13. The Truth Always Gets Revealed

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It's been about two days since the Sunset Game, I really don't want to talk about because that whole night was a mess.


The cheerleaders weren't prepared with their outfits so the dance team had to escort the team to the field since we were the next thing closest to a cheerleader. And no, before anyone starts assuming that I got paired with Logan, that was not the case. Luckily for me I was able to get Darren as my partner, but a few players behind us was Chris and I felt his stare burning a hole into my head. 

After we reached the field the dance and football teams went separate ways but Logan was still able to reach out to me and kiss me in mid-field. Everyone who doesn't know would think that it was a cute moment but it was far from it.

When we finally pulled away he just smirked and ruffled my hair, I turned towards Janett who was calling me but a few steps behind her was Chris looking at me with a disappointed face.

I ignored him and moved towards Jayden and Darren and hugged them wishing them each a good game. As I was making my way to the gate I noticed my parent's in the very front with Alex and two other teens who I guessed were the twins. 

I couldn't really hear what they were saying to me because of all the noise but based on my dad's facial expression I knew they had seen the kiss. I'm super dead meat when I get home but at that moment I didn't want to think about it and just smiled and waved at the kids.

The game in general went well, we won, but then there was a fight, between our own team. Yea, our team and right after the game. I have no clue what happened, all I know is that our halftime performance got changed towards the end of the game while he players were getting changed to receive the golden ball and during mid performance we heard many people screaming and the music suddenly stopped. 

We all turned to look towards the problem and sure enough there's Logan and Darren fighting in midfield. I started looking around fight trying to see someone I recognized and I saw Kristina in Cassie's arms crying like crazy. 

I noticed Alex jump from the bleachers and ran towards the girls, I came back from my daze and ran towards them as well. Alex and I made it towards the crowd at the same time but I went towards the girls and Alex ran towards the boys. Jayden was already there and they both tried to pull Darren from Logan, I stayed behind looking at the fighting and hugging Kristina at the same time.

There was a few screams from everyone and next thing we all know is that their head coach came out with a very loud alarm, which caught everyone's attention. With that distraction the boys loosened their grips on each other and Jayden and Alex were able to pull Darren from Logan.

Darren still had a furious look in his eyes, the type of look that would kill. He started moving his glance around the crowd and he stared deeply into Kristina and his eyes began to fill with tears, then he stare met mine and that's when he lost it.

Darren's POV

Why did they stop me, I'm going to kill that bastard. I ran my hand through my hair after I pulled away from Jayden and Alex and stared looking through the crowd. I saw my girlfriend crying like crazy with Cassie's arms around her, my eyes started to glisten over at her crying figure. I moved my eyes away from her and they met my baby sister's stare, at that very moment I lost it. A million thoughts ran through my head, I wasn't there to protect my girlfriend, I wasn't there to protect my sister, my own sister god damn it.

I was mad at myself, at Logan, at Stephanie, at Kristina, at Alex, at Jayden, at Chris, I was mad at everyone.

A tight grip was holding onto my arm just as I was about to make my way towards them. I turned only to make eye contact with my dad, he had a very disappointed look on his face and he signalled for me to follow him, he then made hand gestures towards Alex and Stephanie to follow us. I heard Alex tell Jayden to please give Kristina and Cassie a ride to their home and went to kiss Cassie before he started walking behind us.

Mom and the twins were already waiting for us by the time we got to the car. The twins looked like they were in an awkward situation, and they were. They had no idea who we were and to top it off they were going to witness an argument go down by the time we got home.

When we got home we all sat down in the living room for a 'family meeting' on today's events.

"What happened for you to get so worked up and hit that guy." my mom asked in an annoyed voice, she hated violence and had always told us to talk our problems out.

"Yea bro, everything was crazy. Kristy was crying, you were punching Logan, Cassie was looking at him with an evil stare in her eyes. Damn even Chris looked like he wanted to beat him up." Alex said as he stood by the door frame by the kitchen.

"That Logan guy, he's the one that kissed you on the field right? I recognize him now, he was also here in the house the day you guys went to that party. Why is it that everytime I see him he manages to anger me? Tell me Stephanie, are you dating that jerk? And did you boys know about it?" my Dad finally spoke up turning all the attention to Stephanie.

"Yea Stephy, tell us if you're dating that bastard even after.. after what he did to you, and tell me if you're going to continue dating him after what he did to Kristina!" I yelled at Stephanie as I completely lost it again.

Steph just looked at me with a shocked expression, while Alex and dad both jumped from were they were.

"What did he do to Stephanie"

"What did he do to Kristina"

They all asked at the same time while looking at me, dad and Alex with anger, Stephanie looked scared and worried.

I began reciting every previous event that lead me to attacking Logan, I found myself talking while staring directly at Stephanie not once removing my glance.

"We had all finished changing and we were by the tunnel taking pictures and all, I received a text from Kristina that she would wait for me in the hall near the water fountain with Cassie but I didn't see the message right away. I stayed taking more pictures with the team when Logan came and joined us. By then I pulled out my phone to use the camera and I read the message. When I told the guys where I was going Chris offered to come with me because he needed his bag from the locker. When we got near the fountain I saw Cassie running towards us telling us Kristina needed help. As her boyfriend I ran towards her with Chris by myself. When we got there Kristina was a mess, she was crying, her hair was a mess, her makeup was ruined, and she had something dripping down her leg. At first I thought she dropped water or that she may of started her period but then between sobs she told me what Logan did to her." I finished repeating what I had seen earlier that night. When I looked up I saw Alex tightening his fist and my mom and dad had upset and worried faces, they loved Kristina like a daughter, then I turned to Stephanie, she had tears running down her face with a blank stare in her eyes.

"When she finished talking my reaction was to look for Logan, I was about to leave when Chris held onto my arm. He told me he had to tell me something. He said he thinks he did or tried to do something similar to Steph," I continued, at the mention of her name Steph looked up to look at me with a shocked expression. Almost as if she was ashamed, "he told me he didn't know the details but that he had asked Steph and her behavior after the question made him think he was right. That's when Cassie spoke up and told me about the day when they found you in the dance room with Logan and you were in a certain position and that when they walked in you left the room. She said she thought you were embarrassed of the situation but that she didn't even think he was trying to do something to you. So tell me Steph, what exactly happened that day?" 

Poor Kristina, I'ld curse Logan if I could.  Do you think they'll do something to Logan after they find out about it? Darren literally just dared Stephanie to speak up and say the truth. But, will she? She can always just lie to protect Logan.

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