Chapter 23: Protective Bambi Dad

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Angel looked like a kid on Christmas when he saw the kiss, Husker stood dumbfounded, Charlie looked ready to squeel in delight with Nifty, Cherri snickered, Vaggie laughed, Mimzy was hiding a smile, and Alastor.........he looked absolutely MURDEROUS. Agni gulped. Alastor took three long strides over to Agni and placed a hand on Agni's shoulder with his nails digging in enough to hurt.

"If I ever see you doing that again," Alastor's eyes went to radio dials as black fluid oozed from his teeth, strange symbols appeared around him, his hair floated slightly, his smile was absolutely vicious as it lit up with each syllable he spoke. His nails dug enough enough to draw blood. "I'll rip out each of your organs one at a time, saving your digestive system for last, so you can eat each organ as I shove it down your throat while I shove my cane up your-" Ashley Kuu got in-between them, looking mad.

"Bad Bambi Dad! No threatening my boyfriend!" She gently slapped Alastor's cheek, causing him to snap to normal and blush at the name.


"NO. We've been though this! You don't threaten to kill other demons! ESPECIALLY Agni and since you did it again, I won't cook jambalaya for a month!" Ashley turned away. Everyone glared at Alastor. Ashley's jambalaya was even better than Alastor's gumbo. Alastor, who was now wounded from the scolding, got on his knees and begged.

"I'm sorry, Ashley. Please don't deprive us of your jambalaya, and please don't be mad." Ashley was the only person besides Angel that Alastor couldn't stand seeing upset.

"Well~" Ashley got a mischievous grin, obviously from the dad in front of her. "I might forgive you, if you let me kiss Agni and go out with him." Alastor cringed. She had him right were she wanted him.

"Oh this will be good." Husker snickered and took a swig from his vodka bottle.

"No kissing." Alastor stood up. Ashley gave him a look.

"Yeah, Al!" Vaggie was laughing at his suffering. "Let the girl kiss her boy!" She snorted with laughter.

"Fine, but no staying out after 11:00pm! And no," he glance at Agni with a sneer, "funny business." Ashley popped up and hugged Alastor.

"THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOU" Alastor hugged her back. As Ashley walked over to the rest of her family to hug them, she saw herself in the mirror. "What the?" She had tiny horns protruding from her head, and her canines were just big enough to look like tiny fangs. Her wings were just a little smaller and had grey feathers that matched her eyes.

"I think the teeth are cute." Agni blushed a little as he said it.

"What happened to me?" Ashley felt the little horns.

"While you were healing, parts of you changed a bit." Charlie said.

"Huh." Ashley turned back around and squeezed the life out of each of her family members. She turned back to Agni. "Want to go read some books." She glanced at her feet so he wouldn't see her blushing.

"Yeah!" Agni was absolutely delighted by the idea. "Let's go!" And off they went.


Alastor was walking back to his and Angel's room when he heared music coming from inside. He cracks the door open slightly and smiles at what he sees. Angel his standing in his pajamas with a hairbrush held up like a microphone, singing along to a song Alastor had never heard.

Angel felt arms wrap around him as Alastor came up from behind to hug him. Alastor kissed his cheek.

"Have I ever told you that your voice is as beautiful as summer rain?" Angel chuckled.

"Yes actually. You also said plenty of other things about my voice." He giggled as Alastor kissed him all over the face. "I love you, Al." Angel said hugging him.

"I love you too, sweetheart."

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