the present

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Draco had decided to go home for Christmas in his 8th year to keep his mother company and see how she was doing. Draco had pondered over whether he should go home or stay at Hogwarts with his boyfriend, Harry Potter. Harry was actually the one to push him to go home for Christmas. Draco knew he had to see his mother at some point but he wasn't too sure about going back so soon after school had started. He had spent all summer away from the manor and many people thought that Draco couldn't wait to go back but, actually, Draco was a bit scared to go back. So many bad memories were held in that house, but Draco had to go back to see his mother.

Draco was happy that he was with his mother but he missed Harry like crazy. They had written every day but it wasn't the same without him. Draco and Narcissa were eating there dinner on Christmas Eve when Narcissa spoke up.

"Draco, are you okay? You've been acting a little strangely over these past few day." Narcissa asked, gently.

"I'm fine, mother."

"Draco, I'm your mother, I know when something isn't right."

"Okay, I just miss Harry a lot. It's just not the same without him. I almost feel like a piece of me is missing." Draco sighed.

"Oh, Draco." Narcissa gently placed her hand on Draco's arm. "I'm sure he feels exactly the same."

Draco smiles softly at his mother. "Let's not be sad. It's Christmas Eve after all."

The two finished eating their dinner before retiring to the living room. The two shared a dance in front of the fire before going up to their own rooms. Draco got changed into his pyjamas and slid into bed.

"Oh Harry." Draco whispered to himself. "Merlin, I miss you so much. I didn't think it was possible to love someone so much but, you came along. I wish you were here with me. It's hard being back here. I try to cover it up from mother as best as I can because I need to be strong for her. But right now, I'm finding it hard to be strong for myself. I just want you to hold me and tell me everything's alright. You should be here Harry, we should be sharing our first Christmas together. I love you, Harry. So fucking much. Merry Christmas, my love."

Draco wiped a tear away from his face before falling asleep. Draco pulled the cover up and over his face in case his mother came in. The one thing Draco didn't want was his mother seeing him upset.

Draco woke to his mother gently tapping him.

"Merry Christmas, Draco!" Narcissa said happily before pulling Draco into a hug.

"Merry Christmas, Mother." Draco squeezed his mother gently.

"Get you dressing gown and slippers on and come downstairs. I've made you your favourite breakfast."

"Apple pancakes?"

Narcissa nodded her head.

"You're the best, mother!" Draco quickly got his slippers and dressing gown before following his mother downstairs.

They both sat in the living room opening gifts from each other, family and friends. Lots of wrapping paper later, Draco handed his mother one last present. It was a small box shape covered with a silver, snowflake wrapping paper. Narcissa gently took the wrapping paper off to reveal a green velvet box. She gently opened it and gasped at its contents.

The box contained a necklace with two charms. One was a beautifully crafted Narcissus flower with a yellow diamond and the other was a rectangle with soft corner, it was engraved with Dear Mother, Love Draco in tiny delicate letters.

"Oh, Draco!" Narcissa gasped. "I love it."

Draco took the necklace from the box and clipped it around his mother neck.

"It's beautiful. Thank you so much." Narcissa kissed Draco's cheek.

"It's nothing." Draco said.

"I have one final present for you to, Draco."

"You do?"

"Yes, but it is in the drawing room as it is quite big."

Narcissa stood up and walked to the drawing room with Draco following closely behind. When Draco stepped into the drawing room, he saw a box that was nearly as tall as him, wrapped in a christmas tree wrapping paper. There was a hole on the right side of the box, which Draco assumed was to open it.

"Mother, this is huge. What is it?"

"Well, open it and find out." Narcissa's face was decorated with possibly the biggest smile Draco had seen.

Draco pulled open the box and saw a face he would recognise anywhere. Draco immediately went to hug the man in front of him, inhaling the familiar scent, finally getting the touch he had been craving.

"What are you doing here?" Draco asked. Tears rolling down his face from how happy he was.

"I'm here to see you."

"I've missed you so much." Draco pressed a kiss to the mans lips.

"I've missed you too, more than you could ever know."

There in front of Draco was Harry Potter. The person he didn't think he was going to see for two more weeks. The boy that he had been missing so much. Both boys were sniffling into each other shoulders.

"How did you get here?" Draco asked, still in disbelief that Harry right in front of him.

"I flooed in after you had gone to sleep. Your mother organised it all."

Draco released Harry to go and hug his mother.

"Thank you so much Mother. Thank you so much." Draco whispered.

Narcissa squeezed Draco in response.

"I would do anything to make sure your happy, Draco." Narcissa whispered back.

Draco spent the rest of his Christmas happy, he had everything he needed with him, and that would never change.

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