16. Making Changes

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Stephanie and her family had an amazing night despite the events that occurred during the day. Darren and Alex and her father were playing a game of football in the yard while Stephanie, her mother, and Mariana were preparing to set the table before they all regrouped and sat down for dinner.

They had eaten Gabriela's delicious spaghetti wit meatballs while discussing all types of topics and getting to know each other. 

Marco and Mariana seemed to enjoy themselves but deep down they were finally feeling the nostalgia of their previous home and mom. 

Something that the Stephanie and her brothers didn't know was that Marco and Mariana's mother had passed away the night before, leaving behind memories and pain. 

Yet, the new twins in the house conserved her memories with great happiness, never once blaming their deceased mother for abandoning them. 

They had promised her to stay by each other and never leaving their sides, a promise that Marco had swore he would keep. 


GABRIELA'S POV (Stephanie's mom)

"Honey, I hate ruining such a good day but something happened at the high school today," I began waiting to see my husband's reaction before finishing saying all the events.

His eyes became red with anger, and he began to cry. 

"I wasn't there to protect Marco and Mariana since the day they were born, and I wasn't there to protect Stephanie from getting harrassed twice. I failed as a father, I'm so sorry Gabriela."

After he finished speaking I went towards him, capturing him in my embrace, trying to soothe his pain. 

"Stephanie's a strong girl, she's fine. But I do not want them returning to that school, nor do I wish to have my step-children attending East High School in the future." I said with determination in my voice. 

"Step children? I never thought you would even consider them part of the family." Caleb said with shock.

"Marco and Mariana don't have any fault of the actions you took way before they were born, I will never have any negative feelings for them. The kids have gone through enough and I will not add weight onto their shoulders. Besides, they each captured my heart, they're such sweet children. But Caleb, what are we going to do about Steph and the boys." I said.

"You're right, let's have them finish the week while we transfer them to South High, it's a bit further than their current school but its the closest one to us." Caleb said.

"Ok, meanwhile I'll speak to Kristina's dad to allow her to transfer as well. That poor child has no reason to continue seeing that piece of trash after what he did to her." I said while preparing myself for bed.

"Speak about it with he children first, then we'll both have a talk to her father to discuss the details," Caleb said as he was already laying in bed.

After discussing the whole lawsuit, Caleb gave me the green light to take action and do as I pleased with that Logan kid and the school. Tomorrow morning I will contact my old friend and ask her to me my lawyer for this. 

Caleb and I finally slept with more peace in our minds knowing Marco and Mariana have a place to stay forever and having our own kids safe in a different school.


Darren, Jayden and I were missing our lunch because we had gotten detention for being late to our weight room period the day before. Never once had Logan's return cross our mind.

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