Beauty and the Beast

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Nov. 21, 2015

Dear Diary, It's me Winona,

What the hell is happening to me? So, it's been few weeks since we started filming. David and I spend a lot of time together and I'm really starting to have those weird feelings whenever he's around. I just don't know exactly what those feelings are yet. I'm trying to stop them, but they won't go away. I literally forget my lines when I do scenes with him. I can't stop thinking about him. It's like wherever I go, whatever I do I just think of him. I just can't put my finger on exactly why I feel that way. I just get lost in his eyes whenever he looks at me. Something about those damn eyes! THOSE GODDAMN OCEAN EYES. They are hunting me. Come on Noni, you promised yourself never to fall for a coworker ever again.

The more I try to stop thinking about him the more I find myself going deeper and deeper into those feelings. It's like I want to do one thing,but end up doing the exact opposite of it, but tonight made it even worse. Tonight made me realize that those feelings will most likely never go away.

Today, we were filming late at night. We finished around 1 a.m.. I was exhausted. As much as I love my job, sometimes it can be tough, especially filming late at night. David was focused the whole time. That's just how he is. When we film he stays in his character the whole time. I, on the other hand, try to have as much fun on the set as possible. I always try to make him laugh,but he always seems so serious when he's in his character. He's two completely different people on set and off set, I swear.

- Come on David. Stop stressing so much- I said in between takes.

-I know I just. I want to get this right, you know. I'm just a perfectionist when it comes to filming.- David stressed.

- Well stop being so uptight. It's bumming me out!- I said jokingly and continued - Life is too short to be stressed all the time. Have some fun with it. Trust me filming is much better when you make mistakes. That way you create some fun memories. You can't just be perfect all the time. Nobody's perfect. - I hit his arm.

- Alright. If you say so. I'll try to not bum you out. - David said and gave me one of those smiles.

We manged to get through the last scene of the night.

- Alright guys that was perfect - said Ross - We are done for today. You guys have a day off tomorrow and we will see you back on Monday.

We went to change from the costumes to our normal clothes. Man, I was so tired, but also starving. I haven't eaten anything since 8 a.m. All I wanted to do was go home and have some pizza. As I made my way out I saw David standing next to the exit door.

- Any plans for tonight? - he said as I made my way towards him.

- Nope. Just going back to my apartment. I'm tired and starving so I'm just gonna grab some pizza on my way back and than I'm going straight to bed. Why?- I said yawning.

- Well, I was thinking that since we have a day off tomorrow we can have a movie night tonight at my place. You know we can order some pizza and have some Law and Order / Friends marathon. What do you say? - David asked. His ocean eyes were staring right at me.

Is He asking me on a date. - I thought to myself. I didn't know what to say at first. He took me by surprise.

- Before you say no, this is not a date. Just a couple of friends hanging out. We'll have some pizza and beer and watch our favorite shows. - he quickly added. I think he knew that I could've taken it the wrong way.

- Sounds like fun to me! - I looked up. - And defiantly not a date. Just friends hanging out after long day of work. - I giggled.

- Alright. I live just a couple blocks away from your apartment. You wanna take your car or do you just wanna leave it here and we can take mine. - he said as we exit the studio.

Dear Diary , it's me WinonaWhere stories live. Discover now