Chapter 29: The Dream

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Angel floated through the cold darkness as if he was in water. The last thing he remembered before blacking out was rushing to calm Alastor before he did anything to Lucifer, then there was an unbearable explosion of pain in his left shoulder as he felt himself fly backwards. He then landed against what he assumed was the wall and felt something snap.

At this point, Angel could hardly see from all of the pain. His head spun to the point he felt it would flynoff and his chest felt like it was caving in, causing him to breath in short, shallow breaths. His shoulder felt as if there was liquid fire dripping from his shoulder onto his arm, and it was almost like a giant had crushed his leg and was now attempting to rip it off.

Angel had heard voices shouting as he grappled for consciousness, but the  high pitched whine in his ears made it impossible to make out what the voices were saying. Before he slipped into the black void, Angel's vision cleared just enough to see one thing. Alastor shivering, frightened, crying, running out of the hotel doors.

Now as Angel floated through the darkness, he heard a heart wrenching sob from somewhat ahead of him. Angel neared the source of the sobbing and felt his feet touch an invisible ground. Angel got closer to the sobbing and stopped, Alastor sat on the ground, hugging his knees to his chest. Angel tried to call out, but no sound came from his throat, and Alastor faced away from Angel, so Alastor didn't see him.

"I'm sorry!" Alastor rocked back and forth as he cried. "I'm sorry for what I did to you during my life! I took your lives and I'm sorry! Please don't make me hurt anyone else!" A malicious laughter echoed throughout the depths of the void. Angel nearly fell on his ass when he realized the laugh had come from Alastor's shadow, which now stood looming over Alastor with a maniacal grin.

"Oh, Alastor~" the shadow's many voices cooed as it changed form. "Do you think you can just apologize for what you did to us? You're smarter than that. Your in Hell, where sinners are given an eternal punishment for their wrongdoings. And your punishment, Alastor," Angel felt himself go cold with shock as the shadow transformed into a shadow version of him. The shadow Angel leaned down and put a hand in Alastor's throat, "your punishment is whatever your victims see fit to do to you. And we see fit to take away what you care for most....them!"

Angel fell back as harsh light filled the void, showing....bodies laid out to form an upside down pentagram. As Angel Dust examined the pentagram closer, he realized the bodies belonged to the other Hazbins, but there limbs and head were hacked off, their organs gutted out, their eyes dangling from their skull, and expressions if horror plastered to their faces from the torture they had endured. It took everything Angel had to keep from throwing up. He saw that there was an upside down cross in the middle of the pentagram.

"NO!!!" Alastor's voice cracked from the sobbing he had been doing. "NONONONONONONO!!!!! IT'S NOT REAL!!!!" Alastor clawed at his hair, pulling on it as if hurting himself would make the gruesome sight before him go away. Angel wanted to run to Alastor, to tell him it was just a nightmare, to hold him and tell him it would be okay, but Angel Dust couldn't move. Alastor let out another wail. "I WOULD NEVER DO THIS!!!!! I WOULD NEVER HURT THEM!!!!" The shadow smiled cruelly.

"Not yet, but you will." Angel felt even more fear stricken as the shadow turned to him and gave him a wink. The shadow morphed into Alastor again and sunk into the screaming Alastor. Alastor stopped screaming and started to growl. It was the growl if an animal, a predator. Angel tried to get up, but his feet were like lead weights.

"Alastor!" Angel was finally able to speak. "Alastor it's me!" Alastor turned with surprising speed and glared at Angel savagely. His radio dial eyes were spinning crazily and the growls turned to radio static. Alastor ran at Angel full sprint and let out a blood thirsty howl as he descended on Angel.

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