the proposal

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"Harry, Draco! Come in!" Hermione gave each of the men a hug as they walked through the door.

"Hey Hermione." Harry gave her a hug back. "Ron." Harry shook his hand before bringing him into a hug.

"Who else is here?" Draco asked.

"Ginny, Luna, George, Neville, Pansy and Blaise. We're just waiting on Seamus and Dean to arrive." Hermione replied.

"Nice. Well, thanks so much for inviting us." Draco said.

"Of course, it wouldn't have been the same without you." Ron said.

Harry and Draco followed Hermione and Ron into their kitchen where the rest were standing. The two greeted the rest of their friends, and soon after, Seamus and Dean arrived.

Draco was nervous, not because of the party, but because of the small velvet box he kept touching in his pocket. As soon as the has got the invitation to Hermione and Ron's Christmas dinner, Draco thought that it would be the perfect time, but now Draco was here, he wasn't to sure. Would Harry want a big scene? Probably.

Hermione noticed Draco hanging slightly further back from the crowd.

"Hey Draco, come with me a moment. I want you to see if out new bathroom tiles match our colour scheme." Hermione grabbed Draco's hand and pulled him upstairs into an empty room. "Are you okay?"

"You know how I was gonna do the thing tonight, I'm not sure anymore." Draco pulled out the box and started fiddling with it.

"Wait, are you having second thoughts?"

"No, no, no. God no. I want this more than anything, it's just I'm not sure I should do it here because I don't think Harry would want a big scene."

"Ah, yes. I don't want to influence your decision in anyway but Harry has never been a fan of big events that involve him. I know he's told you how much he hates his fame and how difficult it first was for him." Hermione said, her mind flicking back to all those times Harry had come crying to her, telling her he couldn't cope anymore.

"Yeah. I think I'll do it at home, after dinner." Draco said. "Oh, and Hermione, Merry Christmas."

"Merry Christmas, Draco."

Hermione and Draco walked back downstairs. "Yeah, the colours match perfectly. You've done a good job." Draco said, as they walked back into the kitchen.

Hermione had made the best Christmas dinner ever. The turkey was cooked to perfection, and the potatoes were roasted amazingly. Everything was perfect. Lots of crackers were pulled, Harry winning none. He stole Draco's paper crown though and placed it on top of his messy curls. After dinner, presents were opened from each other. Lots of hugs and 'thank yous' were shared.

Some dancing followed this. Old and new Christmas songs were blasted out and everyone danced with each other, Pansy and Draco making the best duo after their famous duet they performed every year back in Hogwarts. After a game of charades and truth or dare, Harry and Draco decided to leave.

"Thank you for an amazing Christmas." Harry pulled Ron and Hermione into a hug.

"Your welcome." Hermione smiled.

"Thank you, this afternoons been great." Draco said.

Harry and Draco said their goodbyes to everyone before driving home. The two jammed out to some Christmas songs on the way home as this was technically the last day they could listen to them before it was 'illegal'.

"This was one of the best Christmases ever. I got to spend it with you and some of my best friends." Harry said as he opened the door to their house.

"I wonder if I can make this the best Christmas ever." Draco said, softly.

"What do you mean?" Harry asked as he walked into the living room.

"Harry James Potter."

Harry spun around upon hearing his full name and saw Draco on one knee with an open box containing the most elegant ring he'd ever seen.

"What is going on?" Harry whispered.

"Harry James Potter, you are the love of my life. No, you're more than that, you are my life and I couldn't survive without you. You have no idea how much you mean to me and the though if coming home everyday to you makes me so happy. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to spend forever with you. I never want to be without you. So, Harry, will you marry me?"

Harry stood there for a moment with his hands over his mouth and his eyes welling up.

"Of course I will." Harry whispered and he ran towards Draco and pulled him into a massive hug.

Draco slipped the gold band onto Harry's finger. The words 'Until the very end' were engraved on the inside.

"Did I make this the best Christmas ever?" Draco asked.

"Yes. This is officially the best Christmas ever." Harry pressed a kiss onto Draco's lips.

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