15. Mom has Guts and We Have 2 New Inhabitants

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After we left the nurse's office we headed to our 6th period. I was personally surprised that I wasn't called up to the office or that none of the campus supervisors saw what had gone down in the cafeteria. 

But right before the bell for 7th period rung, the announcement bell went off and Ms. Martha, the school secretary, was on the mic asking for my presence in the principal's office, I guess I spoke too soon.

One of the dance team members and I glanced at each other before I packed up my stuff and left the class. Once inside the principal's office I saw Logan already sitting down with an ice pack on his left eye and bruises starting to form on his face.

Even with the amount of hate inside me, there was no possible way I had made that much damage to his face. 

"Ms. Stephanie please have a seat." Mr. Parker said when he noticed my presence. Without glancing at Logan I picked up the seat available and moved it further from the asshole.

"Mr. Parker may I know why I'm missing my art class" I asked in the nicest way possible. 

"Well Ms. Stephanie, I happen to have heard about what occurred in the cafeteria and then afterwards with your brothers in the boys' locker room." 

My brothers? "And may I ask what it is that you heard about my brothers" I asked 

Logan just let out a sarcastic laugh, "I'm telling you Mr. Park, these brothers of hers really influenced sweet little Stephy." 

"Young man I suggest you stay quiet before I do worse then what my sons did to you."

Mr. Parker's face suddenly looked surprised and I turned around to see who the owner of the voice was. I was surprised to see my mother, she hated violence but the fact that she threatened Logan was shocking enough. 

"I want to know why my sons are being suspended and why my daughter is in the same room as that pervert. I demand an explanation and I want it now." My mom continued to say as she looked at Parker straight in the eyes. 

"Look, it's not that easy. Darren and Alex jumped Logan in the locker room hours after Stephanie had already attacked him in the cafeteria. Please understand that the situation isn't easy Ms.-" Mr. Parker began saying before my mom cut him off. 

"And did you ask why those events occurred? I know my kids well enough to know that they won't take aggressive actions towards someone unless the were provoked. And seeing that my daughter was almost raped in your school and my son's girlfriend unfortunately was raped by the same offender is reason enough to hit someone. As a matter of fact, they still wouldn't do it because my husband had already done what we thought needed to be done but I guess it wasn't enough. He came back today and as far as I'm informed, Logan went up to my daughter and her friend and began shaming her and did the same thing to my son in the locker room. All this useless school did was suspend him for a few weeks and keep him from playing in a sport for RAPING another student. I do not believe this was enough but we'll see what our lawyer and the judge says when we file for a lawsuit against this garbage school and the young boy in the room."

At the end of her little speech she grabbed my hand before Mr. Parker could say anything and pulled me out the office and towards the car where my brothers were waiting for us. 


Once we arrived home I saw some pairs of shoes that were too clean to belong to any of us teens in the house and then I saw some boxes in the house. It suddenly hit me that the twins were moving in today.

"Mom!! I need to run to the store I'll be back soon!" And without waiting for a response I ran out the door towards the store and bakery near our home and bought them each a small welcome gift and cake.

I felt so bad for forgetting about them but with everything that was going on, I didn't have the head to think about anything else. 

When I was back home I began to help my mom prepare the rest of the food and assemble it all onto our finest plates and waited for the kids to come home. Even Alex was excited, he made a huge fuss about them and all but ever since the football game he was getting along pretty well with Marco and they became buddies during the short time that we spent together. 

A few hours later and a whole lot of unboxing, my mom finally received a message from my dad that they were less then a block away and just in time before as we finished setting the table.

In less than 10 minutes we were all greeting and helping the other set of twins set in before we began eating and just getting to know each other better and playing table games.

HEYYYY EVERYONE!! Sorry for lagging too much I've had a hard time getting ideas and then getting smewhere to type them since i do not have a phone T.T 

Anyways I hope you're enjoying the story so far, I know there are a lot of mistakes but I promise to fix them soon. Please continue to read and leave your own opinions

#romance #comedy #siblings #Family #wattpad #read #laugh #cry #safe #thankyou #friends #highschool #hs

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