Chapter 31: Sleepover At Cherri's

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Hello~ Just wanted to say that I'm trying to put together a team to make a Steven Universe animatic! If you're interested use this Discord link!

Enjoy the chapter!

"You fucking idiot." Cherri had just opened the door to find Angel leaning against the door frame panting and sweating like he had just finished having really hard core sex. Angel looked up at her with a weary grin.

"Hello to you too, Sugar Tits." Cherri gave a smirk. It was impossible for her to be mad with Angel. Cherri looked around to see who was on the streets. The only person she saw was some guy in a purple suit, white face, green hair, and really wide grin. His face gave Cherri the creeps.

"Come on, let's get you on the couch with a martini." Angel's face brightened.

"Extra dry?" He whispered hoarsely. Cherri rolled her eye.

"For you Angel, as dry as they come." She hosted his arm onto her shoulders and let him lean against her as they walked inside.


"So none of them were gonna help you?" Cherri asked as she walked into the room with a tray of super dry martinis and a bottle of scotch in a paper bag.

"I didn't say they wouldn't go me, I said they were taking to long to make up there damn minds." Angel snatched a martini and started drinking it. "Dem bunch'a pussies." Cherri chuckled and set the tray on the coffee table as she opened up the scotch and took a swig.

"So what's your plan Mr. Impatient?" Angel rolled his eyes, but grinned.

"Find Al, slap some sense into him, take him home, and-" Angel set his martini down for a moment so he could make a circle with two fingers on his left hand, and stick his index finger on his right hand through the hole. Cherri almost spot out a mouthful of scotch from laughing. When she swallowed it down she turned to face her gay friend.

"Wait, I thought Alastor was asexual?" Angel made a gesture of rolling his eyes.

"After this, I think we can both agree I deserve one night." Cherri nodded.

"Can't argue with that." They both chugged their drinks.


After a bit of small talk, Cherri asked the question on both their minds.

"So, how ya gonna find Al?" Angel Dust coughed up his martini and Cherri slammed on his back to help the rest up.

"Jesus Christ, Angel! It's a question, not a dick you swallowed!" Angel glowered. Cherri rolled her eye gave him a blanket she had on the couch for when she snuggled up to watch her TV shows.

"Thanks." Angel croaked as he dried up the martini on the floor. "Sorry, I wasn't expecting you to ask that."

"It's cool. So how are you going to find him?" Cherri stretched out her arms as she spokw. Angel was quiet for a moment. Cherri stared him down. "You haven't thought this whole thing through have you?" Angel Dust shook his head like a child being scolded. Cherri sighed and rubbed her temples that now throbbed from how much alcohol she drank. "Angel-" she started to say, but then the 666 News flashed onto the TV.

"Hello everyone, I'm Katy Killjoy!" Angel Dust stood up and pointed two angry hands at the TV.

"HOW THE FUCK IS THAT BITCH STILL KICKING!?!?" Cherri tisked at Angel's lack of knowledge.

"You seriously didn't know that citizens of Hell can only be killed by the Exterminators' weapons?" Angel blushed slightly from embarrassment.

"I do now." he muttered, but Cherri hardly heard him over Katy Killjoy's mocking voice.

"We just received word that the Radio Demon, Alastor, is on the hunt in the south part of the Pentagram! Here's Tom Trench with the latest update." The screen flicked to a half and half, Katy on the left, Tom on the right.

"Hi, Katy! I'm here in Downtown Pentagram, where as you can see behind me-" Tom gestured to screaming demons scampering around the street while screaming, "the vicious Radio Demon is causing total havoc!" A black tendril appeared behind Tom and hurled a random demon through a billboard.

"That's great, Tom!" Katy smiled maliciously.

"And that's not all!" Tom didn't get to say what else there was, because he was grabbed by an ebony tentacle. "What!? Wait!? HELP!!!!" Tom shrieked as the tentacle pulled him into the shadows of an alley. The screen cut back to just Katy, who was smiling like she'd just heard a funny joke.

"Well there goes Tom!" Cherri turned the TV off before Katy could say anything else.

" least you know where to find him now." Cherri tried to sound cheerful, but Angel's face made her get up and hug him.

"It's okay, Angie." Cherri whispered as Angel Dust started crying. "Let's go save your husband."

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