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Chic ran to the Authority, she knew to find the rest of ALTER there. The place was still easily repairable. EGO should've destroyed it when they had the chance. Chic snuck in through the window and silently crept to her room. Once inside, she locked the door behind her and turned on the lights. Thankfully nobody saw her half naked. Well now it was time for her to design a new outfit, knowing that she wouldn't be getting her shirt back, plus, the black and pink was getting a little boring for her. Yellow and black would be a great combo.


Remedy woke up on the beach at Sweaty Sands. She looked around to see that it was pretty early. 5 AM maybe? Remedy noticed that little creatures that seemed to be made of jelly were climbing on her leg. She remembered seeing these things earlier. She gently brushed them off her leg and got up. She needed to find the others. She thought of places to check. Going back to the Fortilla's wreckage might be a bad idea. Shadow henchmen could be there. What about, the old base? Before Midas showed up. As the thought crossed her mind, Remedy began to rush over there. She had no transportation whatsoever besides her own two legs. It was going to be a long run.

It took almost an hour, but Remedy finally lifted herself on top of the steep hill to see the rundown base that EGO used to use as an HQ before Midas showed up and offered the Agency. Remedy quietly stepped inside and looked around.

"Hello?" Remedy called. "It's me, Remedy. Is anyone here?"

No answer, but shortly a head peeked around the corner.

"Remedy?" Skye asked.

Skye rushed over to Remedy, relieved. She hugged her tightly.

"Is anyone else here?"

"Yeah, Turk and Meowscles." Skye lead Remedy to them.

Turk and Meowscles were playing Uno while eating decently sized floppers.

"Hey Remedy. Anyone else with you?" Turk asked, not looking up from the game.

"No. I hope the others are okay." Remedy replied.

As the day continued, the group waited the whole day, hoping another EGO member would arrive. As the sun set, Remedy watched the parts of the island that she could see. She watched a duo explore houses for loot while sharing resources. Soon, the sun was no longer visible and it's light soon faded. Later at night Remedy sat in a chair next to the bed Skye was sleeping in. Right before she was about to doze off, she heard a knock on the door.

"Anyone there?" Cameo called.

There was another knock, presumably from somebody else. Remedy got up and opened the door.

"Cameo?" Remedy asked.

Cameo hugged Remedy.

"Thank god you're alive, we thought you and the others were hurt and stuck somewhere or worse!" Cameo replied.


"Yep; me, Rippley, Journey, whatever, everyone besides Skye, Meowscles, Turk, and Midas."

"Skye, Meowscles, and Turk are with me. No Midas, though"

"Tomorrow we'll find him, then."

Cameo headed inside and lead the others. Now the old EGO base was lively again and they had enough power to stop an oncoming attack. Remedy decided she had enough. She needed a break, but before she headed upstairs, she heard a slight knock on the door, followed by a quiet sliding noises. Remedy turned to the door to see an envelope sitting at the door. Remedy picked up the envelope to discover it's sender. It from Scratch. To her.

Are you watching me? Remedy thought.

She headed upstairs quickly and opened the note.

Remedy, meet me at Salty Springs alone or with one other person. For safety. I don't think I can show myself in front of everyone without getting yelled at for ages. I'll explain everything once we're there. I found something important.

Remedy folded the note and placed it in her pocket. She plopped herself on a bed. She decided that she'd pick Skye to go with her. Skye was very trustworthy and she didn't have any beef with Scratch. Remedy shut her eyes.

As the morning rose, Remedy jutted up. She remembered Scratches note and headed downstairs to see Skye pouring herself some cereal.

"Hey, Skye, want to go hunt for loot?" Remedy lied.

"Okay, lemme just finish this cereal." Skye replied, stuffing some Lucky Charms into her mouth.

"No time, just bring the bowl."

Remedy pulled her backpack onto her back while she waited for Skye to prepare. Skye loaded her assault rifle and headed outside with Remedy. They headed their way all the way through the plains, admiring the island's beauty and soon enough, there was Salty Springs.

"Check some of those houses." Remedy pointed to a few of the larger homes.

As Skye entered one of the houses, Remedy looked for a sign of Scratch. Suddenly, there was a thud behind Remedy.

"Holy shit, don't scare me like that." Remedy said, almost stumbling down.

"Remedy, this is very serious. Its about Midas." Scratch said.

"What about him?"

"He's is grave danger. He need to find him before Oro does. Oro will kill him when he gets the chance. I figured out that Oro doesn't want anyone to stop him from executing his plan. He thinks the only person who stands a chance is Midas. He's our leader anyway, if Midas gets killed, we're toast."

"Don't say that. We'll get to Midas before Oro does."

"Well, we better get the others. Oro is probably already searching by now."

"Hey, Remedy I got some stuff!" Skye called, rushing out of a house.

Quickly, she noticed Scratch. She kicked him hard in the knee.

"Ow." Scratch said, sarcastically. "You know I'm wearing armor, right?"

"Well, worth a shot."

Well, maybe Skye does have some beef with 8-Ball. Remedy thought.

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