19. What Just Happened? PT2

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Why is Jayden acting so serious? Is he gonna tell me that mentioning him in my little speech wasn't ok? I'm so confused, he gave the me the heart tap and the peace sign. Wait, maybe I'm overreacting, I should just wait for him to tell me what's in his mind.

"Yea, go ahead I am all ears." I said.

"I just want to let everything out right here and right now. Talk about everything that has happened ever since we entered high school."  Jayden said, is it ok to say that I am so glad he's not mad.

"Ok well go ahead," I said once again indicating for him to go on.

"Ok, so I'll go first and then you can tell me your point of view," he said, to which I nodded. 

"So, our friendship was great before high school, hanged out everyday, did homework, pranks, jokes, had still had awesome parties to go to. You and I were inseparable before high school and before.. before Logan." He stopped for a minute to check on my reaction before continuing, "and after we got in and you became the dance team captain and then Logan's girlfriend and we topped hanging. You became friends with Cassie and Kristina and next thing I know is that I am no longer your only friend. And now that you're moving away it'll be even harder to hang out because of the differences in schedules and all and then if you get a boyfriend that is exactly like Logan then it's definitely over in our friendship." 

And now that is straight bullshit! He can't only blame me and my failure of a relationship for our distance.

"Ok now its my turn, yea I admit that I did make new friends and became the captain of the dance team but you joined the football team and you have practice literally everyday after school and sometimes before school so I am not the only one at fault. Let me also remind you that you also made new friends, you're in 2 different sports and I find it hard to believe that you didn't make friends in either one of them. You're popular Jayden, everyone invites you every where and you're always going to parties, I mean so am I but even when I dated Logan I would look for you to dance so I think it is safe to say that I made an effort. And yea I got a bad boyfriend, that was dumb of me and all, I might be dumb but not stupid and I am not going to put myself in another one of those relationships. And it is honestly hurtful that you think I am too stupid to get back to someone like Logan." 

"I mean, we all told you not to date him or forgive him after the fight against those West High kids were we met Jake but here we are getting over the fact that he raped Kristina and tried raping you first, to which you stood silent about what he tried to do. And how are your brothers paying the price? By having to move away and leave behind their girlfriends, their team, and the people they've know since elementary." He said as he pointed out the kitchen window.

When I turned to look at what he was pointing at I realized that the party was over and my girl-friends were crying while hugging my brothers. 

I felt awful, I quickly turned while wiping a tear off my face. At the sight of me crying Jayden's gaze softened. It had always been like this, whenever I would cry no matter the reason, Jayden would always find a way to make me feel better. 

"Look Steph, I didn't want this talk to go south, no pun intended," he said as I gave him a small chuckle. "but I think we both needed to hear what we had in our minds." 

Jayden has always been there for me, and he is right. Everyone told me to stop dating Logan and I said I loved him to much to end our relationship and now because of me we have to move and I caused my brothers pain and I just don't know what to do. 

Jayden wrapped his arms around me, I remember when he used to do this back when we were much younger. I would cry because of something my brothers would do and he would always be there to make me feel better.

I really missed his hugs, the way that his arms felt wrapped around me really made me remember all the good times.

I have no idea what happened or how it happened but I felt Jayden's hands on my cheeks and his lips on mine. 

Right after we broke away we both smiled and look at each other. We suddenly heard a small cough and we quickly separated from each other and turned to look at the person who made the noise.

Said person was hiding but we managed to know it was Marco and Mariana who were now hiding behind the wall.

"kids!!! Did you guys find Stephanie," Alex's voice was heard as he entered the kitchen with Darren who was pushing the twins in a playful way.

When they finally realized we were in the kitchen they looked at us with a questioning look before Darren spoke. 

"Ok um, Jayden can you please help us move the last of the boxes from upstairs?" 

"Sure bro, I'll be up there in a bit." Jayden said as he pretended to wash his hands. Darren and Alex just nodded and began to leave.

Before they even left the kitchen Alex stopped and whispered something into Marco's ear, something to which Marco nodded and saluted him like a soldier. 

After they left, Marco looked straight at Jayden and opened his mouth, "Alex told me to keep an eye on you. He gave me his full permission to kick you ass if you tried anything with my sister. He said I was in charge." 

I gave a small chuckle at his words, he looked so proud when he said Alex put him in charge. Jayden just laughed while Mariana just face palmed her face.

"Moron, you do know that Stephanie is older than us right? Therefore she's in charge." she said with a bored expression as she looked at her phone.

"Yea but it's only by a year. Besides Alex and Darren are older than her and they put me in charge." Wow, Marco was really taking this serious.

"Look Mark, if you keep your mouth closed on what you and Mariana saw then I'll keep my mouth closed about you scratching Alex's car door." Jayden said.

"Nooo, it was you? Alex was so mad, he thought Darren had done it and made him walk to school for a week." I said with a laugh as I remembered.

"It was an accident! Fine I won't say anything about you guys kissing as long as you keep your end of the deal and after you promise to not hurt my sister." Marco added in his own conditions. Lowkey they touched my heart and I gave him a huge hug. 

Jayden and Marco shook on their deal and Jayden left to help with the boxes.

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