Love lock

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Nov. 28, 2015
3:30 a.m.

Dear Diary, it's me Winona,

I woke up today and I couldn't believe my eyes. David was there next to me. Sound asleep. I could feel his heartbeat as my head was pressed against his chest. It all felt so unreal. I never thought that I will ever find someone who makes me so happy. I feel like a teenager who fell in love for the first time. I wanted to stay like this forever. Just us.

- Good morning- David said as he woke up. He placed a gentle kiss on my hair.

- Good morning- I moved from his chest and kissed him.

Knock Knock

- Winona?! Are you there? It's me Joe. - Kerry was standing in front of my trailer.

- Oh shit! - I whispered.

- Just ignore. He'll go away. - David said as he continued to kiss my neck making his way to my lips.

- Noni! I know you're there. I saw your car in the parking lot. - Joe continued to knock.

I quickly jumped out off the couch and started dressing up.

- Come on Mr. dress up! I don't want Joe to see us like this in my trailer. - I said  as I was grabbing a random shirt from the floor and putting it on.

- Baby, you realize that you just put my t-shirt on, right? - he joked.

- Fuck. Alright I'll come up with some excuse. Just don't say a word.

I went to open up the door.

- Nice t-shirt - Joe burst out laughing as I was standing there with only David's shirt on. It looked so big on me.

- I...ummm ...borrowed it from David. - I started to make up random excuses.

- Yeah, right. Is David here? - he asked as he tried to get inside.

- Nope, haven't seen him. Maybe check his trailer? - I blocked the entrance so that he couldn't get in.

- I did. He's not there. - he continued- Thought that he might be here.

- No, not here. Maybe check the set. He might be practicing for his scenes. - I was trying to get rid off him as fast as possible.

- Ok, but if you do see him, tell him that I have to talk to him. - he said.

- Yeah, I definitely will- I nodded my head trying not to laugh.

- Ok I'll see later than. And by the way. Hey David.

David kept quiet.

- Joe, I told you he's not here.- I said annoyed - So bye now.

-Yeah, Yeah whatever you say. - he teased - bunch of kids. - he said under his breath as he was leaving.

I shut the door.

- Do you think he knows? - I giggled.

- Well, you definitely didn't make it obvious- David tried to hold his laughter.

- I hate you- I bickered.

- I hate you too- he pulled me closer to him and kissed me.


- Hey Cara - I came to the dressing room smiling like crazy. I really tried to be calm, but I couldn't. I was so happy. Thank God that it was only me and Cara in the room. The stylist was running late.

Dear Diary , it's me WinonaWhere stories live. Discover now