Girl Talk

963 30 5

Nov. 25th, 2015

Dear Diary, It's me Winona,

So apparently Cara knows everything now. God, nothing can hide from this woman!  She's like a fucking FBI agent I swear.  Let me tell you all about it.

Today we were filming some scenes with the kids. Before I continue, let me just tell you how much I love those kids. I don't have kids of my own, but I treat those little ones like they're mine. 

Noah is such a sweet boy. Since we play mother and son in the show we tend to spend a lot of time together. He always asks me for help whenever he needs it. We even meet off set to talk about how he can improve his acting. He's always so focused on getting everything right. Caleb, Finn and Gaten are also so sweet, although I don't spend as much time with them as I do with Noah. And than there is Millie. Man, she reminds me of my young self sometimes. So much talent at a such a young age. Her acting is beyond words. She was born to be an actress. Over the last couple of weeks we have become really close. She's like my daughter on set.  Millie even calls me and David her "on set parents" which is very flattering. Seriously, if I would ever have a daughter I would want her to be just like Millie. 

Today Millie needed some help with the boys, particular in kissing them. She was doing a scene with Finn where they kiss. Considering that this was going to be her first kiss ever she was a little bit nervous about it. After all, she had to have her first kiss in front of cameras and people who were on set watching them do it. Millie came to my trailer before filming the scene to ask me for some advice. Although we all had our own apartments in Atlanta we still had our own trailers here on set for our breaks or in case we stay up all night filming.

- Hey Noni - Millie said as I opened the door to my trailer.

- Hey sweetheart. Come in. - she entered - What's up? You look weird?  Is everything okay? - I asked her as we both set on the couch.

- Oh yeah I'm fine. It's just that I have a tiny problem today? It's nothing bad,but let's just say it's a little bit overwhelming for me. - Millie  said.

- What is it? - I asked worried.

- Oh it's just that I - she hesitated - I have a boy problem?

- Boy problem? At your age? - I giggled a little. I gotta admit I was relived cause for a second I thought that something really bad happened.

- Yes, at my age - Millie looked at me raising her eyebrows.

Millie hated when people treated her like a little kid. She always repeated "Just because I'm eleven doesn't mean that I don't have serious problems"

Ok, Ok so what's the problem? - I smiled.

- So, The Duffers want me and Finn to film a kissing scene today.- she started - I can't kiss Finn!  - she said with a higher pitch in her voice.

- Honey, I know it's hard, especially at your age. But if it makes you feel any better, I'm way older than you and I still get nervous about kissing other guys on set. It's a normal thing. Trust me it's not gonna be that bad. - I tried to calm her down.

- But it's gonna be my first kiss ever. I can't kiss a boy. Ewwwww. - Millie complained as she rested her head on my shoulder.

-Yeah, first kiss is important and it's much better to do it with someone you have feelings for.- I hugged her and looked at her - But hey it's Finn and he's your best friend. I'm sure he is as nervous as you are about it. Trust me, it's not going to be that bad. - I said.

Dear Diary , it's me WinonaWhere stories live. Discover now