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"Don't you think Jake is taking a while? What if he got kidnapped? Did I just lose my hero? WHY GOD WHY DIDN'T THEY TAKE ME!!" 

"Jayden if you don't shut up I'll take you to his kidnappers and leave you there with them!" Said Kristina with a very annoyed expression. 

Those have been the first words she's said to us in a while, I'm glad she was the one that spoke up cause the idiot I have as a best friend-I'm speaking about Jayden, not everything is about Kristina- was seriously getting on my nerves.

"Let me go see what's happening," said Alex as he stood up, Cassie standing up with him. 

Before they could even go very far, Jake came back accompanied by Logan, my parents, and Kristina's dad. 

If I didn't know better I would think Kristina called Logan but the shocked look on her face when he walked in took that thought away.

"Can someone please explain to me why this two lads were out in the front yard arguing and fighting. Why are there more people in this house besides my own children?" Dad said as he walked in with my mom trailing right behind him.

"I want to know why my daughter isn't at home like she was supposed to be?" Mr. Johnson said as soon as he got the chance to speak.

"Martin, Caleb, don't worry, I'm sure our children will answer our questions pretty soon." my mother said with an amused glance.


I woke up the next day feeling super tired, we stayed up explaining to our parents the last night's events. Well atleast I was, my smart twin brother decided to say we were having a 'study party' for the finals coming up. 

I mean I guess that would've been believable, IF WE WEREN'T 4 MONTHS AWAY FROM FINALS.

Obviously we were all grounded, specially Alex since he was the oldest. He wasn't allowed to drive his car anywhere meaning we would either walk to school or get a ride from a friend. 

It's only been like 3 days since we got grounded and I, myself, had been getting rides from Logan. Today was just one more of those days, I woke up and got ready, then ate breakfast and waited for Logan to honk when he gets here. 

Yes, honk, apparently that's a way for him to express that he is still very upset.

"The game against West High is coming up in a few days." Logan said as soon as I got in the car. 

"I know that, why are you reminding me?" I asked a bit confused, it's the biggest game of the school year. 

We host the Sunset Game to win the Golden Helmet. It's just East High Panthers against West High Wolves, Logan knows my dance team always has a dance battle during half time against Carmen Morgan, dance captain for the wolves. 

"Have you decided which side of the field you're going to sit on?" he asked with a sour tone.

"Yea I'm sitting in the Panther Den with my dance team, cheering for Darren and Jayden." I said, "Cause I don't think you'll want me cheering for you that night." 

With that I ended the whole argument because I noticed we had arrived at school and I stormed out the car.


Our usual lunch table was full of tension.

 Alex and Cassie sat with us, Alex and Kristina were serious too -their relationship problems were solved and so were the differences between her and me- and Jayden just kept eating his lunch without saying a world.

I was sitting next to Logan, also keeping quiet. Ever since that day of the party, our football team hasn't been the same. There's a lot of hard feelings and I honestly feel sorry for Zack, he loves the sport and many from the team don't talk to him for helping my  brothers out.

After lunch I was heading towards the arts building with Tina, a girl from my class and Jayden-he claims he only walks with us because he's science building is close to our class but I know that it's because he has a crush on Tina.

"Babe! Wait up" I heard someone yell and I turned around to see Logan. 

"What's up?" I said with a normal tone. I decided that even if a relationship is for two, that I was going to do my best to protect it. Jayden, being unable to see Logan for more than a minute said he was going to go ahead with Tina.

"Sorry about this morning, I really didn't want to come off as an asshole, I just don't want to lose you." Logan said with a sincere expression. He loves me, and I love him. If we're going to work this out then we have to communicate with each other, and I'm super glad it got through his thick skull.

Little did I know, more problems were to come.

Should Stephanie forgive Logan? Let me know in the comments.

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