Chapter 3: Chef Alastor

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Alastor couldn't believe that he would have to be alone with Angel for a whole night. Charlie and Vaggie were spending the night at Charlie's parents place, Husker was at a club, and Nifty was taking the night off. Angel and him would be by themselves. Should he be excited, or frightened? He sat on the couch rubbing his temples and cast his gaze up to see Angel sit next to him.

"Gee, I don't know about you, Al, but I'm starved. Wanna order pizza or something?" Alastor was so caught up in the graceful way Angel moved that he didn't hear the question. "Hello~ Earth to Alastor." Angel crossed his arms. Alastor was shot back into reality.

"S-sorry Angel! What did you say?" Alastor seemed to become a turtle as his shoulders came to his head.

"I said 'Do you wanna order a pizza?'"  Angel leaned back as he crossed his legs. Alastor had an idea.

"My dear Angel, I have a proposition for you!" Alastor's smile widened. Angel seemed confused.

"Ummm.....okay than....what is it?"

"I will cook us a meal if you promise not to tell the others I can cook!" Angel's mouth dropped open.

"" Angel couldn't even fathom the idea of Alastor cooking. Was Alastor messing with him?

"Yes! I'll cook! And if that doesn't peek your interest, if you like the meal, than we will both share a bit about our selves!" Alastor's smile was really big now. He was so clever. This would be a great way to learn more about Angel....and maybe even grow closer to him. Angel gave a smile now. He was really interested in the idea of knowing more about the misterious Radio Demon.

"So if I like the meal, we'll get to know each other better?" Angel gave a sly smirk.


"I'm in. Deal." Angel held out his hand. Alastor shook it.



About an hour later, Angel felt a heavenly scent fill his nostrils. Alastor refused to tell him what he was going to cook. He said it would be better as a surprise. Angel now sat at the table and watched a pink aproned Alastor walk in with a covered platter. Angel would have laughed at the apron, but didn't want to anger Alastor and cause him to take the food away.

"I give you," Alastor took the cover off in a dramatic sweeping motion, "my delicious gumbo!" Angel looked at the gumbo and felt his mouth water. It looked as good as it smelled.

"I can't wait to eat it!" The first bite was amazing. The shellfish was succulent and juicy, the veggies mixed perfectly, it also had a nice spicy flavor.

"Do you like it?" Alastor had watched closely as Angel took a bite. He seemed to be waiting for approval.

"It's.....AMAZING!!! I didn't know you could cook so well, Al!" Angel shoveled down a few more bites. Alastor seemed over joyed and began to dig in. As they ate, they discussed their past lives and their interest. Apparently Angel liked old jazz music, and Alastor surprisingly enjoyed nothing more than painting...unfortunately Hell didn't offer many good things to paint. They talked, told jokes, and laughed. Alastor blushed at Angel's occasional flirts and Angel blushed when Alastor would actually flirt back.

"What!?" Alastor tried not to laugh. "You really do look sexy in those boots!" They both were taken over by fits of laughter.

"Jesus Christ, Al! I didn't think you had it in you to flirt!" Angel had tears of joy in his eyes.

"Well I can do more than flirt!" At first Angel thought this was gonna take a rather ackward turn, but than Al quickly said, "Oh! I-I di-d-didn't mean that! I meant-" Alastor fell silent. "Nevermind. It wasn't important." He sat down glumly.

"Can I ask you something personal, Alastor?" Angel had had a question in his mind for quite some time now. He was dieing for an answer.

"I guess." For a moment, Alastor's smile disappeared, leaving behind a scared looking demon. "Ask away."

"Do you have....feelings for anyone?" Angel tried to keep the question generic. He didn't want Al to catch on.

"Can you be more specific? I have feelings for everyone." Alastor now seemed confused.

"I meant are you interested anyone?" Alastor snapped frozen. He blushed a little.

"Nope! I'm the most asexual person in all if Hell! Remember?" Alastor sweat a little as he tried to hide his lie.

"Oh..." Angel sounded disappointed. He gave a small, sad smile. "Yeah...I remember now." Angel stood up and stretched. "Oh jeeze, I'm stuffed. Thanks for the meal." He let out a gaping yawn.

"No problem, my dear Angel. Want me to take you to your room?" Alastor got up and started cleaning the table.

"Nah. I'll be fine." Angel made his way upstairs and into his room. He closed the door, then slid to the floor as slight tears filled his vision. Fat Nuggets nuzzled his leg. Angel picked him up and began to stroke him. "I'm such a fool, Fat Nuggets. How could someone as handsome and suave as someone like me?" Alastor had known something was up and snuck upstairs and listened through the door. His eyes widened when he heard what Angel said. At that moment, Alastor knew, he fucked up.


Hello! It's the author. Before I write the next chapter, I'd like to know a few different love songs I could possibly have Alastor sing. I thought it be a cute way for him to confess. If you want me to use a certain love song, let me know in the comments....I guess.😐

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