the tree

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Harry and Draco's kitten sat on the floor of the living room, clueless as to why the two men had kept pointing towards her for the past 20 minutes.

"Draco, it's not Christmas without a proper tree!"

"Well, I don't want our extremely playful kitten to play with the tree and make a mess of our living room!"

"Our living room will get messy whether we get a fake tree or a real tree!"

"It will get less messy with a fake tree!"

"You're such a Scrooge!"

Harry picked up their kitten and went up to his and Draco's room. Harry had found her wandering the streets when she was around 8 weeks old. She was a tiny grey tabby and Harry assumed she was the runt of her litter and got abandoned. Harry took her home and Draco immediately fell in love. They decided to name her Belle.

"Hey Belle, you wouldn't play with the tree, would you?" As Harry said this, Belle playfully bit his finger. "Maybe you would." Harry sighed. "I would hoover up after you, maybe we could just not let you go in the living room. No, that's a terrible idea. I would hoover up after you though, if we did get a real tree. What if I got on without Draco knowing? No, he'd go mad, wouldn't he?"

Harry gently ticked Belle's stomach.

"Should I go and say sorry to Dray? I should, he's probably right anyway."

Harry scooped up Belle in his arms and walked into the living room where Draco was sitting.

"Dray, I'm sorry. You're right. She would play with the tree and it would make a mess."

"No, baby. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have thrown such a fit about a tree. You're right, it won't be Christmas without a proper tree so we'll go out and get one now."

"Really?" Harry asked in disbelief.

"Yeah. I'm sorry for shouting, forgive me?"

"You're forgiven."

Draco pressed a gentle kiss to Harry's lips. Harry and Draco got ready to go out and get a tree. Draco drove to the shop and the two went outside to find a tree. There was all kinds of tree but Draco seemed to know his stuff.

"I think it would be best if we got a Colorado Blue Spruce." Draco said.

"Okay...," Harry said, a bit uncertain as to what exactly a Colorado Blue Spruce was.

"It's got a nice blue hue, rarely sheds needles, stiff branches which are good for holding ornaments and they are a perfect pyramid shape. Also, the needle are quite sharp which should keep Belle away."

"Perfect. Are there any here?"

"I'll just ask someone."

Harry waited as Draco went over to ask a worker whether they had any Colorado Blue Spruces. When Draco came back, he told Harry that the worker said that there was only one left and it was in the fourth aisle, middle right. Draco and Harry walked to where the worker said the tree was and the found it. It was laying in its side so Draco pulled it up.

The tree was magnificent, it gave off a beautiful blue hue and was the perfect shape. It wasn't too bushy at the bottom or to scarce at the top. It was around 7 feet tall and looked so elegant. Draco and Harry decided immediately that that was their tree. The bought it and went home. When they walked into their house, they were greeted by Belle but she immediately backed away when she saw the tree come through the door.

"Aw, look she's scared of the tree." Harry looked towards Belle who was hiding behind a pile of Harry's shoes. Draco's shoes were neatly lined up, of course.

"Yeah, yeah. A little help here, babe? It's quite heavy."

"Oh yeah, sorry." Harry held up the other end of the tree and followed Draco into the living room.

The tree looked stunning in their grey and white themed living room. Draco put the tree in a stand whilst Harry went upstairs to get the decorations. There was no tinsel, Draco hated tinsel. There was loads of white, silver and blue decorations and a few red and green decorations. They had an elegant silver star that would sit on top of the red and white lights to be wrapped around.

Harry took the decorations downstairs and him and Draco started to decorate the tree. It took them around half an hour to decorate. All the cheap, plastic baubles were on or near the bottom of the tree so that they wouldn't break if Belle got to them. When the two had finished, they took a step back to admire their work. Lights spiralled around each branch, magically illuminating the blue hue of the tree. Shiny, blue baubles hung on the branches, highlighted by small silver stars. Blue ribbon was carefully threaded through the tree and other small decorations were placed here and there. A large silver star dominated the top of the tree, sparkling majestically.

Belle immediately took interesting to one of the plastic baubles hung at the bottom of the tree and began playing with it. It was less than 30 seconds before the bauble, it landed on her stomach and frightened her. Belle scampered out of the room before being carried back in by Harry. Harry held her as he stood next to the tree.

"It's not going to hurt you, see." Harry cooed.

Belle reached out one of her front legs and batted on of the expensive baubles.

"But we don't do that." Harry chuckled as he walked away from the tree. "Are you glad we got a real tree now?"

"Shut up." Draco slid his arm around Harry. "But yes."

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