, Harry was awful, he pressed all the wrong keys and created a horrendous sound but by the end Harry had kind of got it. It went extra messy when he tried to add in the left hand. The two spent hours at the piano. It was one of the most magical things Harry had ever experienced; he was there with the boy he loved and they were having fun. They didn't have to worry about getting caught by anyone. After listening to Draco play O Holy Night again, Harry cast a tempus to check the time. It was 4am.

"Come back with me." Harry whispered as he gently ran his hand through Draco's hair.


"I don't care, I don't want to sneak around anymore."

"But what if they're unsupportive of us?"

"I love you Draco, and that's all that matters."

"You've never said that before." Draco whispered, shocked.

"I've wanted to say it for years now."

"I love you too, Harry. So much."

Harry pulled Draco in for a hug. They stayed like that for a while, enjoying each other's presence. Harry broke away slightly and looked at Draco. Harry flicked his wand and mistletoe started to grow above them. Draco smiled at Harry before slowly leaning in. Their first kiss. It was full of love and Harry fell more in love with Draco.

"Merry Christmas Harry." Draco whispered, when they pulled away.

"Merry Christmas Draco."

Harry grabbed Draco's hand and pulled him up off the stool. He threw the invisibility cloak over them both and they slowly walked back to the Gryffindor common room. They stopped outside a window on the way to admire how beautiful the Black Lake looked in the moonlight. The light of the moon reflected in the water, beautifully distorted.  They crept silently back to Harry's dorm and into bed.

They both got out of their clothes and jumped into bed in just their underwear. Their foreheads were touching and they were gazing into each other's eyes, wondering how they each managed to become so lucky. They both fell asleep entwined in each other's arms. Harry woke up a few hours later to the winter sun streaming through the window. He remembered how amazing last night was, he had finally found the mystery piano player, lucky for him, it was his boyfriend so he could hear it anytime he wanted. Draco woke up a few minutes later, revealing those beautiful storm, grey eyes.

"Were you staring at me?" Draco asked, sleepily.


"You so were." Draco grinned and gave Harry a playful shove.

"Hey!" Harry gently shoved Draco back. Harry leant forward and gently kissed Draco.

"Best Christmas ever." Draco said, whilst running his hands through Harry's hair. The two were disturbed by shouting.

"Harry! Wake up, it's Christmas!" Ron shouted. A second later, Ron had pushed back Harry's bed curtain to reveal the two boys in each other's arms. "Okay. Cool. I'm just gonna tell Hermione."

Ron ran off to find Hermione. Harry and Draco just laughed. A minute later, they heard an excited scream.

"Oh my god! Yes! This is amazing! That's 3 galleons please Ronald!" Hermione shouted, happily.

Harry just looked at Draco and pulled him in for another kiss.

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