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Midas stood in his room, staring at the mirror. He didn't know if he should call that raid a win. ALTER did retreat and they did seize the base but they screwed it up so badly. Midas grabbed a shirt to put on and placed his key card against the reader. The door opened up and when he was getting his shirt on, he bumped into someone. He finished getting his shirt on and saw that Remedy was standing there.

"Oh, hey." Midas said.

Remedy was looking at Midas, a bit nervously. She was holding a letter.

"Well I, uh, didn't expect to tell you this face to face." Remedy said, anxiously, showing Midas the letter. "Since the day we met, I've slowly been gaining an interest in you and-"

"You want to go on a date with me?" Midas predicted.

Remedy couldn't help but grin shyly. "I thought it would be a great to know you better."


Remedy smiled. "Ok, since I gotta get to work on my files on ALTER, take this, it'll tell you about the place I wanna go." Remedy said, handing Midas the letter.

She rushed off to her work. Midas stared down at the letter, smiling. He folded it into his pocket and went off to his own work.


Midas sat at his desk, papers and holograms surrounding him.

"Woah, you've been working hard. I'm guessing you're trying to find out more about Oro?" Lynx said, walking by. She walked over to Midas.

"Yeah." Midas said tiredly, looking at the files.

One contained a picture of Oro's face. Midas noticed the scar on Oro's eye. Midas placed his hand on the scar on his eye.

"Lynx?" Midas said.

"Yeah?" Lynx replied.

"I think Oro might be me. From the future. Maybe the Zero Point caused him to be here."

Lynx looked at the photo of Oro, she then looked to Midas. Same scar on the same eye. Both have the power to turn things to gold.


All of the ALTER members sat hopelessly on an island near Sweaty Sands. Oro and the others knew if they went back to the base, EGO would find out pretty quickly. Scratch sat on the edge of the island. The small waves smacked against his suit. He looked to his left to see a big seashell decorated with wood. Rocks surrounded it. Scratch noticed tiny, colorful dots on it. Scratch crawled over to the seashell. On the rocks were small, cute blobs. They were singing some sort of song together. Scratch poked one on the head. It turned around (still singing) and looked up at Scratch. He smiled at the cute blob things. He looked back at the water and watched the waves. As night grew closer, Scratch headed back to see that the other ALTER members have built a big, but simple shelter for all of them. There were strong, golden supports that held everything up. Scratch kicked his backpack into the corner and laid down, using the backpack as a pillow.

"Where were you when we worked our asses off, building this thing." Toxin asked.

"Nothing really." Scratch replied.

He got on his side so he wouldn't have to see anyone. He slowly and carefully pulled one of those blob things out of a pocket on his backpack. Scratch smiled as he watched the little blob walk around on his hand.

"I'll bring you back home tomorrow." Scratch whispered, hoping nobody heard him.


Remedy knocked on Midas' door. She was a bit nervous. In a moment, Midas opened the door. He was surprised by Remedy's gorgeous red dress. Midas was at a loss for words. He started to blush. Remedy smiled as got Midas out of his room. The two of them were a bit nervous. Once they arrived at their destination, they got their seats at a booth and waited.

"Have you gone on a date before?" Midas asked.

"No. I never took into consideration that somebody probably liked me, but here we are." Remedy replied, nervously.

They waited for the waiter and once he arrived, they took their order.

"Hey, after we eat, do you want to head down to the beach watch the stars?" Midas asked.

"Sure." Remedy replied. "The others probably won't notice that we're gone so we got some time to kill."

The waiter brought their food and drinks. They ate their meals, discussed movies, technology, and other things, finding out they had a lot more in common then they expected. Once everything was done, Midas left the money for the waiter and the two of them headed out. They walked over to the beach and stared at the beautiful ocean. Remedy noticed a big seashell near the water. She quickly went over to it. She inspected it for a little bit. She never saw anything like it. Remedy walked back over to Midas and plopped down next to him, showing him the seashell.

"Wait, theres something in that." Midas said, poking the seashell.

Remedy looked inside of it to see something slimy. It was purpled and it shifted around the shell.

"Hello there." Remedy said.

The "creature" slowly came out of the shell. It had a big smile and small, beady eyes. It began swaying back and forth, singing. Remedy and Midas smiled at the little creature.

"It seems lonely." Midas said.

"Well I was going to bring the seashell back to the HQ, so I guess I can raise this little guy, too." Remedy replied, petting the blob.

Once they arrived back at EGO HQ, Remedy and Midas went to their rooms. Midas stripped off his shirt and placed it, neatly in his closet. He looked at the blacked out window on the side of his room. He pressed a button that changed the color of the window. Now what was behind it was visible. A giant machine. The Doomsday Device.

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