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Everyone at the E.G.O headquarters just stared at monitors all day waiting for a sign of A.L.T.E.R. "I bet you they're up to some dumb shit." Journey said throwing a ball almost up to the ceiling at catching it. "It worries me. They could be making some really big superweapon or something." Turk replied. "I doubt they can make something we can't stop." Remedy said. She then giggled at a funny video Cameo texted her. 8-Ball said nothing. He just shrugged. 8-Ball was very solemn and never really talked that much. He only did when he needed to and was probably the most serious out of the group. He was also probably worth being a leader more than any of the others. Cameo and Rippley finally came back. "Hey guys." Cameo said. "What happened to you?" Turk asked, walking over to Cameo. "I've only been dating you for three months. Dont want you to get killed already." He said, giving Cameo a big hug. Cameo noticed how she was basically covered in black smudges from the barn. "Rippley and I were in a fight with some Sludges that worked with A.L.T.E.R. We killed most of them, if not, all of them. I'm pretty sure I also saw Toxin with them." Cameo said. "Huh." Journey said, writing what Cameo said into her notes on her phone. "Thank god you're ok, though." Turk kissed Cameo. Rippley smiled. He was happy for them. Rippley always seemed to be happy. Rippley slumped down onto the couch next to 8-Ball. He stared at all the work that 8-Ball was doing on the futuristic worktable. Rippley stared at the table in awe. Looking at all the folders 8-Ball had. Even though Rippley couldn't speak English well at all, he could read it perfectly fine. 8-Ball was looking at documents in his A.L.T.E.R file and wrote notes. Rippley noticed that 8-Ball had a folder named Scratch. Rippley tapped it. A bunch of documents and other photos, including a photo of Scratch, the opposite of 8-Ball. "Don't touch that!" 8-Ball roared, closing the files. "Don't come near my research. If you mess it up, so help me!" 8-Ball went back to writing notes. Now everyone was staring. There was silence. Rippley got up off the couch and went to his workstation. Rippley felt hurt. He never heard 8-Ball like that. Why was 8-Ball so pissed in the first place. Was he hiding something? Rippley heard Cameo confronting 8-Ball. He couldn't make up what they said but he heard a few swears. "Ow, ow!" Cameo cried. Rippley turned around to see 8-Ball pressing his fingers into Cameo's shoulder super hard. Rippley thought that he might pierce Cameo's skin. "Break it up! Stop fucking fighting!" Journey yelled. "Or I'll beat the shit outta both of you!" 8-Ball let go of Cameo. Blood leaked from her shoulder. "I'll help." Remedy said, putting bandages around Cameo's shoulder. Both Cameo and Remedy stared at 8-Ball who was working on his documents again.


Tusk's father worked for A.L.T.E.R. People don't know his real name, everyone just calls him Riptide. He is Chic's helper. They both go on assassin missions, always killing their target. Riptide sat in the A.L.T.E.R HQ, looking for targets on his camera. Not too far in Slurpy Swamps, there was a squad who seemed to be getting a lot of eliminations. Finally, a challenge. Riptide thought. He and Chic went to hop into a boat. "Ready for another kill? This ones a challenge." Riptide said, starting the boat. "Yea!" Chic said, in a cheerful voice. Riptide started the boat. They got faster and faster. Chic chuckled the way there. Riptide launched the boat into a lake, polluted with slurp juice. Chic almost got shot by an incoming sniper bullet. "Holy shit." She whispered. Riptide looked over to the source. Fishstick, a humanoid fish. Fishstick had a lot of weird shit happen in his life. He was best friends with a woman who almost had the power to control time. Next to Fishstick was Brite Bomber. She sported a new outfit that she wore a lot recently. She called the design, Brilliant Bomber. Fishstick continued to shoot at Riptide and Chic. A bullet hit Chic's back. "Gah!" She yelled, ducking in the boat. Tears flowed down her cheeks as she embraced the pain, being as quiet as possible. That bullet didn't come from Fishstick or Brite Bomber. Riptide turned around to see 8-Ball and Remedy, both holding assault rifles. "You gotta be fucking kidding me!" Riptide yelled. "Hold on, Chic!" Riptide put the boat in reverse and launched it of the lake. A missile launcher was attached to the boat. He fired one off at Fishstick and Brite Bomber. "Who did he shoot at?" 8-Ball asked. "One of the newcomers I guess." Remedy replied. 8-Ball started shooting at the boat. Smoke came from the boat's engine. "Shit!" Riptide yelled, jumping out of the boat. 8-Ball pulled Remedy out of the way, as the boat zipped passed, exploding when it hit the ground. Chic? Riptide thought, watching from the water. Remedy held onto 8-Ball, trembling. 8-Ball looked down at Remedy. Her hair was messy. He pushed some of the hair away from her face. 8-Ball and Remedy searched the explosion. Chic layed next to a chunk off the boat. Dust and smoke was everywhere. Smudges were all over Chic's face. She had her hand covering a wound on her stomach. Blood was all over her stomach. Chic would definitely die without treatment. Chic coughed up blood. "Get away from me." Chic told Remedy and 8-Ball. "Just let me die. I've done so much bad things and I'm not in the mood to see my son of a bitch sister. About Cameo. Does she miss me?" "No." Remedy replied. "Oh. To be honest, I kinda do miss her." A tear rolled down Chic's cheek. Chic grabbed a sharp piece of the boat's ruins. She stabbed herself before Remedy and 8-Ball could react. "Let me die." She said. Chic stabbed herself again, and again, and again. She was too weak to do it again. "End me." Chic choked. "Screw it." Remedy said, splashing slurp juice onto Chic. Chic bolted up. She went from clinging to life, to being perfectly fine. Chic looked at the hole in her shirt. The hole was covered by dry blood but no wounds were visible. "What the fuck!?" Chic yelled. "You're coming with us." Remedy said. She slapped handcuffs onto Chic's hands. Remedy and 8-Ball led Chic to the HQ to lock Chic up.

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