Chapter 32: Radio Demon's Rage

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Alastor's hunger only grew. With every bite he took from a demon, the hunger grew more ferocious, and so did his rage. He became more and more angry that he couldn't satisfy the hunger, that the voices in his head kept screaming for more, forcing him to slaughter weak and helpless demons just so they could be disappointed by not being satisfied.

That is, until a salivating scent drifted into Alastor's nose. It smelled like cotton candy. Alastor loves cotton candy, he used to eat it all the time as a boy for desert, after he and the rest of the cult ate what ever human they'd killed that day. One of the voices in Alastor's head told him that whatever was giving iff that scent was what they needed to get rid of the hunger. Another voice told him to find the source of the scent and devour it.

Alastor obliged, he just wanted the rage and hunger to go away. He couldn't really see the demon who was giving off the delicious smell, his vision was to blurred by the darkness in his head, but his nose told him he had found the right demon.


It was hard for Angel and Cherri not to notice the giant deer form barreling down the street at them. It was even harder for Angel to accept that it was his husband running at him with such a murderous look. He only remembered one other time Alastor had looked at him like that.

"Angel! I told you to stop putting bows on my tail!"

"I can't help it, Al! They look good on you!" Alastor flashed Angel a murderous glare, Angel reacted by starting to cry and blubbering out apologies.

"I'm s-sorry, Al! I'll stop! Just pl-pl-please don't look at me l-like that!" Alastor's gaze softened when he saw Angel's face. Alastor trotted over and placed a hand on Angel's shoulder.

"You know," Alastor said, grinning softly, "it's a very nice bow." Angel's tears stopped when he heard those words. He looked down at the slightly shorter Radio Demon, but he was already off greeting hotel guest.

Angel Dust chuckled at the memory. It was then that Angel had started having feelings for Alastor. That was what made him push Cherri away and start running at the beast.

"ANGEL, STOP!!!" Cherri screamed, but Angel Dust didn't listen. He'd always been stubborn, why stop now? The creature let out a blood curdling scream as a black tendril shot out of the ground and reached for Angel.

"Go ahead, Al." Angel Dust whispered as the tentacle violently wrapped around his waist and lifted him up to the creatures eyes. Angel almost cried when he saw the darkness that had taken over Alastor's lovely eyes. Alastor sniffed Angel for a long moment before opening his jaw full of jagged teeth. Angel didn't scream, he wasn't scared. He didn't cry, but he sad. Instead, Angel enveloped Alastor in a hug, using all six arms.

"Alastor," Angel whispered into his ear, "it's me. It's Angel Dust." Alastor hesitated, his jaw still hung open, it hovered over the same spot he'd bitten Angel not to long ago.

"I love you, Alastor." silent tears dripped from Angel's face, "Come back to me."


Alastor froze when he felt six appendages circle his body. He hadn't been expecting it, but it didn't stop him from opening his wide jaw. He could smell the blood of an old wound, and it only made the scent stronger. Alastor lowered his opened mouth over were the wound was, about to bite down.

"Alastor," The sweet sound broke through the hazy darkness of the voices in his head. Alastor stopped, his mouth still opened, and listened to the honey like words. "it's me. It's Angel Dust." The name sounded familiar to Alastor, where had he heard that name before? Alastor was starting to see through the haze, just enough to see a white face with pink pupils in it's eyes. The dark voices screamed and ripped at Alastor's mind, trying to force him to devour the demon he held, to sooth the hunger, but Alastor ignored them. He wanted to hear the beautiful voice again.

"I love you, Alastor." The demon's face was fully visible through the dark haze, Alastor felt his eyes widen as memories flooded his mind, "Come back to me."



Alastor let go of Angel Dust, causing Angel to tumble to the ground.

"Angel!" A familiar voice called. Angel turned to see the other Hazbins and Lilith standing with Cherri. Vaggie was shouting at him, "Angel, get out if there!" Angel turned back to Alastor, who was letting out pained screams that were full of radio static. Alastor's clawed hands where clamped on either side of his head as he thrashed around, slamming into the sides of buildings and tearing up bits of the street with his dark tendrils. Alastor's eyes where clenched shut from the pain that Angel couldn't see.

"Dad!" Ashley came flying in here wings, Agni holding on to Ashley's arms. They landed next to Angel Dust in a heap. Ashley shot up and stared at her beloved Bambi Dad in horror as he let out another screech.

"Ashely!" Angel's face was dismayed, "Its not safe for you, you gotta go!" Ashley's face suddenly became angry.

"He's my dad! I won't leave him!" Ashley shouted as bits of ruble scattered at their feet. Angie stood up and put an arm around Ashley.

"Where ever Ashley goes, I go!" Angel pinched the bridge of his noise, but it couldn't hide his smile, which only grew when the other ran over. They must have realized Angel wasn't leaving anytime soon.

"Alright, what's the plan?" Vaggie asked, spear in hand.

"Umm..." Angel let out a nervous laugh.

"You don't have one!?" Husker yelled, Husker seemed surprisingly sober.

"When do I ever had a plan?" Angel tried to play it cool, but the chorus of groans suggested that everyone else hadn't thought of that.

"Let's just keep him him from destroying anything else!" Charlie yelled over the sound of breaking glass. Alastor's tenticles had busted through a nearby window, spraying glass unto the street. Everyone nodded in agreement at Charlie's suggestion. Charlie's leadership skills kicked in and she started giving orders.

"Husker and Ashley, you guys have wings, use them and give us some eyes in the sky. Make sure no one is coming this way and see if there's anything you can do to help from up there." Husker and Ashley nodded and took flight. "Agni, I know you have fire powers, you, Cherri, Vaggie, and my mom will use your arsenal of magic and weapons to keep Alastor from going anywhere. Don't hurt him." The four started surrounding Alastor, doing there best not to hurt him, but use there weapons and powers to keep him in one place. Lilith made a wall of snakes.

"What do we do?" Mimzy asked as Charlie turned to Angel Dust, Mimzy, Nifty, and Rosie.

"You guys are closest to Alastor. Try to see if you can reach him." Charlie ordered.

"What are you gonna do?" Rosie asked. Charlie gave a dark look.

"You'll see."

And so, the fight to save Alastor from his eternal punishment began.

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