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Midas stood in the shower contemplating if his switch from EGO to ALTER was worth it. Once he was done showering, Midas dried himself off and wrapped his towel around his waist. He was headed to his room to change into his normal clothes when he passed by Scratch.

"Hey, 8-Ba- I mean, Scratch, when you left EGO, did you feel guilty." Midas asked.

"A little, yeah. After awhile, you feel better though." Scratch replied.

The door to Midas' room automatically opened for him like usual and closed behind him. Midas plopped down on the bed. He forgot to worry about changing his clothes. He just sat there on the bed, wearing nothing but a towel and thinking about nothing but those he had betrayed.


The Fortilla was a mess. All the EGO leaders were captured besides Rippley and Siona, who were left to command an entire army of henchmen. After awhile of trying to calm the crowd, Siona rushed to the meeting room and shakily sat down in one of the chairs.

"I can't do this!" Siona sobbed. "I'm not a leader. Anything but a leader!"

Soon Rippley joined Siona. He patted Siona on the back as he made noises. Despite being nothing but gibberish, Rippley's noises felt comforting to Siona. Siona placed her hand around Rippley's slimey shoulder and smiled.

"At least I'm not alone." Siona said, sniffling.

Siona stood up and took a deep breath in and then out.

"Rippley. We will save our friends, and I have a plan!"

Hours later, it was now night. Siona commanded boats all around the Authority and would give the boats a signal when to fire. No shadow henchmen were in sight. A perfect opportunity. Siona signaled for attack. All the boats around the Authority fired at the dark colored building and the wall around it. All the ALTER members inside were definently alerted now. The EGO members all heard the approaching shadow henchmen.

"Fire again!" Siona yelled.

The boats fired once more, this time hitting a bunch of the oncoming henchmen.

"Ok, let's go!" Siona called.

Siona, Rippley, Meowscles, and Skye rushed out of their boats and headed towards a hole in the wall with a bunch of ghost henchmen. They all opened fire on the incoming barrage of shadow henchmen. Dodging their bullets, Siona jumped into a bush.

"Once they're all gone, meet me at the entrance." Siona whispered to the others.

Meowscles nodded, throwing a grenade at the henchmen. All those henchmen would be finished soon. Siona stayed along the edge of the wall, where it was damp with water and covered in plant life. She wouldn't be seen. She saw an opportunity to run to a window. She quietly bolted to the Authority while dropping a grenade next to the henchmen. Once hugging the Authority's wall, Siona dived through the open window and rolled on impact, hoping to suppress her noise. She watched outside for a moment. The others were holding off the henchmen soon. If any other henchmen would arrive to her position, then Siona would take them down. While looking out the window, Siona's guard was down. She felt a cold barrel press against the back of her neck.

"You seem a little lost." Jules said, cocking the gun.

Siona smirked, nodding to the window. Jules' eyes widened to the sight of a ghost henchman aiming her down. He fired, the bullet grazed Jules' shirt, not even damaging her skin. Jules stumbled back a little, giving Siona enough time to recover. Siona pulled a small butterfly knife from her pocket and shanked Jules in the stomach.

"Oh shit." Jules coughed, backing up into a table.

Siona punched Jules, knocking her out. Siona ripped the knife out of Jules and quickly bandaged her wound. They'll need her for later. Siona propped Jules' unconscious body against the wall and handcuffed her. Soon, Meowscles burst through the Authority's entrance, expecting oncoming Shadow henchmen with Rippley and Skye while the rest of the EGO leaders infiltrated elsewhere.

"Let's check downstairs, we had a prison there when this place was ours." Skye informed.

As Skye lead, the group headed down the stairs and made their way to the prison cells. The two shadow henchmen guarding the prison were taken care of quickly with a revolver. Skye took one of the key cards and used it to enter the prison. Surprisingly, nobody was there.

"Guys? Anyone here?" Skye called out.

"Skye?" Ocean asked, popping her head out from a corner.

"How'd you guys get out of your cuffs? Did you even have cuffs?"

"Well, yeah, but Midas broke us out!"

Midas hesitantly appeared from the corner, dawning an awkward smile.

"Well you guys must've been wondering where I've been." Midas mumbled.

"He ditched us." Remedy replied, angrily.

"Well, at least I came back to you all! I couldn't leave you guys forever!"

"I went on a date with you. I fell in love with you so badly! Then you decided to fuck that Jules woman out of nowhere. How long did you know her, huh!?"

"Remedy! Now's not the time." Siona interrupted.

Remedy was about to reply until they were cut off by panicked noises from Rippley. Rippley was pointing down the hall.

"Ah, shit. We have company." Siona said.

Meowscles cracked his knuckles, then aimed his gun at the door. The others aimed too. Remedy gave Midas a glare. The stomping of henchmen grew louder. Siona tightened her grip on the gun until, they heard gunshots. The walking stopped. Then started again, but instead of the stomping of boots, it was the sound of just a few people walking. Cameo, turned around the corner.

"Hey guys!" Cameo said excitedly.

Journey turned the corner too.

"I think we cleared this place out." Journey said.

"Is 8-Ball with you?" Remedy asked.

"No? Why would he be with us?"


"What's so special about him? Didn't he betray us."

"Its a long story. He wants to join back, he learned his mistake. I just hope he's okay."

Remedy plopped down on the hard floor, forcing back the urge to tear up.

"We'll come back to find him, we got to-" Journey was cut off by a gunshot.

Journey felt up her back in disbelief, the blood dripped down her back, and onto the floor.

"No!" Turk yelled, rushing to Journey.

Remedy went to help. She really wished she had her bandage bazooka to hurry this up.

"I think you might of forgotten about us." Riptide entered the room.

He was followed by Toxin, Chic, some Sludges, a half conscious Jules, and of course, Oro. Midas stared at Oro.

Oro materialized two spikes made of gold into his hands.

"Shall we dance?" Chic smirked.

"Hell yeah." Midas replied.

Altered [Fortnite Fanfiction Spinoff] [✔]Where stories live. Discover now