the snowball fight

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It was the Christmas holidays in Hogwarts and everything was perfect, except for one thing. It hadn't snowed yet. This was a big problem for Harry, he absolutely loved the snow. Playing in it, making snowmen, having snowball fights. It was the 23rd of December and Harry was starting to lose hope.

"Do you think it'll snow before Christmas?" Harry asked his two best friends.

"I don't know Harry, you've asked us this four times today already." Hermione replied.

"Mate, you're nearly 18. You literally sound like an 8 year old." Ron said.

"I don't care. I love snow and you can't change that." Harry shoved a biscuit in his mouth. "I'm gonna go talk to Draco."

Harry got up and headed to the library. He knew Draco would be there, he was always there. At the start of their 8th year, Harry and Draco started dating. After years of hiding their feelings and forcing themselves to be enemies, they finally revealed how they felt towards each other. They had been practically inseparable ever since.

Harry noticed a gentle Christmas playing quietly in the background as he walked into the library. He walked over to where Draco normally sat and found his favourite person. Harry went to give Draco a hug from behind.

"Hey." Harry said, quietly.

"Hey baby." Draco fell into Harry's hug. "Are you okay?"

"Do you think it's gonna snow?" Harry asked.

"Come here." Draco beckoned Harry over to a window. "See those clouds?"

Harry looked up and saw the sky being hogged by some storm, grey clouds, leaving tiny gaps between them to reveal the light grey sky above. "Uh-huh."

"They're Altostratus clouds."

"English, please." Harry asked.

Draco laughed gently before explaining. "They are made of ice crystals and water droplets. They usually mean continuous rain or snow and seeing as it's like minus five degrees outside, it's probably going to snow."

"Yes!" Harry whispered to himself.

Draco laughed before bringing Harry into a hug. "I love you."

"Love you too." Harry pressed a kiss to Draco's cheek.

Harry and Draco spent the rest of the day together before parting their separate ways to go to their dorms. Harry went to sleep praying it would snow overnight.

Harry woke the next morning, to the sun shining through the window. He got up immediately and threw back the curtains. There, across the hills was a thick, blanket. Harry checked the time, it was 8. He decided that Draco had had enough of his beauty sleep and could be woke up now. Harry quickly got changed and threw on as many layers as he could find. He wrapped his Gryffindor scarf around his neck and shoved his hat and gloves into his pocket. He sprinted all the way down to the Slytherin dorms. He said the password and ran up to Draco's room. Draco being Draco, of course had his own room. Harry unlocked the door and went into the room.

"Draco." Harry said quietly.

"Draco." Harry said, slightly louder this time. Draco didn't stir.

"DRACO!" Harry yelled.

Draco jumped and woke up. "What? What's happening?" Draco looked up and saw Harry. "Harry, are you okay?"

"It's snowing, Dray!" Harry said, excited.

Draco gave Harry a very unimpressed look before falling back onto his bed and closing his eyes.

"Dracoo." Harry whined. "Please."

Draco muttered something under his breath.

"What was that?"

"Nothing. Fine, I'll get up but I'm not getting up early on Christmas." Draco sighed.


Harry waited for Draco to get ready. Harry got a bit impatient as Draco took bloody hours to do his hair. Like, it didn't even matter, he was going to put a hat over it anyway.

"Ready." Draco stepped out of the bathroom wearing about 10 layers of clothes, his hat, scarf and two pairs of gloves.

"Draco, we're going out to make a snowman, not on an expedition to the artic."

"Let's just go before I change my mind." Draco walked out of the room, leaving Harry to catch up. Draco was definitely not a morning person.

Harry reached the opening to the quad first and stepped on the snow. He smiled when he heard the crisp crunch under his feet. Everything was perfect... except for the whiny voice that kept interrupting Harry's joy.

"It's fucking freezing. Why did you drag me out of bed? I kind of hate you right now. Are you even listening to me?"

"Come on. Let's make a snowman."

Harry and Draco spent about 30 minutes building the perfect snowman. It was made up of 3 balls of snow, gradually getting smaller as they went up. They were perfectly round and were placed on top of each other just right. Draco sent Harry to look for stones and sticks to act is the snowman eyes and arms while he finished off the head. Draco was nearly finished with everything when he felt something very cold collide with his head.

"What the fuck?" Draco spun around and was greeted with a snowball to the face. And another to his chest. And another to his stomach. "HARRY JAMES POTTER, I AM GOING TO KILL YOU!"

Draco quickly made an armful of snowballs and charged towards Harry, pelting the snowballs, surprisingly not missing once. Harry laughed as he ducked behind the tree that Draco climbed up in fourth year, definitely not to impress Harry. Harry came out from behind the tree with several snowballs in his hands.

"You're prepared, this is so unfair." Draco called out. Harry chuckled as he pelted all of his snowballs at Draco. Draco ran inside and ducked under the windows that looked over the quad. "You're going down Potter!"

"You wish!"

Draco crawled around to the door next to where Harry was standing. He looked up to see Harry cautiously looking around for Draco, two snowballs in either hand. Draco quietly stepped out and grabbed two handfuls of snow. He crept up to Harry before shoving both handfuls of snow down Harry's back.

Draco laughed as he heard Harry shriek.

"Told you you were going down." Draco said, smugly.

"It's so cold. Oh my god." Harry was running on the spot, trying to get all the snow to fall out.

"That'll teach you to never throw another snowball at me again. Ever." Draco said, before turning to walk away, holding his hand out for Harry to take.

Draco heard Harry left gently before a final snowball hit his head.

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