17. It Was All Unnoticed

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Mom and dad had talked to us about the transfer the next day after we heard them talk in their room. Then Alex told them about his idea and surprise surprise, they agreed.

Then we all met in the family room to have Marco and Mariana give us their opinion, at first they thought it would be hard but luckily for them they haven't started at their new school yet. 

Since we had all agreed and decided and made the plans, mom and dad had met up with mom's old friend and now we have a lawyer to sue the school and press charges on Logan. 

Despite what he has done it hurts having to take this type of actions against him because of all the good memories we have together. 

Don't misunderstand, I want him to pay for what he did to Kristina and what he put me through but it's just hard to process everything that's happened. 

But it should all be over soon, tomorrow is our last day in East High and hopefully the last time that I breathe the same air as Logan. I was able to convince my parents to drop the entire lawsuit, we are moving and I really didn't want to deal seeing Logan even after I move.


I woke up this morning in a whole new mood, today is the day I say bye to East High. 

"Stephanie, your mom said you have to hurry if you want to eat breakfast," said Mariana as she walked into our room.

"You still won't call her mom?" I asked, mom had already said they were allowed to call her mom if they wanted too but they still haven't gotten used to the idea. 

Mariana just shook her head and laid down and picked up her book.

"What about you, did you and Marco eat already eat?"I asked as I was finishing brushing my hair. 

"Yea we all ate already, you're the last one, like always." she said teasingly.

"heyyyy that's not nice little attitude" I said while we both laughed. 


After what seemed liked forever and after my mom's 1000th 'Don't speak to Logan' we finally made it out the door and into Alex's car. 

We made it in the school hallway and I, along with Jayden, was making my way to clean out my locker. 

Luckily I had my best friend helping me, the girls were obviously hanging out with my brothers and I honestly didn't mind. 

"I can't believe you're leaving me after all we've been through" Jayden said with a sad voice as he was watching me pack my stuff.

"Don't do this Jay, you are not going to act like I'm breaking up with you to get me to stay." I said with a laugh, " besides you literally come over whenever you want anyways. What difference will it make if you don't see me at school?" 

"What difference? Really Stephanie? Ok, fine leave. See if I miss you." and with that JAyden turned around. 

I am going to miss him but this is for my own good and my brothers' and Jayden needs to understand that. 


I spent most of the school day taking pictures and turning in an assignments so I transfer with decent grades. 

During lunch Jayden was still not talking to me and well it hurt my feelings but if that's how he wants to act then fine.

Everyone was talking about having throwing my brothers and I a goodbye party tomorrow night, specially the girls since their parents didn't let them transfer. 

Darren was all up for it, I really didn't want a party and neither did Alex. He had been upset about leaving Cassie behind and i'm sure he wants to spend as much time as possible alone with her. 

Soon after Darren offered our house for the party everyone began saying and planning what they were going to bring.

"Yo but the 'rents are gonna be home, they've been working at home and dealing with the moving and the paperwork for the new house. Not to mention the mini twins." Said Alex, and he was right I had completely forgotten about them.

"Its fine, we can still have the party, your parents are loved around here I'm sure some neighbors would like yo say goodbye to them too. We can have a big party for the whole family" this time it was Chris who spoke.

I know you have all been wondering what had happened after Chris had been acting like my knight in shining armor but no, there is nothing going on. 

I feel like it is still too soon for me to get in a relationship, besides I'm moving and I have no feelings for Chris so there is no way I'm getting in a relationship anytime soon.

Logan, in case you're wondering, moved to West High. Stupid, I know but what can I say? I'm just glad Kristina won't have to deal with his ass anymore without Darren around. 

The end of lunch signaled the end of my daze and I noticed everyone stood up and had left me and Jayden behind to clean the mess on the table. 

"Its fine, I'll clean you can leave." I said to the silent boy who was lazily cleaning the stain of ketchup that someone left. 

"No, its fine, I'm not the type to leave a friend behind." he said.

"Jay, can we not do this? This is very tough on me too you know?" I said annoyed at his remark, he's acting like a brat.

"Well shit Steph you date an asshole for 4 months forget about me, hang out with the girls and leave me behind. And now what? You are moving to a different school and a new house and what about me, I get left behind." Shit.

I had no idea he felt like this, Jayden and I used to tell each other everything. It all changed after we started high school and I began dating Logan.

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