Chapter 4: Alastor Takes Charlie's Advice

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"Oh God! I messed up!" Alastor paced back and forth in the living room. Angel had refused to come out of his room for two weeks now. Alastor didn't even notice Charlie crossed legged on the couch until she piped up.

"What did you do this time, Al?" Alastor snapped his head to look at Charlie and gave his usual smile.

"Oh! Charlie! How long have you been there!?" Sweat started to bead on Alastor's forehead.

"Long enough to know you did something you regret." Alastor ground his teeth together. Charlie covered her ears at the sound. When the grating noise stopped, she looked at Alastor and said in a caring voice, "Do you want to talk about it?" Al froze and gazed at her with confused face. No one asked if he wanted to talk about his problems. He supposed it wouldn't be bad to try it.

"Alright." He sat next to her cautiously. Charlie nodded for him to talk. "I may have....upset a certain person....and I sort of...have an interest in this period." Charlie's eyes lit up, but she didn't freak like Alastor thought she would. Instead she simply said-

"I'm only guessing here, but does the person you're interested in have four arms and go by Angel Dust?" Damnit! She was smarter than she appeared. Alastor didn't answer, but Charlie knew she "guessed" correctly when she saw Al blush.

"Anyway," Alastor looked away from her, "The person now thinks I probably hate them and I don't know how-"

"To tell them how you really feel." Charlie smiled at Alastor's shocked face. "What do you think I went through when I found out about my feelings for Vaggie?" Al didn't know what to say. He never thought in a million years that he would have someone who actually knew what was happening in his head, ESPECIALLY Charlie.

"Do you know what I should do, Charlie?" Alastor couldn't believe he was asking Little Miss Sunshiny Heaven for advice. Charlie gave him a mischievous smile. She may be sun shine and rainbows, but she really wears her father's smile well.

"Well~" Charlie leaned back with an innocent look. "I don't know about you, but I ALWAYS express myself better through song~"

"You're joking." Alastor put on the most confident smile he could.

"I'm entirely serious." Charlie cupped her chin in her hands. "Besides, I'm the only one who'll give you advice without laughing at you." She had a point. Alastor remembered how Husker had laughed at him. Alastor let out an irritated sigh.

"Fine. I'll do it, but only because I want to fix things with Angel"

"YAY!!!" Charlie tackled him into a hug. "I'll get Mimzy to help you find a song, and maybe teach you an instrument!" Alastor groined. He didn't even care that he was being hugged. He couldn't stop thinking about what would happen if Angel laughed at him for singing. He wouldn't know until he tried it.


Alastor now stood in the big opened area in the middle of the hotel. Mimzy had found someone to teach Charlie the saxophone. Mimzy herself sat at the piano, and Alastor.....Alastor stood with his microphone cane in his hand, wearing a fancy red suit.

Alastor stood with his microphone cane in his hand, wearing a fancy red suit

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Mimzy insisted that he looked presentable. Vaggie was tasked with bringing Angel downstairs. She had said Cherri was waiting for him. Cherri was actually there though. She had agreed to play the clarinet. The song Alastor had picked had come out in 1929, 3 years before he died. It was one of his old favorites. He was flung out of his thoughts when he heard Angel and Vaggie coming downstairs. Apparently Angel had been told to dress up because he was wearing a fancy pink dress.

 When Angel saw Alastor, he tried to go back upstairs, but Vaggie held him in place

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When Angel saw Alastor, he tried to go back upstairs, but Vaggie held him in place. "You're not going anywhere, Dragshow. We've all worked to hard for you to turn and run." Angel let out a protest.

"What are you talking about you crazy-" he stopped when he heard the music. Alastor open his mouth and began to sing.


Hello again. Author here. I actually found a pretty good love song that was written in 1929. It amazing and if you want to know what it is, come back when I finish making the next chapter. Mwa haha! I'm so evil for leaving you with a cliff hanger! 😈

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