Big changes

880 26 48

Dec. 23,2015

Dear Diary, it's me Winona,

Big changes are coming up for me and David. And by big I mean huge. So huge it's unbelievable. I was so scared that this will never happen. That it's too late for me.

About 2 weeks ago I realized that I'm late. You know it is that way sometimes, but a week went to two weeks. I didn't want to say anything because I didn't want to jinx it. But now it's official. Our life is about to turn upside down. We're going to be...

10:30 a.m. (same day)

- Damn woman, how much stuff do you have? - David said jokingly as we were packing my boxes onto the trunk.

- That's just some necessities I brought with me from California. Trust me there is still more back in San Francisco. - I giggled.

We have to think about getting a bigger place? - he exhaled- I mean we need at least two separate rooms to store all your crap.

- Oh shut up. - I punched his arm. -It's not crap. All these things are super useful.

- Really? So, - he looked around - what do you need this for? - David pointed at a big vase that was standing next to one of the boxes.

- It's an antique vase. My grandma gave it to me. - I crossed my arms. - We're keeping it.

- Alright, alright, but only our of respect for your grandma. - he mocked me. - oh and by the way I have a small gift for you. - he continued as he passed me a small box with a blue bow on top. - I think you might need it.

I opened it up,

- Keys?

- Well, you're moving in, right?So, you need to be able to open up the door when I'm not home.

I gave him a quick kiss on the lips. I was filled with excitement.

- I still can't believe this is happening. - I said with disbelief,- A month ago I was about to kill you for bumping my car and now we're going to live together. Life can be surprising.

- No surprise for me. From the moment I met you at that parking lot I knew that I was going to fall in love with you. You're the only one for me Winona. You belong with me.

- I love you so much David- I pulled him closer and placed another kiss.

- Okay, let's keep going- David  said as I pulled away- those boxes are not gonna load themselves.

- I'm gonna go upstairs and get the last two. - I made my way to the door- I'll be right back.

The apartment was so empty. So much has happened here in such a short period of time. This is the place where I began the biggest adventure of my life. And now I'm starting a new chapter with the man I love. It all felt so unreal. I, Winona Ryder, a woman who promised herself never to date coworkers ever again am now moving in with my boyfriend who happens to be my coworker at the same time.

I went to my bedroom where the last two boxes were standing.

- Shit - I said under my breath as I bowed down to pick up one of the boxes. I felt dizzy. This was the sixth time this week. Lately, I've been not feeling good. I got frequent headaches and felt nauseous. I was also two weeks  late on my period.

No this is not happening. Can't be. I mean, at my age? It's impossible. - I was thinking to myself.

After I sat for a little bit and drunk a glass of water I started to feel better. I grabbed the two boxes and left. David managed to pack everything while I was gone. I placed the two boxes in the back seat since the trunk was full and we drove off.

Dear Diary , it's me WinonaWhere stories live. Discover now