Yes!yes! yes! a thousand times yes

794 24 42

Jan. 1st, 2016

Dear Diary, it's me Winona,

Mr. and Mrs. Harbour? Has a ring to it, doesn't it?

Dec.28th, 2015

David and I bought a house. It was a spontaneous decision just like our whole relationship is. The house is breathtaking. It's a Country French Style place located in the suburbs of Atlanta. It has 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, living room, office and a huge basement. It has a rich history. It's been build in 18th century when the French occupied most of territories in North America. I was so fascinated when the man was explaining all the details about it. I knew that this is the house I want to spend my whole life in. Just me, David and our two little ones.

Oh, I could already imagine how my babies would grow up here. Learning their first steps, their first words, playing in the backyard with a dog, their first day at school, bringing home friends. This is what I want. I want a house filled with the best memories.

- So, did you guys decide? - the estate agent asked.

- Yes! This is our dream house. We're taking it! - I burst with excitement.

David just looked at me with the biggest smile.

- Alright than. I will get your paperwork ready.

We finished up all the paperwork in less then 30 minutes.

- Ms. Ryder. Mr. Harbour. Congratulations on your new house. I hope you will find great happiness here. - the agent said as she handed me the keys.

- Thank you so much. We are so grateful that you helped us with getting it so fast. Usually it would take weeks or even months. Once again thank you. - I said still unable to control my buzz as I hugged her.

- No problem Ms. Ryder. Anything for you. If you guys ever have any more questions or concerns just call me day or night and I will gladly help you.

- Thank you - David added.

Dec 29th, 2016

- David, what are you doing? Put me down! - I screamed and giggle as David picked me up bridal style.

- What? Gotta get this right. - he said as he unlock the door and opened it with a kick.

- You are crazy Harbour! Crazy!

- Isn't it one of the many reasons why you love me? - David said with a flirty look.

I cupped his face and kissed him deeply. He carried me all the way to our new bedroom. He laid me on the bed as we were making out.

- David.... David stop. - I moaned.

He continued kissing my neck making his way to my collarbone.

- David Kenneth Harbour! We got some boxes that have to be unpacked.-  I chuckled as I pushed his body off me - we'll come back to this later. Now let's get to work.

- You can't just leave me like this

I just pressed a steamy kiss on his lips and laughed.

- If we finish all the work than I'll think about the reward.

- Fine, but later we are coming back to this. No excuses. - he smirked and kissed my forehead.

- Man it's crazy. I just moved to your apartment and now we're moving again.

Dear Diary , it's me WinonaWhere stories live. Discover now