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The members of EGO were in the main room of the HQ, not questioning Midas' absence. He was most likely doing paperwork in private again. Suddenly, loud noises sprouted outside. Skye and Meowscles walked to the entrance. As the door opened, they noticed giant, purple pillars towering above the agency.

"What the-" Skye was cut off by the sound of loud mechanical shifting in the Agency.

"What the hell was that!?" Cameo called to Skye.

Skye and Meowscles stepped outside and stared up at the top of the Agency to see a massive orb being raised higher in the sky. Meowscles meowed. The massive device shot lightning into the pillars, charging the device. Soon, all the EGO members were outside, staring at the device along with random people who came to investigate the ruckus.

"Where's Midas?" Remedy asked.

As she went to head back inside the Agency, the device shot lightning at the storm, keeping it from shrinking. The device made a massive flash of light. Skye tried to look away but it seemed to have gotten everywhere. She was lucky she wasn't blind. As the light faded, Skye noticed she wasn't outside the Agency anymore. She was in an office. She heard voices from a young man outside of the room she was in. She heard him say something about "the loop." Maybe the others knew what that ment. In the room, there was a white desk with a simple computer on top. On the computer's screen, she saw the device, sitting on top of the Agency. On one of the room's walls, she noticed four pictures of a man. He looked familiar, like someone she's seen on the island. Before she can think any further, the same flash of light appeared, sending Skye back to the island. All the other EGO members seemed just as confused as she was. Were they all sent to that office?

"Everyone else saw that, right?" Lynx asked.

"I did." Journey said.

Meowcles meowed. The device gathered more energy from the pillars and then shot even more energy at the storm, sending it back. The device seemed to overload and cause another bright flash. Skye and the others were sent back to the office. Skye took another look at the desk. There were three folders that all had big red stamps that read "Top Secret" on them. Each of the folders had an image of a person clipped on to them. The first one had a picture of Midas, the second had a picture of a woman who Skye didn't actually know. She had to have some relation to EGO. The third image was of Lynx. Skye jumped slightly at the sudden sound of somebody opening the door. The person who opened it was the  one Skye heard talking earlier. The man looked up from his phone call, shocked to see Skye.

"You? W-Wait, can you hear me?" The man said.

Skye nodded, but before she could talk, the giant flash returned, sending her back to the island. She and the others watched the device battle the storm for dominance. The device seemed to be winning, and soon, sent the storm far, far away. Doing that seemed to be too much for the device. It exploded. Some of the EGO members were inside the crater that was once the Agency, the rest were outside. No matter where they were, they were all affected by this.

Remedy hoped Midas wasn't still in there.

"Remedy, help!" Cameo called.

Remedy looked to see Cameo trying to comfort Skye who was crying her eyes out because Tina was struck through the chest by a long, piece of metal when the device blew up most of the Agency.

"Shit!" Remedy said, rushing to help Tina.

Soon, the storm started to return because of the destroyed device. Now, the storm has changed due to the device's failure. It was now a giant wave of water, defying the laws of physics. Turk stared at the now destroyed Agency, hoping that ALTER  wouldn't see how vulnerable EGO currently was. They were all hopeless without Midas.

Later that night they were all forced to escape the ruins that was once the Agency because Turk was right. That night, ALTER raided the Agency's ruins and the EGO members escaped in two boats, looking back at the ALTER who were claiming what was once their's.

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