Meet my parents Part 2

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Author's note: The baby David joke is inspired by Friends when Rachel said "Look at the little thing" Always my fav part from Friends and I just had to make a reference to it.

Feb 1st , 2016

Dear Diary, it's me Winona,

Since David met my parents, now it was my turn to meet his. We decided to go to New York on our weekend off. All I can say after this visit is this : I am literally in love with David's parents.

I only know them a few days, but I feel like they're my family already. Kenneth is the sweetest man and Nancy is the kindest, nicest woman I met. Their reaction to our engagement and pregnancy was completely different from my parents. They were beyond happy. No questioning. Nothing. Just plain happiness. Kenneth was over the moon. A news of having two grandchildren at once put the biggest smile on his face and Nancy already started planning the wedding and our future. And there is something else. Something that made me realize just how much I want to spend rest of my life with David.

3 days before

- Do you think they're gonna like me? - I asked worried as we were driving to NY. I wanted David's parents to like me. After all I was the mother of his babies and I was going to marry him soon. - What if I'm gonna disappoint them? I mean after all I'm a mess. I'm 4 years older than you and....

- Baby, will you calm down? - David grabbed my hand. - My parents will love you. You know, why? Because I love you.

- You're only saying that to calm me down Harbour.

- Well, Ryder stop panicking. You're the smartest, kindest, most beautiful woman to ever exist. They will fall in love with you right away just like I did. Trust me on that one.

- I love you so much - I leaned closer to him and kissed his cheek. - So, how should we tell them about pregnancy and marriage?

- Hey mom and dad this is Winona. I got her pregnant and now I have to marry her. - he laughed.

- David I'm serious! - I punch his arm. I always do that. Whenever he says something sarcastic I just punch his arm playfully. It's our thing.

- I am. Can't you here the seriousness in my voice. - he chuckled.

- I hate you Harbour. - I continued - you guys have an asshole daddy.- I said as I rubbed my belly.- That's right

- Hey! don't bring kids into this. - he joked.

I just rolled my eyes and laughed.

The drive went pretty smooth. We wanted to take the car instead of plane. It's much better driving than taking a plane. You can enjoy the view and it's a great opportunity to spend some extra time together. Besides with pregnancy I didn't want to risk it.

We got to New York at around 7 p.m. We were both very exhausted, but also excited at the same time. We couldn't wait to share the news with David's parents. Man I just didn't want them to freak out like my parents did (well my dad).

Ding dong

- David?!- Nancy opened up the door

- Hey mom - David responded as Nancy gave him a big hug.

- And you must be Winona. - she turned to me and also gave me a big welcome hug- This Winona who played in Heathers and was my son's crush since high school.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2020 ⏰

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