The Man In The Parking Lot

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Nov. 9,2015

Dear Diary, It's Me Winona,
Ugh.  Why do bad things always happen to me? Just when I thought life can't get any worse something new comes up. So, it all started yesterday. I had just move to Atlanta to star in this new Netflix original series called Stranger Things. I took the job because it seemed like a really fun project and you know I'm always up for a new challenge. I was nervous because it was new to me. Anxiety was kicking in. I've never worked with Netflix before, but I had some friends who did and they told me to take the opportunity, so I decided to give it a try. And than it happened.

Let me tell you all about it.So I got to my new apartment in Atlanta. It's so beautiful, with a view on the city. It's so gorgeous just how I wanted it to be. I always liked Atlanta. There is something about this city that just makes me fall in love with it every time I'm here.

I got all my suitcases and boxes in and I started unpacking. I always have to unpack right after I move in. I just want everything done right away so that all the stuff is organized and  ready.I just hate leaving work to the last minute so I always get things done. After I unpacked all my boxes, I wanted to grab something for dinner, but I realized that my fridge was empty. God knows how much I didn't want to leave my apartment.I got so lazy after unpacking all those boxes and suitcases.But it had to be done. I mean it's either that or dying of starvation. Besides I was out of my SmartWater and we all know I can't live without my SmartWater. It's a good thing that the grocery store is just around the corner so I didn't have to drive far.
I went in to grab couple of things to make some dinner, but as usual got out of the store with bunch of bags. I don't know why I always do that. I say I'm just gonna grab one thing and few minutes later I end up buying half of the store.

- How are you Mrs. Ryder? - said the nice cashier

- I'm good. Just got to my new apartment today. And you? - I said as I was putting my bagged groceries back to the cart.

Oh how I love talking to those people. I can just act like a normal person. No worries about being "Winona Ryder the Hollywood Star", no here I can be "Winona Ryder, just a normal girl". After sharing a nice conversation with the cashier I made my way out to my car and there they were. Fuck how I hated it, but this is the curse that comes with this career.

Paparazzi was waiting for me outside of the store. I didn't have the energy to deal with their bullshit. Why are they so interested in my life? Is it really that hard to understand that I want to keep my life private? Man, I hate those rats. They just look for some cheap news to make a good cover story. They don't care if it's true or not as long as the public buys it, it doesn't matter to them.

I put my hoodie on and covered my face. I always do that when I don't want them to see me. I quickly opened my car and loaded everything in the back of my trunk. I left the cart outside and I started the car. I just wanted to get out of there before they could get any pics of me. And than it happened,


I immediately jumped out of my car.

- Fuck! Watch where you're going asshole? - I yelled.

Man I was mad. He was lucky that  he didn't really do anything to my car, but still I hate when people don't pay attention while driving. He got out of his car too.  He looked at me like he knew who I was, but he pretended like he doesn't,

- Well you should watch out too - his voice sounded familiar. His face too but I didn't know where I have seen him before.

He was around 40-so years old. Very tall and I gotta admit  he was handsome, but still such a jackass.

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