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"You want to come back!?" Remedy asked, stunned.

"Well not exactly, but I guess I ca-" Scratch got cut off by Remedy pulling Scratch into a hug.

Once they pulled away from eachother, Remedy smiled at Scratch. Then she gave him a hard punch to the side of the head.

"Oh, god damn it! Ok yeah, I guess I deserved that for leaving EGO in the first place." Scratch said, rubbing the side of his, now bruised, head.

"I missed you so much, 8-Ball." Remedy said, pulling Scratch into a kiss.

She quickly pulled away as the thought of Midas returned to her. Scratch smiled a little bit at Remedy's action.

"Ok, I think we had enough talking. When do we attack Oro? If we don't hurry and come up with a plan soon, all my friends will be dead." Remedy said.

"Oh, I was just thinking of stabbing him in the back after we're done talking. We gotta hurry, right?" Scratch replied.


Oro stared down proudly at the EGO members and henchmen. He knew that eventually, ALTER would come out victorious in this battle. Judging by what EGO was hitting ALTER with, Oro estimated that EGO's defeat was very close. Oro chuckled. He turned around to head inside of the Authority. Oro waited for a moment for the door to automatically open for him, but once he did, he was greeted by Scratch who had his blade driven through Oro's rib cage. Oro stumbled back.

"I never thought you'd betray me, but here we are. Also, come on, I'm a skeleton. You just stabbed me. What difference does that make?" Oro started. "Henchmen!"

Half of the Shadow henchmen in the area all aimed their weapons at Remedy and Scratch. There was no getting out of this. Oro headed over to the ledge of the Authority; where he was before.

"Listen up, agents of EGO!" Oro called out. "I don't know if you know, but all of your henchmen and leaders are getting annihilate. Soon you'll be dead if you keep fighting, so let's make a deal! Surrender now and loose less henchmen or these two die!"

A henchman brought Remedy and Scratch closer to the ledge for everyone to see.

"Is that 8-Ball?" Turk whispered from one of the boats.

All the members of EGO were hesitant for a quick moment about surrendering, but they caved in. The sound of metal weapons being dropped against wood, metal, and water seemed to echoed through the island.

"Lock them up. All of them." Oro instructed.

It seemed like an hour later, even though it was a few minutes when Remedy woke up and noticed she was with Turk and Ocean in a large metal room with bulletproof windows on two of the walls. The three of them were laying on angled metal tables with cushioning. The cushions on the tables felt out of place for what seemed to be a torture room. Gotta keep your prisoners comfortable. Remedy's thoughts were stopped by the loud sound of the metal door to the room being slammed open and then shut and locked right after by a woman with black pigtails, Jules. The mechanical owl that Jules created sat on Jules' shoulder, eyeing the prisoners.

"Ok. Interrogation time." Jules called put, clapping her hands once.

"You won't get anything out of me!" Remedy replied, shifting on the table.

Jules walked up to Remedy and was now inches away from her.

"Oh I can make you talk." Jules muttered. "Well, listen up, you EGO scum! Midas doesn't know where your new base is so anyone here want to tell me? Yes? No? Maybe so?"

Remedy's eyes widened.

"Midas!?" She exclaimed.

"Yeah? What about him?"

"I can't believe he's alive! I just want to see him again and give him a big kiss."

Jules headed over to Ocean, ignoring Remedy.

"What can you tell me about your new base, huh?" Jules asked.

"Nothing, bitch! You'll never find it and if you do, its heavily guarded and there is no way you'll get through the security." Ocean replied, grinning. Ocean spat on Jules.

Jules' owl screeched from across the room. Jules pulled out a taser baton, powered it on, and pressed against Ocean's stomach with it. Ocean screamed in agony as the incredibly powerful baton shocked the nerves all around her body.

"Ok everyone, better start talking." Jules smiled as she slowly approached Turk. Her smile faded. "Where's your base?" Jules pointed the baton at Turk.

"You're not getting anything outta me." Turk said, getting ready for pain.

Jules then repeatedly jabbed Turk's forehead with the baton for a few seconds. Turk yelled as the pain consumed his brain. Jules left Turk with a splitting headache. Jules smiled at Remedy.

"I gotta quick question for you, medic girl. Did you have feelings for Midas?" Jules asked.

"Maybe." Remedy snarled.

Jules chuckled. "Oh, you should've seen the way he made me moan when we had sex. He's pretty good at that, you know."

Color drained from Remedy's face.

"No." Remedy whispered. "It can't be true."

"Oh well, it is. Now don't get all mushy and just tell me where your base is." Jules twirled the baton.


"Oops, your lose."

Jules slammed the baton into Remedy's stomach, enjoying the screams.

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