11. This Can't Be Happening!

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I couldn't stop turning all over the my bed. Alex was in my head all night, it's like as if he can't accept and forgive my father. I mean I understand that he hates cheaters, I mean so would I if I were to be in his situation, but he forgave Diana, the one who cheated on him, like dude why can't he forgive my dad after he forgave that hoe. 

I was still going over everything that has happened over the last few weeks when I suddenly heard my alarm going off. I quickly stood up and looked at the clock, it read 6:30 am, I can't believe I stayed up all night.

 I stood up from my bed and got in the shower and made sure I took an extra cold shower to make sure I wasn't falling asleep. I got out and put on a pair of ripped ligh jeans and a strip tube-top with some beige sandals and I lightly applied a coat of mascara. 

Since I was early for once I decided to just head downstairs and have breakfast with my family. Once I made my way down stairs towards and sat down on my spot right before my brother announces that the Sunset Game is tomorrow.

"Mom, Dad, tomorrow at six-thirty Jayden and I will be playing West High Wolves during the Sunset Game. I was wondering if you would come..?" he said, "It's a given that Bubbles and Alex are going since Logan is playing and Cassie is part of ASB"

"Logan? Why would Steph go to the game to see Logan?" my dad asked, you see, it was one thing for my brother to allow it but my dad is a whole other story. I quickly sent an evil glare towards my twin. 

"Oh umm its cause she was assigned to make a report on the football game and take pictures of certain player." Alex quickly came to the rescue.

"And why couldn't she have chosen Darren or Jayden? Why did she have to pick this Logan kid?" my dad kept searching for answers.

"Daddy its cause Kristina had already chosen Darren and some random girl picked Jayden."  I said, he just simply gave me the eye that meant he didn't believe me but that he will drop the topic. 

"Anyways, yes Darren we'll be there. We wouldn't dare miss the biggest game of the year" my mother said as she brought my dad's plate of pancakes to the table.


Alex quickly drove us to school because I had to do last minute prepping for the dance routine during half time, he also couldn't wait to see Cassie, this past few days she's been busy with ASB so my beloved brother was deprived from his girlfriend a couple of days. 

As I was walking towards my locker I noticed Tina standing by Jay's locker, she's been doing this for the last couple of days and honestly it creeps me out. 

Hey babe wya? I'm in a mood for some fun how bout we ditch the first 2 classes?? ;)- Logan

Is he kidding me right now? Ok, maybe he forgot or something but I'M A FRESHMAN!! I HAVE 3 SUPER PROTECTIVE BROTHERS AND A DAD THAT WOULD KILL HIM IF THEY FOUND OUT. 

Like is my boyfriend ok in the head? Just because he used to sleep around with all the other girls it doesn't mean I'll be the same. 

I, unlike those hoes, have self-respect. I might be coming off as a prude and all but sex at the age of 15 isn't really necessary in my life, I might be wrong for this but I have never even thought as Logan as my first first. 

Sorry but no thanks, I'm busy and let me remind you I'M A FRESHMAN and my brothers would kill you if they found out you texted me that- Stephanie. 

I quickly sent that message as soon as I felt a thin breath of relief coming from Jayden when he got close enough to me. 

babe i was doing all sorts of wild shit my freshman year, just go with the flow, besides who said they have to know?? It could be our little secret ;) besides im sure they've messed around with their girls, why cant I play with mine?? :(- Logan 

I really can't believe you right now logan, you're such a pig. Im going to class.- stephanie

I'm really upset about my boyfriend texting me like that, bro like can he really not? What if Jayden would of seen the messages, he would surely tell my brothers, or anyone for that matter. 

I continued to walk to towards the dance room with Jayden, ignoring the constant beeping until it bothered me enough to just turn off my phone. 

Luckily Jayden was so caught up in making sure Tina wasn't following us that he didn't notice, I just have to talk to Logan about the situation, we've only been dating for like 3 months and he wants me to do some sort of deed with him. I just have to wait until lunch.

When we reached the dance room I said bye to Jayden while I entered and started to stretch, I usually came to school in leggings and a loose shirt to practice and then change into normal clothes afterwards but today I had forgotten to bring extra clothes, so much for waking up early.

Once the whole team was here we started stretching and began with our choreo, about 40 minutes later we were all done with perfecting little details and now everyone was changing and getting ready to leave. I was about to head out myself when Nate, one of the boys in the team called out to me.

"Wow captain, I didn't know you liked showing skin." he said as Janett came up to us and pointed out what Nate was talking about. Somehow during the run throughs my leggings had ripped exposing a medium size portion of under-thigh. 

"Here captain, I always have extra clothes but I think it'll be too short for you since you have longer legs," Janett said as she handed me a really pretty skirt, it did look too short for me but beggars can't be choosers and I rather not walk around with ripped leggings. I quickly accepted the skirt and waited for everyone to leave and then begin to change. 

Right when I was about to raise up the skirt, the door opens up revealing Logan. He just smirked as he realized he caught me in the middle of something private. I quickly finished raising up the skirt and buttoning it up as he walked towards me with a foreign stare. 

"Babe, why did you put it on? I think you look great without it." he said as he wrapped his arms around my waist, dangerously close to by bottom. I squirmed in his arms as he placed small pecks on the crook of my neck. 

I don't know what type of way he was intending to make me feel but all I felt was how uncomfortable I was. I gently started to push him away and when he wouldn't budge I tried pushing him with greater force. 

Still not even a little stumble, his hands started creeping into my shirt, saying I was scared was an understatement I was at the verge of tears in my eyes. 

At that very moment before he was able to reach my bra, the door opened once again and in came Kristina and Cassie, "Girl we've been looking for you, where have you be-." Cassie suddenly stopped as soon as they saw the position we were in. 

Logan just stepped away and acted like nothing happened. I quickly grabbed my things and walked out the door, all I heard while I ran to my class was the footsteps of my friends behind me. 

I quickly entered my class and sat down waiting for the lesson to begin, I zoned out all period just thinking about what could of happened if my friends wouldn't of walked in. 

The rest of the day I tried to avoid Logan, Cassie, and Kristina, I just couldn't look at Logan right now and I knew my friends would ask me all sort of questions and to be honest I don't even know how I would answer them. 

I managed to make it through the whole day without seeing anyone, I just had to eat in the library and take the long way towards my locker. No biggie, I just hope the girls haven't told anyone about what they saw, I really don't want my brothers finding out. 

The bell finally rang signaling the end of school, I took my time packing my stuff and walking out the door, I suddenly received a text.

hey capt. we are all waiting for you in the dance room, we want to get some more rehearsals before tomorrow- Tory

hey yea im omw don't worry, tell everyone to begin stretching- stephy

I sighed in relief as I replied, I was afraid my friends would of texted me, I will tell, them just not now.

Logan is a complete no life fbhnjmgc. What would you have done in that situation?

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